"Многообразный мир профессий" и "Черты характера профессиональных деятелей"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Приложение 1

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children! (Good morning, teacher!)

- I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)

- How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

- I’m fine, thank you. Take your seats, please. Who is absent today? (Nick / Kate is absent.)

- Why is he / she absent? (He / she is ill.)

- What is the day of the week today? What is the date? (Today is Friday, the 30th of January.)

- What is the weather like today? Do you like such weather? What is your favourite season? (Anna: Today is cold, windy, frosty, snowy and slippery. I don’t like such weather. My favourite season is summer.)

- Today we shall play different games, revise the jobs and traits of character, do some exercises, listen to some texts and answer the questions.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

- Children, do you remember all English sounds? Let’s check it up. Please look at my cards. Who can name the sound and say any words with it?

Учитель показывает детям транскрипционные значки и просит назвать звуки, изображенные на карточках, и слова с этим звуком.

  • [s] – sportsman, stupid, dentist;
  • [v] – clever, vet, loving;
  • [p] – player, postman, pupil;
  • [r] – rude, driver, librarian;
  • [m] – modern, impolite, computer programmer;
  • [z] – close, pleasant, businessman;
  • [k] – curious, creative, caring;
  • [aI] – writer, guide, driver.

- Thank you, children. Good for you.

3. Речевая разминка.

- I want you to play and remember the English nouns now. We shall name the occupations of those people whom you can see on the blackboard. I’ll tell you what this person does and you’ll name the job.

Играем в игру «Вспомнить все!». Учащиеся отгадывают профессии и называют номер соответствующей картинки. Все картинки под номерами.

- A person who gives us the books we need. (a librarian.)

- When you have problems with your teeth you must see him / her. (a dentist.)

- A woman who helps the doctor to cure sick people in the hospital. (a nurse.)

- A person who is dressed in a dark suit and a white shirt in any office. (an office worker.)

- A person who is crazy about computers and writes his own programmes. (a computer programmer.)

- A person who knows about social problems and learns a lot of laws. (a lawyer.)

- A person who helps sick animals. (a vet.)

- A woman who is at home the whole day cleaning the house, cooking and looking after children. (a housewife.)

- Excellent!

4. Проверка домашнего задания.

- Now let’s check up your hometask which was also devoted to the topics “The world of occupations” and “Characteristics of professionals”.

Учитель организует проверку упр.6, с.56. из домашнего задания. Учащиеся по очереди переводят словосочетания с русского на английский, а в конце отвечают на вопрос “How many jobs did we use in our homework exercise?”

5. Тренировка лексических навыков по теме «Профессии».

- Now let’s do some exercises from your textbooks.

Выполняют упр.24, стр.48 из учебника – находят соответствия между предложениями и картинками, затем по очереди называют профессии людей на этих картинках.

6. Физкультминутка.

- Are you tired? Let us do simple physical exercises for our health. Stand up and repeat after me.

Go, go, go, run, run, run, go, go, go, jump, jump, jump,
Go, go, go, swim, swim, swim, go, go, go, sing, sing, sing,
Go, go, go, touch your legs, go, go, go, turn right and left your necks,
Go, go, go, shake yourselves a bit, go, go, go, take your seats.

Учащиеся повторяют слова и действия за учителем.

7. Тренировка навыков устной речи.

- Open your books page 49, exercise 25. Say what characteristics are necessary for the following jobs and why you think so. (A nurse should be kind, friendly and responsible because she works in the hospital. She helps doctors to cure people. It is important for the nurse to be sociable.)

Учитель организует выполнение данного упражнения. Учащиеся называют подобранные характеристики и аргументируют свой выбор. Если дети испытывают затруднения при аргументации, учитель помогает им наводящими вопросами: Where does a librarian work? Is it important to be sociable for a driver? What does the lawyer do? Etc.

8. Развитие навыков аудирования.

- Today we shall listen to the stories of a man and a woman about their jobs. Guess what they are. Be very careful and attentive!

Учитель организует прослушивание и обсуждение с учащимися сначала текста №1, потом текста №2.

Текст №1.

- What is the man’s job? (He is a farmer.) How can you guess that Mr. Hopkins is a farmer? (He works out-of-doors almost the whole year. He has some sheep. His family helps him to feed, treat and clean animals.) Who helped him to take care of animals? (His wife and two sons do.) Does Mr. Hopkins wear a special uniform? (No, he doesn’t.) Does he like his job? (Yes, he does.)

Текст №2.

- What is Mrs. Clifford? (She is a librarian.) How can you prove it? (There are a lot of different books, newspapers and magazines at her work place. She works both with people and books.) What does she do? (She helps people to find necessary books and magazines, tells about modern writers and novels.) Does she love her job? (Yes, she does. She thinks her job is very important.)

- A brilliant work!

9. Развитие навыков орфографии.

- Open your workbooks at page 24, find exercise 19. The task is to write characteristics needed for the following jobs. Please use ex. 25 from your students’ books as an example.

Первую графу заполняют вместе с учителем на доске как образец, дальше выполняют самостоятельно, проговаривая, проверяя и записывая.

- A housewife should be hospitable, pleasant and creative.

10. Активизация лексических навыков по темам «Многообразный мир профессий» и «Черты характера настоящих профессионалов».

- Well-done, it was a very informative lesson today. Now you have learnt a lot of occupations, characteristics of different people. Let us do revision exercises to sum the information up. While some of you are doing written tasks, other students translate Russian word combinations into English.

5 учащихся выполняют индивидуальные задания (на карточках) в то время, пока остальные переводят предложенные учителем фразы с русского на английский. Как только заканчивается устный опрос, собираются и выполненные письменные работы.

Устный опрос. Добрый друг - …Современный фермер - …Хороший юрист - …Близкая (дружная) семья - …Творческая работа - …Умное животное - …Гостеприимная и изобретательная домашняя хозяйка - … Добрый и общительный водитель - …Сильный и смелый спортсмен - …Несчастный пес - …Творческий (изобретательный) писатель - …Общительная медсестра - …Вежливый продавец - …Заботливый ветеринар - …Ответственный телохранитель - …Любознательный ученик - …Понимающий учитель - …Современные профессии - …Хорошие черты характера - …

Письменный опрос. Приложение 2

11. Итог урока.

Учитель выставляет отметки, благодарит за проделанную работу, задает домашнее задание, объясняет его выполнение.

Home Assignment: учебник – с.56, упр.9. (Учащиеся встают.)

- Our lesson is over. Good-bye, children. (Good-bye, teacher.) You may be free. (Thank you for the lesson.)

Приложение 3