Урок-откровение "Мое увлечение"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Практические задачи: Совершенствовать речевые умения, предоставить учащимся возможность использовать язык как средство общения, повышение интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

Воспитательная задача: Воспитывать детей в духе уважения друг к другу, к делам других людей.

Пособия: Рисунки, различные предметы.

Ход урока

Teacher – Good morning! Nice to meet you. Today we shall speak about your hobbies, about what you like to do. Look at the blackboard. Whose pictures are these? What can you see in these pictures? (Дети отвечают на вопрос учителя) And now answer the question, please. What are your hobbies? (Дети называют свои увлечения. My hobby is…)

Teacher – I see that Inna has a very nice camera. Inna, is it “Polaroid”

P1Yes, it is.

T. – Please, tell us about your hobby.

P1I have a camera and I like to take pictures.

P2Inna, what a nice camera you’re got!

P1Oh, Sveta, let me take your pictures. Please, sit down here.

P2Is that all right?

P1 It’s fine. Take these flowers.

P2 What film have you got? Colour or black and white?

P1 I have a colour film. Look here. Take your picture.

P2 Thank you.

T. – Now, tell me please. Have you any pets? As for me I have a pet. It is a small dog. It’s name is Tosya. We like it very much. And what about you? (Дети говорят о своих любимых животных)

T. – Yulya, please, tell us about your pet.

P. – I have a pet. It is my cat. It’s name is Dasha. It is fifteen months old. It likes milk very much. Dasha is fat. I love my cat.

T. – I know that you have a lot of friends. I have friends too. Their names are Inna Vyacheslavovna and Svetlana Aleksandrovna. Children, what are your friends’ names?

P1 My friend’s name is …

P2My friends’ names are…

T. – When we meet our friends at home we give them tea, scones, fruit. Do you like to meet your friends at home?

Cl. – Yes, we do.

T. – Dima, show us, please, how you meet your friend. (Дима и Рома исполняют сценку “Встреча гостя”)

P1Please, come in.

P2 Thank you.

P1 Please, sit down. Would you like a cup of tea?

P2 Yes, please.

P1 Help yourself to scones.

P2 – Thank you.

P1 – What about some cream?

P2 – No, thank you. Could you pass me the sugar, please?

P1 – Yes, here you are.

P2 – Can I have another cup of tea?

P1 – Yes, certainly. (Etc.)

T. – Do you like sport?

P3 – Yes, I do.

T. – What are your favourite sports, children? (Дети называют любимые виды спорта My favourite sport is…)

T. – Oh, Dima and Sasha, your clothes are very unusual. Please, tell us about your favourite sport.

P1 – We like sport very much.

P2 – My favourite sport is sambo. Dima’s brother teaches us.

T. – Now, show, how you train yourselves. (Дети показывают фрагмент тренировки)

T. – Sport is very good for your health. But many children like music. What are your favourite groups and singers? (Дети называют дюбимые группы и певцов)

T. – Danya, you like music very much. Please, play something.

P. – I like music. I go to music school. I play the violin. My teacher is… Now, I shall play for you. (Ученик исполняет мелодию. Аплодисменты)

T. – It is time to have a physical training minute. Sergey, help us, please.

P. – Stand up.
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up. Hands to the sides.
Bend left, bend right.
Hands on hips. 1, 2, 3 – hop!
1, 2, 3 – stop! Sit down.

T. – Olesya, what do you like to do?

P1 – As for me I like to phone my friends and to speak on the telephone. Now I shall ring Tanya up.

P1 – Hello!

P2 – Hello, Olesya!

P1 – Oh, hello, Tanya! How are you?

P2 – Fine, thanks. And you?

P1 – I’m fine. Let’s go to the cinema today.

P2 – Yes, all right. See you, Bye.

T. – I like riddles. And do you like riddles?

Cl. – Yes, we do.

T. – You know Russian riddles, but Antosha knows English riddles. Please, Antosha, tell us some riddles and we try to give answers.

P. – Two little brothers
Johny and Sam
Sit down to have
Some tea with ____. (jam)

I love my mother,
I love my father,
I love my sister
And my big ____. (brother)

My father’s son is not my brother. Who is he? (This is me)

My uncle has a brother.

He is not my uncle. Who is he? (Your father)

T. – And I have prepared one riddle for you. Listen to me, please.

“It is small. It is delicious. We can chew it. What is it?” (Chewing-gum)

T. – On the 8th of March we celebrate Mother’s Day. Do you love your mothers? Andrew, please, read a poem about your mother.

P. – You have your mothers,
I agree, they are fine.
You love your mothers,
And I love mine.

T. – Do you help your mothers? Do you go shopping? What things do you like to buy? (Дети отвечают на вопросы учителя)

Сценка “В магазине”

P1 – Hello.

P2 – Hello.

P1 – Two apples, orange-juice, bread and butter, please.

P2 – Here you are.

P1 – Thank you. Good-bye.

P2 – You are welcome. Good-bye/

T. – I know that you like to sing songs. Let’s sing how we have to help our mothers.

Cl. – Help your mother set the table
With a knife, a fork and spoon.
Help your mother set the table
Every afternoon.

T. – Boys, do you know that the girls of your form like to jump? They jump very well. Tanya will read a poem about jumping.

P. – Jump the rope, jump the rope,
Jump, jump, jump.
Jump it high, jump it low.
Jump, jump, jump.
Jump it fast, jump it slow.
Jump, jump, jump.

(Дети показывают, как они прыгают через резинку)

T. – We have spoken about your hobbies. And do you know what your parents’ hobbies are? (Дети говорят об увлечениях своих родителей. My mother’s hobby is… My father’s hobby is…)

T. – Andrew, tell us about your family. (Ученик рассказывает о своей семье и об увлечениях членов семьи)

T. – I’ve invited Natasha’s mother. She will tell us about her hobby.

M. – My hobby is cooking. I shall tell you how prepare a sponge-cake. Mix 1 cup of sugar and 4 eggs. Add 1 cup of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking-powder. Mix it again. Bake it 15 – 20 minutes in a hot oven. Enjoy yourself. (Дети слушают рассказ мамы и стараются перевести рецепт)

T. – Every child likes to play. Let’s play our game “Are you English?” (Игра)

T. – That’s good. Sit down, please. It’s time to finish our lesson. You have known much about your friends’ hobbies. It was great pleasure to listen to you . I think Danil will be a good musician and Sasha and Dima will be world-known sportsmen. You are good children. The lesson is over. Good-bye.