Разработка урока английского языка в 10-м классе по теме "Языки и национальности англоговорящих стран"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Учебный аспект - развитие навыков говорения, аудирования и чтения;

Развивающий аспект-развитие умения обобщать, описывать, используя опорные слова, строить сообщение с использованием диаграмм и статистических данных;

Воспитательный аспект- формирование чувства национальной гордости и толерантности

Оснащение: Мультимедиа проектор, раздаточный материал, магнитофон


I. Организационный момент и приветствие

II. Введение в тему урока. (Презентация. Слайд №1)

III. Речевая зарядка

Т: We continue the topic “Languages and nationalities in English –speaking countries” But at first tell me how you understand the statement “Australia is a multicultural society”(слайд №2)


  1. People of different nationalities live there
  2. They have different customs and traditions
  3. Life style is different
  4. They have different cuisine
  5. There are different religious groups in the country
  6. Family life differs very much
  7. They speak different languages

T: Give the definition of the expression “a multicultural country”

P1: It is a country where various religions, languages, cuisine, family relations and life styles are presented.

T: And what do you think about the appearances?

IV. Развитие навыков аудирования

1. Предваряющее задание, активизация лексики (описание с использованием опорных слов (слайд №3)

T: Look at the photos, describe the appearances of the people presented at them and tell what nationality they are

P : A. This picture shows a girl whose eyes are dark and slanting. She has thick black hair, a small nose and a yellowish complexion. It seems to me that she is rather short. And I can suppose that she is a Chinese or a Vietnam­ese

B. These two men presented at the picture have got dark hair, dark brown eyes and dark skin. One of them is rather young, the next is middle-aged. They have also got moustache. I am sure that they are Muslims so they might be Lebanese.

С. She is a young beautiful girl with long dark hair, brown eyes, light brow skin. I suppose that she is Spanish.

D. The picture shows us a tall person with pale complexion, blue eyes, fair hair. I believe that she is German.

E. It is a young girl with black curly hair and dark skin. Her nose is flattish and wide. Her eyes are brown. I am sure that she is from Africa.

V. Аудирование

Т: Listen to five small texts and match the numbers to the pictures.

Text 1. People from countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden are usually tall with fair hair, blue eyes and a pale complexion.

Text 2. Most people in Mediterranean countries, such as Italy,

Spain and Greece are rather short. They have usually got black or dark brown hair, brown eyes and light brown skin.

Tex 3. Most people from central parts of Africa have got dark curly hair and very dark skin. They have also got dark brown eyes, full lips and a wide, flattish nose.

Text 4. People from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya have usually got dark brown eyes .They have also got dark skin.

Text 5. The northern Chinese are quite short ,with thick black hair and a dark, slanting eyes .They have got a small nose and a yellowish complexion.

VI. Проверка понимания прослушанного

Answers: P1, P2 … P3

T: Check yourselves (слайд №4)

What areas do they come from?

Answers: P1, P2 …

VII. Развитие навыков говорения (c использованием диаграммы)(слайд №5).

Study the diagram about the ethnic groups living in Australia and prove that being an Australian means being apart of a mixed community

P1: According to the latest statistic the population of Australia is more than 19 mil­lion people. Australia is a multicultural country. It is home to people from about 200 nations. Among them are Europeans, Asians, and Aborigines. Though the population is mainly English in background more than a quarter of its residents were born overseas. The main countries of origin are the UK, Ireland, New Zea­land, Europe, former Eastern Bloc countries, Lebanon and South East Asia. Al­though English is the main language spoken one in five Australians speaks other language. Italian, Greek, Arabic, Chinese and Spanish are the foreign languages most commonly spoken. All immigrants have brought something worthwhile. The hard work of Chinese, the music (and cheerfulness) of the West Indians and strong family life of the Pakistanis and people from Bangla Desh can all teach something. They add some life and colour to our Australian cities.

VIII. Развитие навыков диалогической речи (с использованием статистических данных).

Teacher: Russia is a melting pot of different cultures too. And as for Kuban it is a multicultural region number one. (Слайд №5)

Let’s imagine that …

P1- Is a statistician

P2-Is a journalist

T: Look at some statistics and make a dialogue about the population of the Kuban region. (слайд №6)

IX. Развитие навыков монологической речи (с использование опорных слов)

T: So you can see that the people of our region are mainly Russians in background. Speak about them using the next expressions. (слайд №7)

P1: Russia is a rich country. But it is true to say that Russia is most famous for its people. Whoever comes to Russia always finds wonderful people who live in cities, settlements and villages. Russian people are talented. Many of them are well-known all over the world.

Practically, everybody who comes to Russia says that Russian songs are very beautiful.

Russian people have made discoveries in different fields of science and industry, medicine and culture. We can say different things about our country. Something is good, something is bad. And people often criticize it. But everybody knows that Russian people are especial. They are open, kind and hospitable. Let’s hope that our new life won’t change them.

X. Развитие навыков чтения (поисковое чтение)

T: There are immigrants in all over the world. Read the text about the immigrants living in London and tell how they influence the life in Britain. (Слайд № 9)

P1, P2 …

XI. Домашнее задание (слайд №10).

XII. Подведение итогов урока.

T: I am sure that everybody is proud to be a Russian, but none of you will hurt the national feelings of other people.