Разработка урока в 6-м классе по английскому языку на тему "Мое любимое место в доме"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Закрепление и систематизация лексического материала по теме «Home».

Образовательные задачи:

  1. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме.
  2. Развивать навыки учащихся в таких видах речевой деятельности, как в говорении, аудировании, чтении.

Развивающие задачи:

  1. Развивать мышление, память, логику учащихся.

Воспитательные задачи:

  1. Развивать культуру общения на языке.
  2. Развивать творческие способности учащихся.


  • учебник;
  • картинки с изображением мебели;
  • раздаточный материал;
  • интерактивная доска;
  • телевизор и DVD.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. How are you? I’m glad you are fine. Today we continue speaking about your home and we’ll speak about your favourite place at your home. But first of all I’d like to ask you one questions:

Do you like your home? Why?

Look at the blackboard, choose the answer you like best and make up a sentence.

    I like my home because

    -it is the place where I live

    -only at home I can relax and rest

    -it is a pleasant place to be

    -I can invite guests there

    -only at home I feel myself in safety

    -our home is our castle

    -I can do whatever I want there

(учащиеся составляют ответы по таблице)

2. Автоматизация ранее усвоенного материала.

Teacher: So, each of you likes your homes. And it is wonderful!

Well, you know last week we got a letter from Jack Blake, from London. In his letter he described his house. Let us read and answer some questions on the text then.

(каждому ребенку раздаётся печатный вариант текста. 3 – 4 человека читают текст вслух, а затем работают в парах и отвечают на предложенные вопросы).

Dear Friend,

My name is Jack. I am 12. I am from London. I live with my parents and my sister in semi – detached house with a small garden. We have three bedrooms, a sitting – room, a kitchen and a bathroom. I have got the lightest bedroom. It’s not big, but it’s nice. I like drawing there. My room is my favourite place at home, because I can relax and rest there.

Do you live in a house or in a flat? Do you like your home? Why? What is your favourite place at home?

I hope some of you will write a letter to me and tell about your home.

Lots of love

from Jack.


  1. Where is Jack from?
  2. What kind of house does he live in?
  3. What other kinds of houses do you know?
  4. How many rooms are there in his house? What are they?
  5. What is his favourite place at home? Why?

Teacher: Great. I think you’ll write short letters to Jack.. And now let us relax, rest and sing all together an English song.

3. Минута отдыха на уроке.

Ребята поют шуточную песню на английском языке «Animal house» и танцуют (текст на интерактивной доске).

«Animal house»

  1. There is a Kangaroo in my kitchen,
    There is a hippo in my hall,
    There is a dinosaur in my dining room
    A hundred metres tall.

Refrain: My house is full of animals
I don’t know what to do.
I think I’m going crazy
I’m living in a zoo.

  1. There is a bison in my bathroom,
    There is a beetle in my bed,
    There is a turtle in my toilet
    With a hamster on his head.
  2. Refrain: There is a gopher in me garden,
    There is a tiger in my tree,
    There is a lion in my living room
    He’s watching my TV.
    Refrain: 2 times.
4. Основная часть урока.

Teacher: Well, Jack’s favourite place is his room. And do you have a favourite place in your house or flat?

Pupils’ possible answers:

Sure I have a favourite place in my flat. It is my room. etc.

Teacher: Let us watch video and listen to the interview. The correspondent wanted to know about your classmates’ favourite places in their houses or flats. Please, listen to the interview very attentively. Then you should answer some questions and describe your classmates’ favourite places in their houses of flats.

Просмотр видео (4 сюжета) (использование телевизора и DVD), сюжеты сняты заранее и записаны на DVD диск

Тексты сюжетов:

1 сюжет:

Correspondent: Good morning, I am a correspondent from teenager’s magazine “The world around us”. May I ask you some questions?

Pupil: Sure.

Correspondent: What’s your name?

Pupil: My name is Liza.

Correspondent: I’d like to know about your favourite place at home.

Pupil: Well I like me room best because it’s very comfortable. It is a place where I can relax and rest. There is a wardrobe, a bookcase, a bed and a computer desk. I like to have guests in my room.

Correspondent: Thanks.

2 сюжет:

Correspondent: Good morning, I am a correspondent from teenager’s magazine “The world around us”. May I ask you some questions?

Pupil: Yes, please.

Correspondent: Introduce yourself.

Pupil: My name is Yana.

Correspondent: Well, Yana, what is your favourite place at home?

Pupil: It is my room. I like it best because it’s a very bright room. It gets a lot of sunshine. There is a wardrobe and a very beautiful and soft carpet on the floor.

3 сюжет:

Correspondents: Good morning, I am a correspondent from teenager’s magazine “The world around us”. May I ask you some questions?

Pupil: Of course, you may.

Correspondents: Could you tell me your name please.

Pupil: My name is Anya.

Correspondent: Anya, what is your favourite place at home?

Pupil: I like our sitting – room best, because it’s very comfortable. I like to be in this room with my parents. We watch TV, talk, discuss different problems. There is a wall – unit, a sofa, two armchairs and a TV – set.

4 сюжет:

Correspondent: Good morning, I am a correspondent from teenager’s magazine “The world around us”. May I ask you some questions?

Pupil: Yes, sure.

Correspondent: What’s your name?

Pupil: My name is Nastya.

Correspondent: Nastya, what is your favourite place at home?

Pupil: Well, I like our kitchen best because I’m fond of cooking. Usually all our family gather in the kitchen, we have supper together and talk. There are two cupboards, a fridge, a big table and four chairs.

Correspondent: Thank you very much.

Questions: Работа в режиме Т-Р

What is Liza’s (Anya’s, Nastya’s, and Yana’s) favourite place at home? Why? What furniture is there in Liza’s (Yana’s) room, Anya’s setting – room, Nastya’s kitchen?

С помощью картинок на магнитах с изображением мебели учащихся на доске делают интерьер любимых комнат учащихся.

And now describe the pupil’s favourite rooms. Let’s do it in groups. Then some of you will describe the room.

(Класс делится на 4 группы, каждая группа выбирает себе карточку с именем того ребёнка, у кого брали интервью. Учащиеся каждой группы вместе составляют рассказ, о какой – либо комнате из сюжета,1 ученик затем воспроизводит рассказ).

Possible story:

P1: Liza’s favourite place at home is her own room. As far as I remember. She likes it best because her room is very comfortable. It is a place where she can relax and rest. There is a wardrobe, a bookcase, a bed, a computer desk in her room. She likes to have guests in her room.

Teacher: Thank you. Well done. And do you know the difference between the words “house” and “home”.

Учащиеся объясняют значения этих слов.

Now let’s open your books, page 138 ex. 53. Fill in: home or house.

5.Домашнее задание.

Answer Jack please. Write him a letter. Describe your favourite place in your flat.

6.Подведение итогов урока.

Everybody was very active today, so I think I should give you only good and excellent marks. And I want you to work this way at every lesson. Our lesson is over, good – bye.