"Lake Baikal" с лексико-грамматическими заданиями для развития навыков чтения (8-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Скука на уроке - один из самых неприятных  и трудно устранимых недостатков нашего учительского труда. На начальном этапе иностранный язык хотят учить все и берутся за это с большим энтузиазмом. Потом появляется усталость и скука. Все это, а также новое содержание образования требует от учителей – практиков искать новые формы преподавания. В своей работе для повышения мотивации и интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, на стадии формирования навыков изучающего чтения, часто применяю метод «инсерт». С помощью данного приема возможно решение целого спектра лексико - грамматических задач, так как любой текст богат речевыми образцами и грамматическими структурами. Этот прием работает и на стадии осмысления. Во время чтения необходимо попросить учащихся делать пометки на полях, а после прочтения текста, заполнить таблицу, где значки станут заголовками граф  таблицы:

  • «v»  - уже знал
  • «+» - новое
  • « - « - думал иначе
  • «?» - не понял, есть вопросы.

Вашему вниманию предлагается газетная статья “Lake Baikal”, с использованием заданий, побуждающих учащихся к активному поисковому чтению, к оценочным высказываниям по прочитанному на тему “It’s a Wonderful Planet We Live on” (учебник  М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой “ Endjoy English”)

Ход урока

1. To begin with, try to predict the content of the article by using the words and phrases in the box bellow:

  oxygen-rich depth mineral-free volume at the bottom summer resort
one-fifth of the fresh water the pitch-dark environment
the Zabaikalsky and Pribaikalsky national parks

Lake Baikal, one of the most remarkable lakes in the world, is located in the southern part of eastern Siberia. It is the oldest existing freshwater lake on Earth (about 25 million years old), as well as the deepest continental body of water, with a maximum depth of 1,637 meters. It is about 621 km long and varies in width from about 14 to 80 km. The lake’s area makes it the third largest lake in Asia, the largest freshwater lake on the Eurasian continent and the eighth largest in the world. It is also the world’s largest freshwater lake by volume, containing about one-fifth of the water on the Earth’s surface.

The Baikal is fed by the Selenge, Bargusin, and Verkhnaya Angara rivers and more than 300 mountain streams.

Lake Baikal has several islands, the largest of which is Olkhon.

The Baikal is more biologically diverse than any other lake because oxygen-rich water circulates from its surface to its deepest depth. The lake’s mineral-free waters support an unusual population of organisms, including many species endemic to the lake. More than 1,000 species of animals and plants are not found anywhere else in the world.

The water of the bottom of the lake holds sufficient oxygen to allow animals to live at depth of over 1,600 m where geothermal vents provide warmth for communities of sponges, snails, worms, and fish that live in the pitch-dark environment.

Industries along the shores of Baikal include mining, the manufacture of cellulose and paper, shipbuilding, fisheries. A pulp and paper mill built on Lake Baikal’s southern shore in 1966 drew strong environmental protests from scientists and writers because its wastes were polluting the water, and in 1971 the Soviet government adopted a decree to protect the lake from polluting emissions.

The lake is a popular summer resort. There are many mineral springs, and visitors come to Goryachinsk for the curative properties of the waters.

A number of national parks and nature preserves have been established along its shores to protect the environment. The largest of them are the Zabaikalsky and Pribaikalsky national parks.

The Lake Baikal Coastal Protection Zone, covering the lake and its environs (a total of 88’000 square km), was created in 1987, and the same area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996.

While reading

2. Answer the following questions related to the text.

  1. Where is Lake Baikal located?
  2. What are its length, width, depth and volume?
  3. How many rivers and streams flow into the lake?
  4. Why is Baikal considered to be one of the most biologically diverted lakes in the world?
  5. What happened when the pulp and paper mill was built on Lake Baikal’s shore?
  6. When was the lake and its environs proclaimed as a UNESCO World Heritage site?

After reading

Vocabulary work.

3. Word-formation: match each word with a suffix. Do their meanings change? How?




- al








- or




- er




- th




- tion




- y




- free




- able




- ly

Work with a partner. Ask each other in turn if you can find the words and phrases which have the following equivalent meaning:

body of water

to exist

shore- line










national parks




4. Answer the questions on the introductory article.

  1. Can you spot the key sentence in each passage?
  2. What have you learnt about the geographical features of the lake?
  3. What have you learnt about its wild life?
  4. What is absolutely anxious in this article?
  5. What is the general message of the introductory article?

5. Give your reasons to support your opinion.