Животные в нашей жизни ("Animals")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Развитие лексических навыков по теме “Животные в нашей жизни”.


  1. Совершенствование навыков чтения и логического мышления.
  2. Привитие чувств заботы и любви к животным.


  1. Картинки с изображениями животных.
  2. Караоке песни “Hello, Mr. Monkey”.
  3. Кроссворд.

Ход урока

I. Орг момент.

Teacher: Hello, my dears. I’m glad to see you again. Today we are going to have an interesting lesson about animals, children and our life.

II. Речевая зарядка.

Good morning now.
Wake, body, wake, mind!
Work, play, seek, find,
Eat breakfast, dinner too,
Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!
Good morning now.

III. Актуализация лексического материала.

Teacher: Answer the questions, please:

  • Do you like animals?
  • What animals do you know?
  • What wild animals do you know?
  • What domestic animals do you know?
  • Where do animals live?

IV. Введение в новую тему.

Teacher: We shall learn the new words today. You can see the new words on the blackboard… (стук в дверь ) Oh, somebody has knocked at the door. Let’ s look. (Старшеклассники входят, переодетые в лису, лягушку и кошку) Oh, my dears, these are guests.

Fox, cat, frog: Hello, boys and girls!
Teacher: Who are you? What are you doing here? Where are you from?
Fox: Hi, I’m a fox. I’m a wild animal. I live in the forest. I have a very bushy tail.
Cat: Good morning. I’m a cat. I’m a domestic animal. I live in a house. I like milk. Mew -mew.
Frog: Hello. I ’m a frog. I live in water . I can jump and sing. I like to eat the flies and mesquites.
Fox: What is it? I can see the new words on the blackboard. Children, look at the blackboard and repeat after me the 1st column. (Project 1)
Cat: Repeat after me the 2nd column. (Project 1)
Frog: Repeat after me the 3rd column. (Project 1)
Teacher: Who knows these words? Read and translate from English into Russian one by one.

Children’s answers.

Teacher: Well, very good.
Frog: Say me, please, is a … (cat, lion, dog etc.) wild or domestic animal?
Children: … is a wild (domestic) animal.
Frog: You are very clever boys and girls.
Fox: I have a passport of animals (Project 2) Can you describe me this animal?
Children: ….

V. Физкульт минутка.

Frog: Are you tired? I want to sing a song. Listen to me, please, and sing with me.

Hello, hello Mister Monkey.

Hello, hello Mister Monkey
You're still so fast and funky
Hello, hello Mister Monkey
You should have been a clown

Once he was so famous, that little old clown
Everybody used to know his name
Now he's a nameless but happy old guy
The children laugh if only he goes by


When the sun is shining, he goes to the park
Climbs the empty bandstand on the green
Doing for me children his famous routine
So they still laugh when slowly he walks home.


VI. Чтение.

Cat: Dear children, I brought you a text “A tale of tails”. Let’s read.
Teacher: First of all Let’s read the new words and translate:

  1. there is nothing…chasing…– никто не гонится;
  2. too bushy…– слишком пушистый;
  3. looks silly…– выглядит глупо;
  4. the best tail…– самый хороший хвост.

(Children read the text)

“A tale of tails”

Willy Pig does not like to look behind him.
He is not afraid.
There is nothing big and bad chasing him.
Willy Pig does not like his tail!
He thinks he will be happy if only he has a tail like a fox.
No! a fox’s tail is too bushy for a pig.
Oh! He will be happy if he has a tail like a cow!
No! A cow’s tail is too long for a pig.
Maybe if he has a beautiful green alligator’s tail?
No! No! No!
An alligator’s tail looks silly on a pig.
Willy Pig decides that a pig’s curly tail is the best tail for a pig.
Don’t you think so?

Cat: What do you think about pig’s tail?
Cat: Not bad, thank you.

VII. Активизация урока.

Fox: I like playing. Do you like to play? Would you like to play with me? I brought a puzzle for you. You must guess my riddles about animals and find the name of animals in the puzzle. OK? (Project 3)

  1. It is brown and
    Big and fat
    It likes honey.
    It’s a …
  2. It has big ears. It has fingers and toes. It likes to swing from trees.
  3. It looks like a horse with black and white stripes.
  4. It’s pink and likes to roll in the mud.
  5. Big nose, big ears, all is big.
    Can’t you see, it’s just an….
  6. I give milk and I say moo
    And I’m called a ….
  7. It has a very long neck and four long legs.
  8. It can swim in the water and walk on land. It has a very big mouth and big teeth.

Frog: Can you find another animals? There are over 10 animals here.

VIII. Заключение.

Frog: It’s time to say goodbye to each other.
Cat: I have candies for you. You are very brave, clever and the best pupils in our country. Bye!
Frog: See you later, alligator!
Fox: In a while, crocodile! (Старшеклассники уходят)
Teacher: Our guests went away. Did you like them?
Teacher: What have we done today?

Sometimes you say “Hello!”
Because the bell has gone,
And every day you say
“Good day, good day, good day”
It’s time to say “Good bye”
Good-bye, my children, bye!

Project 4.