Урок английского языка в 6-м классе "Здоровый образ жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: создать условия для приобретения учащимися опыта творческой деятельности по обобщению и систематизации знаний в рамках темы "The healthy way of life" на основе новых информационных технологий.

Образовательная задача: совершенствование навыков аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи учащихся. Повторение Present Simple.

Развивающаязадача: развитие умений учащихся обобщать, сравнивать, формулировать, высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательная задача: приобщение учащихся к здоровому образу жизни, осознание личностной значимости учебной информации. Воспитание таких личностных качеств, как культура общения, умение работать в сотрудничестве.

Коммуникативная задача: расширение информационно-коммуникативной компетенции учащихся с опорой на субъектный опыт.

Технологии: здоровьесберегающие технологии, ИКТ.

Методы: исследовательский и проектный методы обучения.

Формы: индивидуальная, парная, групповая.

Средства: интерактивная доска, мультимедиапроектор, тематическая наглядность, музыкальное сопровождение, карточки с заданиями.

Вводно - мотивационный этап урока

T: Dear boys and girls, at the previous lessons we talked about common health problems among the youth, good and bad habits, healthy and unhealthy food. Today I want you to express your attitude to a healthy lifestyle.What are we going to speak about today? (pupul's answers). So we see "To be healthy or not to be?" that is the question of our lesson.

На интерактивной доске тема юнита рассматривается на примере образа цветка.

Операционно - содержательный этап урока

I. T: As you know recently you have been tested by your research group. Here you see actual and specific information for today's lesson. I give the floor to the member of this group. Summarize it, please.

На интерактивной доске сводная таблица результатов анкетирования по классу.

P: We have tested 15 pupils of our class. For the 1st question nobody does sport every day. 12 pupils do sport twice a week, 3 pupils don't do sport. For the 2nd question all pupils go for a walk every day. For the 3rd question 10 pupils watch TV about 2 or 3 hours a day, 3 pupils - more than 3 hours, 2 pupils -1 hour. For the 4th question most of the pupils sleep 8 and more than 8 hours. For the 5th question pupils who have computers at home play computer games for about 3 hours. Almost all pupils eat fruit and vegetables, and they also eat sweets every day.

T: Thank you. You have done much work. Are there any problems in your class?

P: Yes, there are.

T: What are they?

Pp: Some pupils don't do sport. Etc:

Учащиеся класса, отвечая на наводящие вопросы учителя, выявляют проблемы.

T: What do you usually do to be healthy?

Ответы учащихся, в том числе, которые будут дополняться в течение урока, можно кратко выписывать на классную доску:

Go in for sport. Eat fruit and vegetables. Etc:

II. T: Now, boys and girls, it will be interesting for you to listen to the text "David Balan speaks from Alkhanai"and be ready to answer my questions.

Short information: David Balan is from America. A few years ago he worked as an English teacher in Duldurga secondary school and he had a chance to have a rest in Alkhanai.

Учащиеся слушают текст 2 раза. Он сопровождается слайдом об Алханае - национальном парке отдыха. После 1го прослушивания снимаются языковые трудности с опорой на незнакомую лексику, после 2го - отвечают на вопросы учителя:

1. Have you ever been to Alkhanai?

2. What does David Balan do here?

3. What does he speak about the population?

4. Is he happy to be in Alkhanai?

5. Why do people go to Alkhanai?

III. Relaxation. Под спокойную музыку звучит голос учителя:

T: Shut your eyes, put your hands on your knees and imagine you are on the bank of the river. You are lying in the sun, listening to music. You think you are the happiest person in the world. You have dear parents, favourite teachers and good friends. You are clever, lucky and healthy.

IV. T: Now open your eyes and let's continue our lesson. I ask the research group to be our experts. You'll listen to other groups and express your opinion of their speaking. One member of the rest groups, come up to the table and choose the task.

Group 1: You want to sing up for a gym class with your friend. Discuss and choose with him/her which gym class to sign up for. Here is a list of the classes offered:



National wrestling;


You begin the conversation and have to decide which gym class to enrol on. Remember to:

Discuss all the options;

Take an active part in the conversation and be polite;

Give good reasons;

Invite your friend to come up with suggestions;

Come to an agreement.

Give the next group a short task concerning your topic.

Group 2: Make sentences showing a connection between the objects in the square below. Give proverbs to each picture. Make sure to ask your classmates about healthy food:

The most important things in food

A good breakfast and light supper

Cakes and sweets

Remember to:

Be active and polite

Get all the information you need

Decide on whether you eat cakes and sweets or not

Give the next group a short task concerning your topic.

Grоup 3: Give a 2 minute talk on playing computer games

Remember to say:

If you like playing computer games (why/why not)

How many hours you usually spend playing computer games

What you think about people who spend much time playing computer games or watching TV

If you take care of your health.

Give the 1st group a short task concerning your topic.

Учащиеся работают в группах. Начинают свои выступления с задания предыдущей группы. Например: 2я гр.- со стихотворения о спорте, 3я гр.- с перечисления пословиц и поговорок о здоровье, 1я гр. заканчивает рекламой продуктов питания и фирменной одежды. Группа экспертов слушают, дополняют, оценивают.

V. Let's laugh a little because positive emotions are important for our life. Study the cartoon by Rube Goldberg. Then fill in the file with the correct form of the verb.

Учащиеся поочередно выходят к интерактивной доске, читают вслух предложения и записывают глаголы в нужной форме, раскрывая скобки.


1).What kind of people is the cartoon about?

2).What will you advise them?

Pp: Go in for sport. Don't smoke. Don't drink alcohol. Etc:

Учитель обращает внимание учащихся к записи на классной доске.

Оценочно - рефлексивный этап урока

1. Самооценка.

Каждый ученик заполняет таблицу. Учитель просматривает их.

  How often? How long?
1.I'll do sport    
2.I'll go for a walk    
3.I'll watch TV    
4.I'll play computer games    
5.I'll eat cakes and sweets    

2. Взаимооценка.

Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения о работе в парах, группах.

3. Оценка учителем результатов деятельности:

Thank you, boys and girls. I'm satisfied with you. I see you think about your health and you know how to take care of health. According to your cards all of you will try to keep fit and healthy. I hope you'll be healthy, wealhy and wise if you follow your health rules.

Hometask: Write a letter to your friend about a healthy way of life.
