Метод проектов в работе над учебником Биболетовой М.З., Добрыниной Н.В., Трубаневой Н.Н. "Enjoy English-3" как составная часть новых педагогических технологий

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Любому специалисту, если он хочет преуспеть в своей области, знание иностранного языка жизненно важно. Поэтому мотивация к изучению иностранного языка резко возросла. Соответственно, необходимо изменить подходы к обучению иностранному языку, вводить новые педагогические технологии, среди которых наиболее актуальны– интегративный подход, разноуровневое обучение (отражающее специфику дифференцированного обучения), метод проектов.
Тщательно изучая материалы по лично ориентированному обучению и эффективному использованию изученного материала, я остановилась на методике проектов при работе с учебником Биболетовой М.З, Добрыниной Н.В., Трубаневой Н.Н. “Enjoy English-3”, информативный и образовательный материал которого ориентирован на развитие личной активности учащихся, вовлечение их в творческую деятельность. Основная идея заключается в том, чтобы перенести акцент с различного вида упражнений на активную мыслительную деятельность учащегося, требующую для своего оформления владение определенными языковыми средствами.
На мой взгляд, в проектной методике заложены большие возможности для решения таких задач, как преодоление инертности и безынициативности учащегося на уроках, боязни говорить на иностранном языке из-за возможных ошибок.
Проектная методика развивает у школьников самостоятельность, творчество, актуальность, так необходимые им в процессе обучения: использование этого метода превращает учащегося из объекта обучения в субъект учебной деятельности. Учитель же выступает в роли консультанта, помощника, наблюдателя, источника информации, координатора.
Деятельность учащегося основывается на групповом взаимодействии. Это не только форма обучения, но и естественный компонент учебного процесса.



ЗАДАЧИ: Развитие аудитивных навыков по теме «Животные в нашей жизни»; развитие навыков монологической речи; актуализация навыков перевода. Закрепление навыков орфографии. Воспитание любви к братьям нашим меньшим.


1. Организационный момент.

– Good morning, children.
Today we have a special lesson. It’s a project– lesson “Animals In Our Life”. Today you will demonstrate your  projects, tell about animals, recite poems. I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it. Let’s start our lesson.

2. Фонетическая  зарядка.

– But at first let’s practise some English sounds. I’ll show you the symbols of the English sounds and your task is to pronounce this sound and name a word with it on the topic “Animals In Our Life”.
[æ] – natural, catch, habit, cat, etc.
[t] – parrot, water, fight, rabbit, etc.
[d ] – cage, project, join, endangered, giant, just, etc.
[aıə] – society, scientific, giant, etc.
Look at the blackboard, please. Your task is to do the equation.
[in′deindZəd][′lAndən] [zouə′lodZıkəl]
[′æniməl] [zu:]?
( [sə′saıətı] )
[dZaıənt] [poulə] [kAnıŋ]
[′pændə][bεə] ?

– Now let’s listen to our poem “My Dream” (Enjoy English-3, ex. 14 p.107) and repeat after the announcer.
(После прослушивания и повторения стихотворения некоторые учащиеся по желанию рассказывают его наизусть.)
– I asked you to  do a poetic translation of this poem. Did you succeed in it? Who is ready to read your translation?

Я люблю все виды животных:
Кошек, кроликов и собачек.
Я люблю все виды животных
Вопреки их привычек.

Если бы миллион денег я имела,
Вы знаете, что бы  я хотела?
Я бы очень много животных взяла
И собственный зоопарк бы завела.

Но  они не хотели бы в клетках сидеть,
Они хотели бы быть свободными:
Идти, плыть, лететь.
И думаю, стали бы они ручными,
Живыми, здоровыми и родными.
(Перевод Якуповой Лилии)

3. Активизация навыков монологической речи. Заслушивание проектов учащихся по теме.

 – Now let’s listen to your projects “Animals In Our Life”.
Group № 1. My Pets.
Звучит песня  «Пропала собачка». Входит в класс девочка Надя, плачет.
P1:   What’s happened with you, Nadya? Why are you crying?
N:   I have a pet. It’s my dog. My dog is nice and small. Its name is Pirat. The      dog is sociable with people and likes to play with me . My dog doesn’t strong, but clever.  Pirat can run well. It can jump. My dog is grey. My dog eats meat and drinks milk and water. Pirate is very intelligent. My dog defends me. It helps me in difficult minutes. But I can’t find my dog. I have lost it. I don’t know where it is.
 P1:   I have two pets. One of them is Mukhtar. Mukhtar is brown. It is very little. Mukhtar  likes to run, jump, play with the cat Barsik. He drinks milk, eats soup and bread. My puppy  Mukhtar is very funny, clever, merry and nice. I can present it to you. And we’ll take care of it together.            
N: But I want my dog.
P2: I have a cat. Its name is Pushinka. It is very nice. It is grey.  Pushinka likes to run and jump. It is big, clever, obedient, cunning and good. When I do my homework it lies on my feet. It sleeps with me. All my family likes  Pushinka. It is six years old. It has a kitten. Its name is Murka. It is little and stupid. It likes to play with a ball. It is two years old.  I can present my kitten to you. And we’ll take care of it together.
N: But I want my dog, because it is nice and interesting too.
P3: I can give you my pet. It’s a hamster. My hamster is nice and small. It’s brown. It lives in a cage. Its name is Tina. Tina eats bread, potatoes, carrot, drinks milk, water. I take cake of my hamster very well. We can play with it together.
N: Your hamster is very good, of course. But I want to find my dog.
P4: I have a parrot. Its name is Kesha. It is nice. It is yellow. Kesha lives in big cage. Kesha sometimes flies. It can speak, “Hi, friend”. It likes to eat pop-corn, bread, biscuits. It also likes to drink water and milk. Come to me and you will see my parrot. You will like it.  
N: I want to find my dog. I’ll do my best.
Ps : All right. We’ll help you. We’ll find it. Let’s go to look for Pirat.
– Thank you for your nice project. It was very interesting.

4. Физкультминутка.

– Let’s have a rest. Will you stand up, please? We shall remember our poem.
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
Can you be like a good child?
As still as you wish?
(Учащиеся рассказывают стихотворение и выполняют движения.)

5. Заслушивание других проектов.

– Now we are going to listen to group № 2. You are welcome.  
Storyteller: The fairy-tale “Puff-the-Ball”.
Once upon a time there lived Puff-the-Ball. He had a grandmother and a grandfather. He loved them, but one day he ran away.
Puff-the-Ball:  I’m a Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.
Storyteller: Then he met a Hare
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Hare: Hello! I’m a Hare. I live in the forest. I am neither big nor small. I like to eat carrots, cabbages. I am afraid of foxes and wolves. I run very fast. I can run 50 or 70 kilometers an hour. In summer I am grey, but in winter I am white. And who are you?
Puff-the-Ball:  I’m a Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.
Hare: Good! I will eat you!
Puff-the-Ball:  Oh, please, don’t eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играет музыка, Колобок танцует).
Storyteller: And he runs away. Then he sees a wolf.
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Wolf: Hello! I’m a Wolf. I am grey and I’m hungry. I like to eat bread and meat. I run very fast. Many animals in the forest are afraid of me. And who are you?
Puff-the-Ball:  I’m a Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.
Wolf: I will eat you!
Puff-the-Ball:  Oh, please, don’t eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играет музыка, Колобок танцует).
Storyteller: And Puff-the-Ball again runs away and sees a Bear.
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Bear: Hello! I’m a Bear. I am brown, strong, brave, fat. I like honey, raspberry. I sleep in winter. I have a brother– Polar Bear. He lives in the North far from here. He weighs about 500 kgs. He is fat. There are few polar bears on the planet, about ten or twenty thousand. They are in the Red Book. They are endangered animals. My  brother likes to eat fish. And who are you?
Puff-the-Ball:  I’m a Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.
Bear: Good! I will eat you!    
Puff-the-Ball:  Oh, please, don’t eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играет музыка, Колобок танцует).
Storyteller: And Puff-the-Ball again runs away and sees a Fox.
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Fox: Hello! I’m a Fox. I live in the forest. I am red. I have a long tail. I can run very fast. I am clever and cunning. I like to eat chickens, rabbits, mice.  And who are you?
Puff-the-Ball:  I’m a Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.
Fox: Oh, very good! I will eat you!
Puff-the-Ball:  Oh, please, don’t eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играет музыка, Колобок танцует).
Fox: Come to me,  Puff-the-Ball. I can’t see you.
(Колобок подходит к Лисе поближе и танцует рядом с ней.)
Storyteller: Then Fox eats Puff-the-Ball.
– Thank you for your nice fairy-tale. It was very interesting.
Now I want to invite group № 3 with its project. You are welcome.  
Luiza: I and my family visited a zoo in Chelyabinsk last month. I saw different animals there.  It is fun to watch baby animals. I want you to guess what animals I saw. Listen to my friends’ riddles about them.
P1: It is big and strong. It is orange and black. It lives in Africa and India. It likes to eat meat. Many animals are afraid of it. Who is it ?        
Children: It is a tiger.
P2: It is a wild animal. It is called the king of the animals, because it is very strong.  It is very big. It can run fast. Many animals are afraid of it. Who is it ?    
Children: It is a lion.       
P3: It is very big and strong. It is grey. It has a very long nose. It lives in Africa and India. It likes to eat leaves and grass. It likes to help its friends. Who is it ?        
Children: It is an elephant.
P4: It is clever. It can jump and skip. It lives in a tree. It likes bananas. It is funny. It likes to make faces. It lives in Africa. It is very funny to look at.  Who is it ?        
Children: It is a monkey.
T: Thank you for your nice project. Your riddles are very interesting and funny.

6. Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

T: Animals play a very important role in our life. We like to go to the zoo and visit wild animal parks. Zoos and parks help us to learn more about animals. But it is better for animals to live in the wild you know. Animals can be real friends for people but they often need our help. What should we do for our animals?
P1: There should be more National Parks.
P2: If you have a pet at home you should look after it and feed it.
P3: If you want to know more about animals you should read books and watch programmers about them.
P4: You must be a real friend of the animal in any situation.

7. Актуализация лексических и орфографических навыков.

T: There are many animals all over the world who need our help to survive. They are endangered animals. And now I want you to open your Workbook p.52 ex.20. Do the crossword puzzle and find the name of the endangered animal.   
(Учащиеся читают, записывают в кроссворд  названия животных, отгадывают ключевое слово (Whale-кит).)

1) A very strong and cruel wild animal, living in the forest in Russia. (Wolf)
2) A domestic animal. One of man’s best friends. (Horse)
3) A continent where lots of exotic animals live. (Africa)
4) The king of the animals.(Lion)
5) The king of the birds.(Eagle)

8. Расширение страноведческих знаний.

Просмотр кинофильма из серии «Вокруг света» «Животный мир Австралии», где рассказывается о многих исчезнувших и исчезающих животных и животных, обитающих в наши дни в этой удивительной стране.  
Т: I want you to watch an interesting film about Australian wildlife. It is for your information, to know more about animal’s wildlife.
(После просмотра кинофильма)
Т: I’m sure you’ve  enjoyed the film greatly and got much new information.

9. Итог урока.

Т: You worked well during the lesson. I am greatly satisfied with your projects.
Your home task is ex.15 p.120. Remember any funny stories about your pet or your friend’s pet. Write about it.  The lesson is over. Good bye!