Урок английского языка в 9-м классе по теме "Роль классической музыки"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные:
    • закрепление и расширение лексических навыков по теме ‘Music’;
    • развитие навыков аудирования и чтения по данной теме;
    • закрепление и расширение навыков выражения своего мнения и умения вести дискуссию.
  • Развивающие:
    • развитие познавательного отношения к изучаемой теме;
    • развитие интереса к изучаемому предмету;
    • развитие умения высказывать свое мнение на английском языке;
    • развитие межпредметной связи с музыкой;
    • развитие умения анализировать, делать выводы, оценивать.
  • Воспитательные:
    • прививать интерес к классической музыке;
    • познакомить с творчеством выдающихся композиторов-классиков;
    • расширение общего кругозора учащихся.

Этапы урока.

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Речевая зарядка в виде беседы, включающая вопросы о роли музыки в жизни человека.
  3. Фонетическая зарядка.
  4. Проверка домашнего задания.
  5. Построение монологического высказывания с опорой на план.
  6. Аудирование текста.
  7. Дискуссия.
  8. Прослушивание музыкального произведения и его оценка.
  9. Чтение текста.
  10. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

Оснащение урока:

  • учебник. Английский язык для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа и др.;
  • плакат “Musicistheuniversallanguageoftheworld”;
  • магнитофон;
  • аудиозапись с классической музыкой;
  • портреты великих композиторов-классиков.


I. Организационный момент

II. Речевая зарядка

T: Today we are going to speak about music. People all over the world are fond of music. I think you won’t deny the fact that the role of music in our life is very important. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the concert halls and in the parks. Some people listen to music, others dance to music, and some learn to play musical instruments.
But what is the role of music in your life?

P1 – As for me, I music helps me to relax.
P2 – Music is a voice for the thoughts and feelings.
P3 – As for me I play the piano and sing songs.
P4 – I sing songs while doing something.
P5 – Music gives me pleasure and a sense of happiness.
P6 – Music reflects my mood and emotions.
P7 – Listening to music is a good way to spend my free time and not to feel bored.
P8 – I dance to music.
P9 - Music gives me delight.
P 10 – Music evokes different feelings.

T: – Thank you for your answers. Now I see that music really occupies a certain role in your lives. Let us remember what kinds of music you know?

P: pop music, rock, folk, classical, country, jazz, rap, blues etc.

T: You mentioned classical music. I would like to know how you understand the word classical. And what can be classical?

P: In my opinion, all works which were created long ago, but didn’t lose their art value nowadays can be classical. Many generations of people do not stop admiring them.

T: Yes, I completely agree with you. What can be classical?

P: music, literature, art, painting.

T: Today we speak about classical music. Classical music includes masterpieces of the world’s musical art. This music has been living for centuries. It was created by the most famous composers. What classical composers do you know? Your home task was ex.6. p. 45. Your task was to match the names of the composers and the countries they came from. Let’s train the pronunciation of some proper names.

III. Фонетическая зарядка

Germany – German
Russia – Russian
Italy – Italian
Norway - Norwegian
The USA – American
Hungary – Hungarian
Austria – Austrian
Poland – Polish
France – French

IV. Проверка домашнего задания



Famous works

Bach Germany Organ music, worked in all musical genres
Mozart Austria Symphonies, piano concertos, operas
Mendelssohn Germany Symphonies, he wrote music for plays by Shakespeare, he founded the first conservatory in 1843.
Prokofiev Russia Ballets. “Romeo and Juliet”, “Peter and the Wolf”
Mussorgsky Russia Operas “Boris Godunov”, “Khavanshina”
Tchaikovsky Russia Symphonies, ballets, operas. “The Swan Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty’, “Eugenie Onegin ”
Chopin Poland Piano music
Schubert Austria Songs and symphonies,
Vivaldi Italy Concertos, operas, sonatas
Grieg Norway Romance, music for violin
Shostakovich Austria Symphonies, operas “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk ”

V. Построение монологического высказывания с опорой на план

T: Now let’s speak about these famous people according to the given pattern using information from the table.

  1. … is a famous (prominent, well-known, outstanding) composer.
  2. He is from … (Russia, Germany, Austria…)
  3. He is famous for….

T: So, we got acquainted with many famous composers. Do you know any British composers?

VI. Аудирование текста

T: Listen to the text and say what you learnt about the life and creative work of Benjamin Britten?

Benjamin Britten was a famous English composer whose name is known in many countries of the world.
He was born in 1913. He was only five when he started to play the piano and to compose music. By the time he was nineteen, he was already both a musician for a film company and a composer. He wrote music for the plays of several English writers.
Benjamin Britten also wrote songs and operas for children. He wrote a piece of music called “The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra”. It can be taken as a handbook on all the instruments of the orchestra. A teacher can use this music to teach children how to understand each of the instruments in an orchestra.
He was a good pianist and conductor too. Benjamin Britten wrote music mainly for voices, including operas, for example,”Peter Grimes”.
In 1962 Benjamin Britten finished a very big musical work the “War Requiem”. The composer shows in it how much he wanted peace for all people. He became vice-president of the peace organization of musicians. So, you see, he did not only write music, compose operas and symphonies. He also took an active part in the struggle for peace. Benjamin Britten’s name was so popular that the title of an article in the “Morning Star” on of his birthdays was “Great Britten”.

VII. Дискуссия

T: There is an opinion that classical music is difficult to understand. Do you agree or disagree with it?

P1: I think this opinion is wrong. I am sure classical music is easy to understand if you listen it often enough.

P 2: I can say that it is really difficult to serious classical music, but I am fond of listening to light classical music, it gives me delight and evokes different feelings.

P 3, P 4

VIII. Прослушивание музыкального произведения и его оценка

T: To prove or disprove your opinions I want you to listen to a piece of classical music and say what feelings this music appeal to?

Звучит мелодия популярной классической музыки.

T: So, how can you characterize this music? What feelings does this music appeal to? While answering you may use the words from page 40 of your textbooks.

Примерные ответы учеников:

P 1: This music is romantic and it gives me sense of happiness.
P 2: As for me, I find this music soft and sweet. It helps me to relax.
P 3: This music is amazing and it gives me pleasure.
P 4: It is a piece of breathtaking music, it is full of emotions.
P 5: This music is unforgettable, it makes me think of people and places I love.
P 6: In my opinion this music is overwhelming, it makes me think of beauty of the world.

IX. Чтение текста

T: And now let us read the text in which Olga Doctorova, a young girl, tells us about her preferences in music. (Тексты распечатаны для каждого ученика).

Close to one’s soul – близкая по душе;
Age – возраст;
Mad – сумасшедший;
Crowd – толпа;
Relaxing – расслабляющий;
to cope with nervousness – справляться с нервами;
to feel calm and satisfied – чувствовать спокойствие и удовлетворение;
modern remakes of classics – современные римейки на классическую музыку;
hate – ненавидеть.

a) Read the text:

Olga Doctorova
“English” newspaper.

I love classical music. Maybe, it’s because of nine years inside the musical school; but I’ve found this music the closest to my soul. Most people of my age would think I’m mad, because I love Strauss, Mozart and Bach in place of psychedelic rock and angry, loud punk bands. My friend often says; “It’s much easier and fun to be with the crowd.” I would agree with her… but why must I be like somebody else and not somebody else be like me?
I found classical music relaxing. As many psychologists say: Bach helps to cope with nervousness; Vivaldy is excellent to make people feel calm and satisfied. Why do many people find it to be dull? Why dull? To talk about classical music as a whole there’s many modern remakes of classics. For example, I like the way Vanessa – Mae plays.
It’s not true that I hate all modern music. I have a few pop and rock songs that I like; but I think all this music can’t be called great.

b) Complete these sentences according to the text.

1. Maybe, Olga loves classical music because ….
2. She’s found this music …. .
3. Olga asks: “Why must I be like somebody else and not …?”
4. Olga finds classical music … .
5. As many psychologists say Vivaldy makes people… .
6. Olga has a few pop and rock songs that she likes; but she thinks all this music … .

c) Answer the questions:

  • What kind of music does Olga like?
  • Why does she like classical music?
  • Music of what composers does she listen to?
  • Why does she like music of Bach, Vivaldy ?

T: As a conclusion, I’d like to say that music is the universal language of mankind. It’s true. Musicians all over the world understand each other with the help of music. The words may not be known, but melody is clear to all people. Music has a great power. It helps them to understand each other. Music is the universal language of mankind. Listen to classical music!

X. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание