Урок английского языка "An Ideal Family. What's it like?" ("Идеальная семья. Какая она?")

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  • научить анализировать характер людей;
  • способствовать развитию творческого мышления, воображения;


  • тренировать учащихся в употреблении лексики, речевых клише по теме “Внешность и характер человека”;
  • развивать неподготовленную речь по теме “Внешность и характер человека”.


  • воспитывать культуру общения и формировать понятие о “красоте души”.

1 ЭТАП. Oорганизационный момент. Выход на тему урока

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! First of all answer my questions.

1. What date is it today?

2. What day is it today?

3. Наve you got a friend?

4. Is he a true friend? Why?

5. Is he friendly?

6. Do you trust him?

7. What is he good at?

8. Do you love him?

I see that you have guessed the theme of our lesson. Today I want to speak with you about your families, your friends and their families. I would like you to answer my questions, express your ideas, discuss family problems, traditions and answer the question “What is an ideal family in your opinion?” And pull yourself together, don’t worry. Don’t be afraid to express your opinions.

2 ЭТАП. Фонетическая зарядка

на доске :

1) caring, close, cruel, friendly, rude, independent, serious, sociable, talkative, loving, understanding, intelligent, responsible, shy, bright, hardworking, kind, hospitable, polite, peace-loving, reliable, helpful, clever.

2) support, communicate, respect, argue, quarrel, love, have a sense of humor, discuss, punish, help about the house, each other, together

Exercises :

  1. Read the words after me
  2. Read the words to each other. P1, P2----на контроль
  3. Arrange the words: which of them are positive or negative
  4. Write some of the words on your pieces of paper, do not tell anybody, give them to me, I am writing your characteristics, the other pupils should guess :who are they about
  5. I’ll read some traits of character of literary persons. Guess who are they about? (использование интерактивной доски, на которой представлены слайды с изображением сказочных героев)

1. He is cruel, rude, angry (Karabas)

2. He is very intelligent, independent, funny, disobedient. (Buratino)

3. She is polite, bright, friendly, sociable. (Malvina)

3 ЭТАП. Речевая зарядка.

1. Have you got a family?

2. Have you got a mother?

3. What is your mother s name?

4. What does she look like?

5. What is she like?

6. What does she like to do?

4 ЭТАП. Обучение диалогической речи (ролевая игра)

1. The task: Play the roles of correspondents from different newspapers or magazines (Приложение № 1). I want you to ask some questions to the famous person about his family, what they do together, his family traditions. Ask him if he considers his family ideal. First of all, introduce yourselves, while asking him questions be POLITE, use those expressions on the blackboard.

(Приложение № 2)

2. The situation is: TV journalists are going to make a program " An Ideal Family". They are asking people about their ideas of an ideal family, their traditions , rules and goals.

There are two families here: the Smiths , the Browns. First of all introduce yourselves. Now , please ask them. (the examples of those questions)

  1. What do you do in the evening?
  2. What do you do together?
  3. Do you spend you holidays together?
  4. Mrs and Mr Smith and Brown do you punish your children and how?
  5. Children, do you help about your house?
  6. Do you discuss problems together?
  7. Do you have conflicts, quarrels at home?
  8. Are you an ideal family? Why?
  9. Have you got any rules or goals at home?

5 ЭТАП. Обучение монологической речи.

Your task is to speak about your families according to these pictures. You have to ask as many questions as possible. Do you think your family is ideal?

(использование интерактивной доски со слайдами из семейного альбома)

6 ЭТАП. Подведение итогов

Сhildren, answer the question: What is an ideal Family?

(Children must fill in the spidergramme. They use the following words: - Understand children, support each other, spend free time, respect each other, love each other, have time together)

7 ЭТАП. Домашнее задание. Подготовить проекты “Моя семья”

Let us make some conclusions : - T: Did we learn new words

(revise the words, make up a story, discuss the traits of character, analyze the situations, answer the questions, ask the questions)?

P1, P2, P3 :- Yes, we did.

Thank you for your work! I am very proud of you!