Разработка открытого урока в 8-м классе: "The Importance of the Olympic Games in the International Life"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели: Обобщить изученный материал по теме “Спорт”.


  • Образовательная: знакомство с историей олимпийских игр, их значением для укрепления мира во всём мире.

  • Познавательная: знакомство учащихся с некоторыми фактами, касающимися Олимпийских игр, войны.

  • Развивающая: развитие логической памяти, планирование своего высказывания, способности к оценке фактов, формирование выводов из прочитанного.

  • Воспитательная: воспитание сознательного отношения к значимости спорта в жизни людей (здорового образа жизни); воспитание чувства патриотизма.

  • Учебная:
    1) закрепление изученной лексики по теме “Спорт”;
    2) тренировка в различных видах чтения: обучение чтению с извлечением основной и полной информации.

  • Сопутствующие:
    1) фонетическая: отработка межзубных звуков [ ]; [ ] [:]; [w],
    2) грамматическая: употребление артикля с названиями стран.

Оснащение: ТСО (магнитофон, аудиокассеты); учебник; картинки, раздаточные карточки с текстом, контрольные карты, опорные схемы, карточки-памятки, политическая карта мира.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

T.: Good morning, children!

I’m glad to see you today!

P.: Good morning, Miss. Val.

T.: Sit down, please!

Attention, boys and girls!

You see, today we have a lot of guests, but don’t be nervous. Work as usually and even better.


T.: How passive/active/ you are today!

Did you do morning exercises today!

Why did you do?




P1(Света): Yes, I did. I think it’s the best way to keep fit.


P2(Алёна): No, I didn’t. Frankly speaking, I do morning exercises from time to time. I’m very lazy.

T: Do you go in for sports?

P1(Ира): Yes, I do.

I play tennis. The good thing about tennis is that you can play it any time of life. The longer you keep on playing it the better you feel.

T: Are you good at tennis, basketball or football?

P1(Володя): Yes, I’m. I like playing football, because I especially like playing team games, I enjoy working together with others towards a common goal.

P2(Маша С.): I like to play tennis. I play it every day after school. It helps me to clear my head, and to relax after a long day.

T: What sport do you go in for?

P1(Маша Б.): I usually go in for jogging on Saturday mornings. Jogging and swimming are particularly good for the heart and lungs.

P2(Коля Б.): As for me, I play football every day after school.

P3(Лида): And my brother and I fond of riding our bicycles. But it is winter now, and we can’t do it now.

T: Sport is very important to preserve your health and feel good.


II. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: There are exercises that are useful not only for your body but also for your tongue.

Let’s pronounce the following sounds. [ ];

[] [ ]; [w]

[w] – в русском языке такого звука нет. При произнесении [w] нужно округлить губы, вытянуть вперёд и растянуть в улыбке. Вот так: [w], [w], [w] …

[ ] глухой звук, а [] звонкий – при произношении [ ] кончик языка между зубами, следите чтобы язычок не касался нижней губы. Вот так: [ ], [ ],[ ] …

[ ] – Звук [ ] ни в коем случае не путать с [ ё ], [ ] не имеет аналога в русском языке. Для правильного произношения рот приоткрыт как бы для произнесения русского [ э ], но из этого положения произнести [ о ] более закрытый. Кончик языка у нижних зубов, губы – в улыбке. Вот так: [ ], [ ],[ ] …


T: Now, look at the blackboard.

There is a tongue twister which consits of two proverbs. Listen to the tape, please. It will help your to improve your pronunciation. Listen and repeat after the tape.


a) Аудиозапись на пленке:

[w] – white, swimming, wanted, awarded, when, was, question, winners

[ ] – the [ I:], the [], the fourth, than, those, with.

[ ] – wealth, health, fourth, athletics, I think, thank you, strengthen, wreath [ri: ]

[ ] – burn, first, Germany, work, world, third, proverb

1. Вся скороговорка

2. По частям (по 2 раза каждая )

3. Вся медленно 2 раза

4. Вся быстро 2 раза

б) Отработка выражений с применением аудиозаписи

The ‘first ‘wealth is health.

‘Health is the ‘best wealth.

Сначала медленно с паузами. – Дети повторяют всё за диктором. Затем всё быстрее и ещё быстрее.

/выключить аудиозапись и спросить 2-х – 3-х человек./

T.: Thank you.

T.: All right.

T: Now, let’s read these twisters all together.

















P1(Света): …. read the first proverb.

P2(Лида):…. read the second proverb.

Cl: The ‘first ‘wealth is health.

‘Health is the ‘best wealth.

T.: Now the whole tongue twister


T: How can you translate these proverbs?

Find Russian equivalent

Russian proverb:

P1(Алёна): В здоровом теле – здоровый дух.


P2(Маша Б.): Главное богатство – здоровье.

T.: All right.

I see, you can do it.


T: So, the topic of our lesson is the importance of the Olympic Games in the international life.


T: The Olympic Games are the most important Sport event. They are also an important symbol for billions of people around the globe – a symbol of hope, peace and friendly co-operation between nations.


T: You know that there are winter Olympic Games and Summer Olympic Games.

T: Children! What winter sports do you know?



P1(Маша С.): The most popular winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey, skating, skiing, figure-skating, ski-jumping.

T: What summer sports do you know?

P1(Света): Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding, football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, boxing, athletics, gymnastics, and track and field events.

T: Thank you, sit down.


III. Проверка домашнего задания.

T: Now, we’ll check the Home work.

It was to read and translate the text.



The Olympic Games.

Olympic games are the most important sport competitions.

The history of the Olympic Games goes back to ancient times.

Sport competitions were organized every fourth year in Greece in the city of Olympia.

These contests consisted of running, wrestling, jumping and chariot racing. The best athletes from different cities of Greece came to take part in the competitions. Only men could take part in these Games. The competitions lasted for five days.

The winners were awarded with wreaths of olive leaves and became national heroes. The Olympic motto is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” – “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. The Olympic symbol is five interlocking circles colored blue, yellow, black, green, and red, on a white background, representing the five continents. At least one of these colors appears in the national flag of every country.

T: What is the main sports competition in the world?

How did you understand from the text?


T: While answering the question,

you can use these expressions.


/На доске вывешены опорные плакаты/


European Sport competition

Olympic Games

World tournament

T: Boys and girls! Now, look at the blackboard!

Answer my question.

Think for 2 or 3 minutes.


T: Are you ready?

T: Yes, you may.

P1(Алёна): Yes, may I answer?

P1(Алёна): I think it’s the Olympic Games because it’s the symbol of peace and friendship

T.: Very good!



T: Yes, you may.


T.: Very well!

Sit down, please!

Who else?


P1.: May I answer?

P2(Коля, Аня): I know that the Olympic Games have a very long history. In my opinion the Olympic Games are the most important.



P.: May I answer?

P3(Инна): In my point of view the Olympic Games is the main sports competition in the world.

T.: And now, finish my sentence. The Olympic games are the main sport event:

T.: Because …


T.: Because …


T.: Because …


P1(Инна): Many countries take part in these competitions.

P2(Володя): They are very important for all people.


P3(Лида): They are important for peace in the world.

T.: That’ll do.

Thank you.


/На доске политическая карта мира/

T.: Now we shall recall the countries that took part in the Olympic Games and show them on the map.

But before you do my task,

let’s revise some grammar.

You have the card on the table. Read and remember.


T: I give you 1 or 2 minutes.




T: Have you understood? Cl.: Yes, I have.

T: Let’s remember the names of some countries ….

T: Can you show these countries on the map?

What countries took part in the Olympic Games?


T: Now, repeat after me.

All together.






1. Greece  takes part in the Olympic Games ( Греция принимает участие в Олимпийских играх)

2. Germany  Германия

3. The Netherlands  Нидерланды

4. Great Britain 

5. Finland  Финляндия

6. Australia  Австрия

7. Italy  Италия

8. Japan  Япония

9. Russia  Россия

10. The USA  США

11. South Korea  Южная Корея

12. Spain  Испания

T: And now answer my question: How we shall recall the countries that took part in the Olympic Games and show the map.

T: Please, go to the blackboard!

(у доски коробка с флажками, ученик, находящийся у доски, называет страну и прикрепляет флажок на карту, где находится страна)

T.: Who wants to go to the blackboard?

T: Thank you, sit down.

P1(Маша С.): I do.   May I go to the blackboard?

Greece  takes part in the Olympic Games.

T: Yes, you may, Алёна, go to the blackboard!

T.: Very good!

P2(Алёна): May I go to the blackboard?

Germany  …

T: Yes, you may.


T.: That’s right. Thank you.

P3(Света): May I?

The Netherlands  …

T.: Very well!

T.: Thank you, sit down.

P4 (Коля): May I?

Great Britain  …

T: Лида, please go to the blackboard.

T: Fine! Sit down.

P5 (Лида):

Finland  …

T: Маша please go to the blackboard.

T: Thank you , sit down.

P6 (Маша Б.):

Australia  …

T: Yes, you may.

T: All right! Sit down.

P7 (Аня): May I?

Italy  …

T: Ира go to the blackboard.

T: OK, sit down, please.

P8 (Ира):

Japan  …

T: Володя! You are welcome.

T: That’s right. Thank you. Sit down, please.

P9 (Володя):

Russia  …

T: Yes, you may.

P10 (Инна): May I?

The USA  …

T: You are welcome, please.

T: All right. Thank you. Sit down, please.

P11 (Света): May I?

South Korea  …

T: Yes, please.

T: Excellent! Алена, sit down please.

P12 (Алена): May I go to the blackboard?

Spain  …

T: I see, you can do it.

T: I see, you know it.


/на доске плакат с изображением Олимпийского флага/

T: Boys and girls!

What does the Olympic flag symbols?

Who knows? Raise your hands!


T: Yes, of course.

P(Володя): May I?

P(Володя): I know that the Olympic Flag has 5 colored interlocking rings, representing the 5 parts of the world, on a white background.

T: Excellent! Sit down, please.

T: Who else wants to speak about symbols?


T: Yes, of course. / Yes, you may.

T: Алёна, go to the blackboard, please.

T: Ира, help Алёна, please.

P(Алёна): May I?

P(Алёна): There are circles.

The red circles symbolizes America,

The blue one – Europe,

The yellow one – Asia,

The green one – Australia,

The black one – Africa.

/в то время как учащиеся называют значения кругов на флаге, кто-нибудь из учащихся крепит кружки на политическую карту/

T: Very, well! Thank you very much.

I see, you know it.


T: Now, I’ll give some more information on the Olympic Games.

Some words may be in unfamiliar to you: Read the text 2 and choose the main idea of the text.

  1. The Olympic Games help to organize festivals.
  2. The Olympic Games help to strengthen peace and friendship. /правильный ответ/
  3. The Olympic Games help to award medals.

Classwork Text 2

Some words may be in familiar to you

To emphasize  – придавать особое значение

An oath  – клятва

To accompany  – сопровождать

Revival  – возрождение

Temple  – храм

To persuade  – убеждать

To compete  – состязаться

Theodosius  – Теодор

An olive wreath  – оливковый венок

To serve the cause of peace  – служить делу мира

Pierre de Coubertin – Пьер де Кубертен. В 1894 году барон основал Международный Олимпийский Комитет.

Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games began in Greece more than two thousand years ago.

In those times a lot of states on the territory of modern Greece often had wars. The ruler of one of these states wanted to live in peace. He decided to organize athletic games to stop the war.

From that time when the games were held all the wars were stopped.

All the athlets took an oath that they had been prepared well for the Games, promised to the God Olympics to compete honestly. Winners were called “olympionics”; they were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil.

The Olympic Games were accompanied by arts festivals. Singers sang hymns, poets recited poems, orators made speeches – all this in honor of the sacred Games.

The Olympic Games had been held for about eleven hundred years, until the Emperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons in 394 A.D. and the temple of Olympia was destroyed.

The revival of the Olympic began in 1892, when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin persuaded people from 15 countries to start the Olympic Games again. He told people about the importance of sports in uniting peoples of the world and serving the cause of peace, as in ancient times.

From that time the Olympic Games cannot take place in a country which is at war, and during the two world wars there were no Olympic Games, but they were interrupted in 1916, 1940 and 1944 by the world wars the first and the second.

The 22nd Olympic Games of 1980 were held in Russia in Moscow. It was a festival of sport and friendship.

The Olympic Games are not only popular; they help world peace and friendship.

/Проверить, доказать фразами и примерами из текста/

T: Children!

Think for a moment.

Are you ready?

Read the text again.

Let us see, who can do it?

P1(Лида): Yes, I can.

In my opinion it is (b) The Olympic Games help to strengthen peace and friendship

T: That’s all right.

I see you can do it.


T: Now, we’ll see who has the best knowledge of facts. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements. I’m going to give a card to everybody. Think for 3 or 5 minutes.

Sveta, help me, please! (раздаёт)

I see you can understand how to do it. Very good. Are you ready?



Text 2

True or False

  1. The Olympic Games were held for about 5 thousand years ago.
  2. (False); 2 thousand years

  3. The athlets promised to be friendly and to keep the rules of the sport game.
  4. (True); to compete honestly

  5. Winners were awarded paper wreaths.
  6. (False); olive wreaths

  7. The revival of the Olympic began in 1918.
  8. (False); in 1892

  9. The Olympic Games have never been held in our country.
  10. (False); in 1980

  11. Pierre de Coubertin decided to start the Olympic Games again, because he wanted to take part in the Olympic Games himself.

(False); to unite peoples of the world

T: All right, I see you can do it. Give me the slips!

Now, let’s continue our lesson.


T: And now, please find the answer to my question.

Have the Olympic Games ever been stopped? Why?

Yes, you may.


P1(Маша С.): May I answer your question?

Not always. The Olympic Games were not held from 394 till 1892.

There were 2 causes

  1. for religious reasons;
  2. and during the two world wars.

T: That’ll do! Excellent!

I see, you know it.

You know that our country also took part in those wars. And this year we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. I think we’ll speak about this event a lot and now let’s continue to discuss our topic “The importance of the Olympic Games in the struggle for peace”.

Now I give you some more information from the history of the Olympic Games.


/Учитель раздаёт текст № 3/

Some words may be in unfamiliar to you

Superiority  – превосходство

Participant  – участник

To capture  – захватить

To combine  – объединять

The Olympic Games and wars.

The last Olympic Games before the World War II were held in 1936.

Berlin was chosen as the City of the Olympic Games in 1932 just a year after the fascists captured the power in the country. The fascists wanted to use the Olympiad of 1936 in their aims. They wanted to demonstrate to the whole world the superiority of Germany. They considered that Germany was the best country in the world.

To protect the ideas of the Olympic Movements a conference was held in Paris in 1936. The participants of that conference decided that fascism and sport (Olympic Games) could not be combined together. Many countries decided not to take part in the Olympic Games.

The next Olympic Games were held in 1948 in Great Britain. And only two countries – Germany and Japan did not have the right to take part in those Olympic Games. The explanation is very simple. Those countries were the centers of fascism and militarism. Those countries began the Second World War.

It proves again the importance of the Olympic Games expressed by Coubertin. “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not win, but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle”.

T: You should read this text and then answer my question.

What was the world public attitude to the Olympic Games in Germany?

Children, what is the main importance of the Olympic Games?

You can find all the sentences in the texts or /say in your own words/ express your own opinion about it.



T: Yes, you may.

P (Инна): May I answer?

It proves again the importance of the Olympic Games expressed by Coubertin.

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not win, but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle”. (1-й вывод)

T: Very good!

P(Маша Б): The Olympic Games are not only popular; they help world peace and friendship. They contribute much to the struggle for peace, understanding and trust among peoples.

T: Now look at the pictures on page 136-137.

Can you comment on one of these pictures?

How does the Olympic flag represent the world?

T: All right. Thank you.


P(Аня): It has 5 colored rings: blue, yellow, red, black, green.

T: Children! What do you know about the medals?

P(Алена): I know that the sportsmen who take the first place at the Games receive gold medals, those who come second receive silver medals and those who finished third receive bronze medals.

T: Every sign means the definite kind of sport.

Can you explain each of these signs?

P (Света): There are: swimming, volleyball, football, figure-skating, horse-racing.

Nowadays almost all people are fond of some sport, because it helps them to keep fit and because they enjoy it.

During the Olympic Games there are competitions in many kinds of sports: for example in swimming, in horse-racing, volleyball, football, figure-skating.

T: The Olympic symbols.

Do you like these toys - bear Misha and cartoon dog Cobi?

What do you think of them?

What do they symbolize?










/The sing song/

P1(Лида): I think that this bear symbolizes strength, endurance, courage.

P2(Аня): In my opinion the cartoon dog Cobi – it’s the symbol of quickness, adroitness.

P3(Коля): I like these toys. I think it’s very funny that a toy is the symbol of the Olympic Games.

P4(Маша Б): I want that every Olympic Games may have their own symbol – toy.

P5(Маша С): The cartoon dog cobi is the symbol of the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992.

P6(Володя): In 1980 Moscow hosted the 22 Olympic Games. Their symbol was Bear Misha. I think this is the best symbol in the history of Olympic Games.

T: The Olympic flame.

We have not told about the Olympic flame. The Olympic flame is the main symbol of the Olympic Games. You should find the passage about the flame in your text. Who wants to read aloud?


Very well! Thank you!

P (Ира): The Olympic flame will burn till the end of the Games. The Olympic torch has been carried from Olympia by torch bearers, one for each kilometer, about 340 in all. Before the parade the torch is lighted. The flame for the torch comes from the Site of Olympia. There it’s lighted from the sun’s rays and carried by relays of runners to the city where the Games are being held. The Olympic flame is lit that will burn till the end of the Games.

T: And now let’s imagine the Olympic Games of 2096.

P1(Инна): I think that all countries will take part in the Olympic Games of 2096.

P2(Лида): In my point of view the number of athletes who can take part in it will increase.

P3(Маша С): I hope that the ideals of the Olympic Games in 2096 will stay the same: “… building a peaceful and better world through sport”.

P4(Маша Б): I think that every country will take its culture to the international community and will acquaint other nations with its cultural heritage.

T: We live in Novokuznetsk.

Our city is a cultural centre of Siberia.

For those who are fond of sport there are a lot of playgrounds, stadiums, swimming pools and the Palace of sport.

We have our own ice-hockey team “Metallurg”.

Imagine that the Olympic Games 2096 are going to be held in Novokuznetsk.

  1. What kinds of sport can you offer for the next Olympic Games?
  2. How many countries will be represented in the future Olympic Games?
  3. Can you imagine the motto for these games?

Do you like our tongue twister?

The first wealth is health.

Health is the best weath.

Let’s repeat it again.


Итак, д/задание:


T: Well, write down your hometask: you should work out the programme of the future Olympic Games in Novokuznetsk.



Children! Today we remember the history of the Olympic Games, their importance in the world.

So, our lesson is coming to an end.

All of you worked very well.

I’m pleased with your answers.

Children! I give you Control Cards.

You know how to work with them.

I give you some minutes!

Are you ready?

Collect you control cards.

Thank you for your work.

Good – bye!