Урок английского языка по теме: "Why is it useful to go in for sports?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема: Why is it useful to go in for sports?

Цели и задачи урока: - активизировать навыки устной речи, чтения о спорте и его пользе для укрепления здоровья людей;

- закрепить навыки употребления лексики о спорте в диалогической речи, умение понимать текст на слух;

- извлекать необходимую информацию при выполнении заданий к тексту;

- развивать языковую догадку, расширять кругозор и эрудицию учащихся;

- формировать здоровый образ жизни, понимание важности занятий спортом для укрепления здоровья;

- воспитывать коллективизм, умение работать в группе, помогать друг другу.

Наглядность: картинки о спорте, карточки с лексикой, лексические опоры.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент (приветствие, цели и задачи урока)

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you.

Pupils: Good morning! We are glad to see you too.

Teacher: Let’s begin our lesson. Today we shall speak about sport and its use for our health. We shall repeat the words about sport, make up dialogues, check up your home text about football. You will listen to the text about sports and games and do some tasks.

Today you will work in 3 groups, help each other and learn to work together. I wish you good luck.

II. Речевая зарядка (отработка лексики по теме спорт).

Teacher: Now children listen to me and answer my questions.

Teacher: What kind of sport do you enjoy?

Pupil 1: I enjoy football.

Pupil 2: I enjoy basketball.

Pupil 3: I enjoy volleyball.

Pupil 4: I enjoy swimming.

Teacher: Good for you, I see that all of you enjoy sport very much. So my 2-nd question is:

2) What kinds of sport are popular with children?

Pupil 5: Many kinds of sport are popular with children football, basketball, badminton, swimming, athletics, gymnastics, skiing, skating and some others.

Teacher: 3) What summer sports do you know?

Pupil 6: Summer sports are: football, badminton, swimming, and athletics.

Teacher: 4) What wither sports do you know?

Pupil 7: Winter sports are: hockey, tigure skating, skiing, skating, biathlone.

Teacher: 5) Are you a sport fan?

Pupil 8: Yes, I am a football fan.

Teacher: 6) Do you go in for sports?

Pupil 9: Yes, I go in for volleyball.

Teacher: 7) Why do you go in for sports?

Pupil 10: I go in for sports because I want to be healthy, active and strong.

Teacher: Very good. Yes, sport helps you to be healthy and strong.

Teacher: 8) What’s your favorite team?

Pupil 11: My favorite football team is “Spartak”.

Teacher: 9) Does your class team take part in sport competitions?

Pupil 12: Yes, of course. Our team always takes part in sport competitions.

III. Чтение, перевод лексики

(работа с карточкой №2, см. приложение 1)

Teacher: Now, children, take card №2. Your task is: find and match the words about sport.

Then you will read and translate the words.

(групповая работа)

Pupil 1: a fan - болельщик, a sports event - спортивное соревнование ; a referee - судья ; a team - команда; a forward - нападающий ; a goal - keeper - вратарь.

Pupil 2: a stadium - стадион; a sport ground - спортивная площадка; race - состязание, гонка; athletics - атлетика; a swimming -pool - плавательный бассейн; a competition - соревнование.

Pupil 3: to hold a sport event - проводить спортивные соревнования; a match - матч.

IV. Dialogues.

Teacher: O’ key, now your task is: prepare short dialogues with the words in your cards №3 (I give you 3 minutes)

I группа

a fan
a forward
a team

II группа a referee

a match
a sports ground

III группа

a stadium
a race
a competition

Dialogue 1 (Group 1).

P 1 - Are you a football fan?

P 2- Of course I am, and you?

P 1 -My favorite team is “Spartak” and what about you?

P 2 -I’ am Zenit’s fan.

P1- Who is your favorite forward?

P2- My favorite forward is David Beckham

P2- As for me I like Ronaldo. He is the best player.

Dialogue 2 (Group 2)

P3- Let’s go to the sport ground to watch a basketball match/

P4- That’s a good idea. I like basketball very much

P3- I like basketball too, besides my brother will be a referee in this match

P4-Will our team take part in this match?

P3- No, our team will play next Sunday.

Dialogue 3 (Group 3)

P 5 - Let’s go to the stadium on Sunday.

P 6- What sport competitions will be held there?

P 5 - The boys will have a race.

P 6 - Oh with pleasure I like athletics very much.

P 5 - The boys will be pleased if we come.

Teacher: Very well, thank you.

V. Контроль домашнего текста.

Teacher: You have prepared very good dialogues. But now, we shall check up your home text about football:

Group 1 prepared a short retelling of the text.

Group 2 prepared questions to the text.

Group 3 prepared true or false statements.

Let’s begin with Group 3.

Pupil 1:- Only some schools in Britain have soccer teams.

Pupil 2: - It’s false. Nearly every school has a soccer team in Britain.

Pupil 3: - In Britain the soccer season begins in the middle of july.

Pupil 4: - It’s false. The soccer season begins in the middle of August.

Pupil 5: - School soccer teams and the professional teams do not train very hard.

Pupil 6: - It’s false. The teams train very hard, because they want to win their matches.

Pupil 7: - American football does not differ from European soccer.

Pupil 8: - It's false. American football differs very much from European soccer.

Teacher: -Now, listen to the Group 2, they have prepared some questions.

Pupil 9: -How is football called in Great Britain?

Pupil 10: -This game is called soccer in Great Britain.

Pupil 11: -Are British boys interested in soccer?

Pupil 12: -Yes, of course. Every boy in Great Britain knows much about the games, the players, the results of many matches.

Pupil 11: -Is soccer a good exercise for the body?

Pupil 12: -Yes, soccer is a good exercise for the body. It makes the players quick and strong.

Pupil 7: -When does the soccer season begin?

Pupil 1: - The soccer season begins in the middle of August.

Pupil 9: - Is American football quite different from European soccer?

Pupil 3: - Yes, American football differs much from European soccer.

Teacher: - Thank you, very much. Now let’s listen to the group 1 and their retelling of the text.

Pupil: - Football is a very popular game all over the world. In Great Britain this game is called soccer. In Great Britain schools have their soccer teams and many boys are interested in the games, they know the players and the results of many matches.

Soccer is a good team game. It is a good exercise for the body; it makes the players quick and strong.

Football is also played in America, but American football is quite different from European soccer.

VI. Физминутка

(Здоровьесберегающая пауза)

Teacher: - I see you are tired a little, let’s have a rest. Imagine that you are at your gym lesson. Do some exercises, and after that we shall continue our lesson.

(Физорг проводит физминутку).

VII. Аудирование текста “Sports and Games”, выполнение заданий к тексту.

(Cм. приложение № 4; Card № 4)

Teacher: - you will listen to the text twice. And do the tasks. Each group has its own task.

(Учащиеся слушают текст 2 раза и выполняют задания).

Group 1. Answer the questions.

Group 2. Do the tests.

Group 3. Do the tests in Russian.

VIII. Устные высказывания о пользе спорта.

(Групповая работа, учащиеся готовят краткие высказывания о пользе спорта с помощью лексических опор).

Teacher: Your task is to prepare some sentences about sport and how it helps the people to be healthy. Take cards №1. These words and expressions will help you. (5 минут на подготовку)

Teacher: Group 1 speak about why it is important to do morning exercises.

Group 2 speak about why it is useful to play sport games.

Group 3 speak about why it is useful to go in for sports.

Pupil 1:-we think that it’s very important to do morning exercises, because they help us to be active, strong, healthy. They also train our body. If we do morning exercises we feel ourselves active and not tired during all the day. They help us to study better don’t fall ill.

Teacher: thank you. Very good. Now group 2

Pupil 2: We think that it’s very useful to play sport games, because they train our bodies. When we play sport games we become strong, active and quick. Sport games learn us to play together and to help each other. They help us to be strong, to be in a good shape and healthy.

Teacher: Thanks, now group 3.

Pupil 3: - We agree that it’s very important to go in for sports, because sport helps us to be healthy, active and strong. When we go in for sports we become trained, active, we have a good shape. If we go in for sports we seldom fall ill and study better.

So, sport helps us to have good health, to be strong and active.

IX. Итог урока. Рефлексия.

Teacher: So, children, our lesson is going to an end, I think that it was a very useful lesson for you and for me. We have understood that it’s very important to go in for sports. But let’s sum up; answer the main question of our lesson: Why do the people go in for sports? One sentence from the group.

Pupil 1. Group 1. The people go in for sports because they want to be strong.

Pupil 5. Group 2. The people go in for sports if they want to be healthy and wealthy.

Pupil 10. Group 3.The people go in for sports when they want to be in a good shape.

Teacher: Your home - work will be: Read the text about basketball. And each group will have its own task.

Group 1. You task is: answer the question: Why does basketball become so popular not only in the USA and Canada but all over the world. (Объем высказывания 6-7 предложений).

Group 2. Your task is: to prepare a short retelling of the text (5-6 sentences)

Group 3. Your task is: to make up 6 questions to the text.

Teacher: So the lesson is over, goodbye! See you at the next lesson. You have worked very well today. And you have got good marks.