Мы то, что мы едим

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • проверить прочность усвоения материала по теме “Еда;”
  • активизировать лексику по теме в монологических высказываниях, аудировании, диалогической речи;
  • повышать удельный вес самостоятельной работы, стремление находить необходимую информацию в условиях информационного неравенства участников (information gap), развивать умение сопоставлять и анализировать информацию по теме;
  • воспитывать культуру общения при ведении дискуссии, терпимость к чужому мнению; желание работь сообща.

Оснащение: аудиозапись “ The local cafe”, видеофрагмент рекламы продуктов питания, иллюстрация Кустодиева “ Купчиха за чаем”.


1. Оргмомент. Приветствие. Вступление учителя.

It’s no secret that people around the world eat different kinds of food, because they have different food habits and customs. Now complete the sentence, please.

I eat ___

when I am hungry
sweets when I am nervous
because my mother insists on it
slowly because I don’t like to be in a hurry
meat with vegetables
without appetite when I am ill
standing near a stove when nobody sees me

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

“ One man’s meal is another man’s poison.”

Участники произносят каждый свое слово, чтобы данная поговорка звучала так плавно, как если бы ее произносил один человек.

(в группах)

3. Речевая зарядка.

  • What do we mean by saying “ food habits”, “ food customs”, “ eating habits”?
  • What do you think about the saying “One man’s meal is another man’s poison”?
  • Is eating the proper food important to stay healthy?
  • What are the basic types of food a person should eat?

(meat group, milk group, fruits-vegetables group, bread-cereal group, fats and sugar group.)

4. Игра на повторение лексики по теме “ Types of food”

У учителя в руках разноцветные жетоны, он предлагает учащимся взять любое количество жетонов, не объясняя задания. После того как участники возьмут жетоны учитель предлагает их вернуть. Возвращая жетон, они называют продукты, относящиеся к различным пищевым группам.

Например: синий жетон – meat group, красный жетон – fats .

5. Ayдирование. Прослушивание диалога “The local cafe” в аудиозаписи.

The local cafe.

  • Hey,Helen! Karini!
  • Oh, hello Tom.
  • I can’t understand this menu. What’s an aubergine?
  • Er, it’s a kind of vegetable. It’s long, and round, and purple. In America you call it an eggplant.
  • Eggplant? Oh, no, I don’t like eggplant. What’s a ploughman’s lunch?
  • It’s got a slice of bread, a piece of cheese, and some lettuce ___ . It’s a sort of salad.
  • Salad? That’s rabbit food! Isn’t there any real food? What’s a black pudding- an ice cream?
  • No, it’s a kind of sausage,Tom. It’s made of blood.
  • Oh, that’s gross!
  • Come on, I’ll show you the local cafe.

Answer the questions.

  • Why can’t the boy understand the menu?
  • What’s an aubergine?
  • Does the boy like salad?
  • What does he want to eat?

6.  Игра “ Guess the dish”

Every person chooses one national or regional dish, makes a label and puts his or her name on it, and the name of a dish:

Participant’s name:

Name of a dish:

All the labels go into a hat. Each member of the class picks out a label and asks a person whose label it is to explain and describe the dish.

Various dishes.

Irish coffee.
It’s a sort of drink. It’s black coffee with milk, Irish whisky and cream. This is best achieved by pouring it carefully over the back of a spoon.
Pelmeni or meat-filled dumplings.
It’s a kind of Siberian cuisine made of meat and paste.
The Pavlova Shell.
It’s a kind of a desert. It’s a cake. The Pavlova Shell is normally filled with cream and covered with fresh fruit such as kiwifruit, bananas, strawberries.
Irish Stew.
It’s a dish composed of pieces of mutton, potatoes, and onions stewed together. It is cooked very slowly for about 3 hours in a pot. Irish stew should be thick and creamy, not thin and watery.
It’s a sort of drink. It’s a traditional Russian beverage made from fermented rye bread.

7. Составление монологического высказывания с опорой на иллюстрацию к картине Б.М. Кустодиева “ Купчиха за чаем” и вопросы:

  • How do you find the young woman?
  • What can you say about her eating habits?

Можно предложить учащимся озвучить картину, выступая от имени купчихи, рассказывающей о своих пристрастиях в еде.

8. Обсуждение видеорекламы еды.

Is there an advertisement on television at the moment you particularly like?

Are advertisements on TV for food good or bad? Give your reasons.

(Advertisements provide us with the information about new products, we desire to buy and taste them, to compete with each other companies have to create better food products and customers may choose the best. Food advertisements never tell us about drawbacks, they make us buy much more food than we need, sometimes advertisements irritate us because they don’t let us have our own opinion.)

9. Работа над текстом “ Food for thought.”

У школьников имеются аналогичные тексты, где подробности, присутствующие в одном тексте, отсутствуют в другом, и недостаток информации нужно восполнить.

Food for thought.

The world’s population is almost 6 billion. We produce enough grain to feed 6 billion people. But we give a quarter of the world’s grain to our farm animals. Some people say that there are too many people on the planet. Some people say that thereare too many farm animals, because we eat too much meat.
In many countries, only rich people eat meat, because it’s expensive. In India, for example, an average person eats 1 kilogram of meat, in the UK, 60 kilos, and in the USA, 100 kilos.
A quarter of the world’s population live in the ‘ developed countries’ These people eat half of the world’s food.
In some countries, nearly everyone is hungry.
The average American eats 2,100 grams of food a day –the average Indian eats 600 grams.
People in the ‘developed’ countries often eat too much food.
30 of all Americans are overweight.
15 of all food is thrown away.

Food for thought.

The world’s population is almost 6 billion. We produce enough grain to feed people.
In many countries, only rich people eat meat, because it’s very expensive. In Nigeria, for example, an average person eats 6 kilogram of meat a year, and in the USA, 100 kilos. A pet in Europe eats more meat every year than an average person in the non- developed world.
A quarter of the world’s population live in the ‘developed’ countries – Europe, North America, Australia, and Japan.
According to the United Nations, 250,000 young children die every week from hunger and hunger – related diseases.

  • What’s the title of your article?
  • What is the world’s population?
  • Do we produce enough grain to feed 6 billion people?
  • Why do some people say that there are too many farm animals ?
  • Is it the truth that only rich people eat meat?
  • How many kilos of meat does an average person eat in India, Nigeria?
  • A pet cat in Europe eats more meat every year than an average person in the non-developed world, doesn’t it?
  • How many people in America are overweight?
  • How many young people in the non-developed countries die every week?

10. Составление проекта. Project “Focus on food”.

In your notebook, write all the food you ate yesterday, like this:

    Breakfast: bread, cheese, orange juice

    Lunch: ___ Dinner: ___ Supper: ___

    In groups of four, combine your lists:

    Breakfast: ___ (3 bread, 2 cheese, 1 jam, 1 cereal ___ )

    Now combine the information from the groups and write them on the blackboard.

    Make up a report about the class’s eating habits. Give results of your survey and then your conclusions.

    90% of us eat bread for breakfast.

    80% of us eat cereals.

    I think we eat too much ___

    I think we eat too many ___

    We shouldn’t drink ___ coffee.

11. Домашнее задание.

Write a report about the class’s eating habits.

12. Итог урока.