Путешествие в мир английской сказки

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема учебного занятия: Путешествие в мир английской сказки.

Продуктивные задачи на тему:

1) Создание “Свода правил” межличностных отношений.
2) Создание волшебного сборника “Доброта”.
3) Смоделирование ситуации, которая помогла решить поставленные задачи в соответствии с нравственными ценностями и убеждениями.

Цель урока:

Развитие личности ребенка через активизацию понятия “добро”, включающее определение качества личности и реакцию на них окружающих.

Задачи учебного занятия:

1) Создание условий для формирования понятия “добра” посредством английской сказки.
2) Развивать умение внимательно читать и осмысливать текст сказки. Стимулировать поиск необходимой информации в тексте.
3) Активизировать лексику и лексико-грамматические конструкции по заданной теме, формировать коммуникативную культуру.
4) Активизировать творческие способности ребенка через размышление и презентацию своего мнения и ролевой игры.

Взаимодействие и сотрудничество в период подготовки к учебному занятию:

Было дано задание прочитать три части сказки, выбрать положительных и отрицательных героев и в соответствии с характером персонажей разделиться на две команды.

Участие в реализации задач группы принимали ученики, учителя и на заключительном этапе родители (идеи и помощь в оформлении проектов к сборнику “Доброта”).

Нашу планету Земля населяют многие народы. И где бы народ ни жил - с ним живут и его сказки. Сказки самые разные, но во всех есть борьба добра со злом, про дружбу и верность. Добро порождает Добро - так учат сказки.

Орг. момент: Good afternoon, children! Our topic today is fantastic!
Our topic today is tale which develops our mind making us clever, intelligent and charges us with a sense of humor forever. I'm glad to see the team of “Witch” and the team of “Sarah”. Today we shall discuss what good and bad characters are in Russia and English fairy - tale. What is good and evil? If one can exist without other.

Проверка домашнего задания.

We read a lot of fairy - tales. And today we'll work with one of them. There are good and bad characters and your task is to prove it. Find the information in the text, read and comment it. The team of “Sarah” begins.

P: (Зачитывает информацию из текста сказки о главной героине и комментирует)

- Sarah is a good - hearted girl. When somebody is in a trouble she is always ready to help.

P: “Please, sir” - said Sarah. “I'm looking for some magic mustard seeds” (зачитывает текст сказки).

- Sarah is a polite girl. If she asks somebody, she says “please”.

P: - In my opinion she is very brave and although the way is difficult and frightening she doesn't give up.

T: Ok. I see there are good characters in English fairy tale and what about bad characters.

Are there any? “Witch”. Have you anything to say?

Команда “Witch”:

P1: The tree explained Sarah her way but the girl didn't listen to it. Why the tree must repeat it twice? In my opinion Sarah is inattentive and the tree is right when refused to repeat.

P2: Sarah is a good character but why she has stolen the mustard?!

Ученики из команды “Witch” пытались оправдать действия отрицательных героев и доказать, что даже доброй и отважной героине приходится совершать неблаговидный поступок. Такой интерпретации возражают ребята из команды “Sarah”:

P3: You must have forgotten the 1st part.

Vinegar Witch was the first who stole the magic mustard. “We think V.Witch has done it ...” (текст сказки)

P4: But Sarah's action doesn't become better of it.

P5: She did it to save the Prince.

T: I see bad characters have got questions to good ones. And vice versa. Haven't you? Дискуссия между двумя командами:

Р1: She Prince is weak. The sweet, young girl must go to the wild wood alone because of him! How could he let her go there alone?

P2: That was Witch's claim. Disagree with her means to kill the Prince.

P3: Sarah cares about people. None can tell she is selfish. That's why she wins.

T: Yes, you are right! Mercy in her heart makes her strong dealing with as such bad characters as the Ugly Tree, Vinegar Witch, the Wild Wood and others. Милосердие и великодушие делают нас сильными. Мелочность и злоба разрушают нас и мир вокруг нас. Now children let's remember good characters of Russian fairy - tales.

Pupils: Иван-Царевич, Хаврошечка, Снегурочка, богатыри, Василиса Прекрасная, cолдат...

Т: Very well. What characteristics of good characters can you name?

Let me help you. (Зачитываются рифмовки, последнее слово ребята после догадки произносят вслух)

1) Your eyes are shining Smile, please because I know; it’s GLADNESS.
2) The heart is trembling And a red, red rose above I feel, it's LOVE.
3) One of the strongest emotions it’s DEVOTION.
4) Our life is a long traveling by a white ship we take everything we need that’s FRIENDSHIP .

Выстраивается слово «GOOD»

What else we add to make it complete. If you remember, any, come up to the blackboard and write it down. Ученики выходят к доске, записывают слова на листах и закрепляют их с помощью магнитов.

Ребята сами формируют понятие «добро», которое включает в себя:

Mercy – милосердие
Devotion - преданность
Sympathy – сострадание
Honesty – честность
Gladness – радость
Friendship – дружба
Courage - храбрость


Good for you! We've found the best in people and we shall check how you understood it.

The group from International «Mercy and Love Organization» act out the beginning of one story. Your task is to watch it and think over the end of the story.


(Мальчик с книгой сидит на стуле, к нему подходит девочка)

G: -Hello!

В: -Hello!

G: -Let's run! Why are you sitting? I want to play.

B: -No, thank you.

G: -But why?! Are you an old man to sit all day long? Come on! Let's run!

Bad Boy: - Forget about him. He never plays. He is afraid. He is a coward! (уходит)

G: (выхватывая книгу): Take it back! Catch me if you can!

Мальчик, хромая, уходит, а девочка растерянно смотрит на него.

Т: Well, children, finish the story. But (указывая на доску) don't forget about kindness, mercy, good and so on.

You've got 3 minutes Work in group.

После работы в группах ребята зачитывают свои возможные окончания этой истории.

Команда “Sarah”:

We think the girl must give the book back and say : “I'm sorry.” She can try to become his friend.

Команда “Witch”:

Suddenly a magician appears. He makes bad boy's and girl's hearts good and kind. They find the ill boy and ask him to be friends and they become friends.

После такого заключения захотелось спросить детей

Т: Good for you! But children, Do we need a magician to be kind, good-hearted and merciful?

P: No, we don't. We can be kind and good without any magician.

T: Now I see tales developed your mind , made you clever, intelligent and charged you with a sense of humour forever. And you know what you must be and what you mustn't be. Теперь вы знаете какими вы должны быть и какими вы быть не должны.

Т: Давайте вспомним модальный глагол must. который обозначает своеобразный долг и внутреннее обязательство. И звучит must- крайне категорично, (На доске на карточках must и mustn't.)

For example:

We must be kind to people.
We mustn't be rude to grown-ups.

(Дети переводят.)

T: Make up sentenses with a model verb must. The team of “Sarah” tells us: What we must be. And the team of “Witch” tells us: What we mustn't be.

Группы составляют предложения:

Команда “Sarah”:

We must be good.
We must be merciful.
We must be brave.
We must be friendly.
We must be nice.

Команда “Witch”:

We mustn't be bad.
We mustn't be ill-hearted.
We mustn't be late.
We mustn't be angry.

T: OK! Now, let's remember how to ask questions with a model verb must. For example:

Must you help your mother about the house?
Yes, I must.
No, I mustn't.

Now, the team of “Sarah” asks questions to “Witch.”

Команды задают друг другу вопросы :


Р1:- Must you do your homework every day?

P2:- Must you read books?

P3:- Must you learn English words every day?

P4:- Must you listen to the teacher at the lesson?


P,:- Must you run at school?

P5:- Must you write on the desk?

P6:- Must you wash the blackboard?

(Причём все вопросы личностно ориентированы и дети с удовольствием отвечают друг другу).

Т: Модальный глагол must можно заменить оборотом to have to, который обозначает- должен, приходится, т.е. когда вас вынуждают какие-то обстоятельства.

For example:

We have to be polite, because we live together.
You have to go to school to get an education.

T: Make up sentences with the verb to have to.

P2: I have to do my homework, because I don't like bad marks.

P3: We have to be attentive at the lesson to get good marks.

Т: Оборот to have to можно употреблять в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.

Sarah has to go through the Wild Wood to get to the Witch's home.
Sarah had to go through the Wild Wood.
Sarah will have to go through the Wild Wood to go to the Witch's home.

T: Let's remember our fairy-tale and make up sentences about its characters.

(Вспомним, что приходилось делать персонажам сказки).

Р1: The tree had to explain Sarah her way, but she didn't understand it!

P2: Sarah wanted to take a bus, but there were no buses and she had to go on foot.

T: Вы знаете, что у человека есть права и обязанности. И теперь мы сможем говорить о своих обязанностях с помощью глаголов must и to have to. Your task is : the team of “Sarah” «What we must or mustn't» and the team of «Witch» «What we have to or don't have to do.» Work in groups, doing it in a written form.

Команда «Sarah»: A list of rules

1) We must be merciful, kind, polite and good to people.
2) We must go to school to be clever and smart.
3) We must care of our parents, grandparents and people surrounding us.
4) We must think about our future.
5) We mustn't be ugly and bad.
6) We mustn't smoke.

Команда «Witch»: A list of rules

1) We have to be polite to people because we live together.
2) We have to go to school because our parents wanted. But we don't have to go to school on Sunday.
3) We have to clean our school yard in spring because we like our school.

Teacher: Good work! Good for you!

These lists of rules show that our work with fairy - tales help you understand what is good and bad. I think you should read fairy - tales more. And it occurs to us that good makes good. H/w: Make up a story about good and evil using the words: merry, honesty, sympathy, friendship and so on.

Песня на мотив «От улыбки станет всем светлей...» авторы - учащиеся 6а и учитель

Smile to people here and there
And the friends will meet you everywhere
And the sun will shine in the air
You feel sympathy and love and that is fair


Raise your head and in the sky
Dancing clouds full of smile
And you're living in the world of fairy
If you everything has done
Mercy, love, devotion come
People feel your good and sympathy and care.


His name was Shank. He wasn't round but children called him Sharik. Sometimes they brought him bread, but mostly he ate what he could find in the street.

Children were his friends. All of them. In summer he played football with them, in winter he rode them by sledge.

One winter day Sharik played with Vitya and Misha. Sharik rode one boy than the other.

Then two boys sat on the sledge. Sharik couldn't move them. They were very heavy. Then Vitya kicked him and shouted - «Come on, Sharik», but Sharik couldn't move the sledge, Vitya beat him again. Sharik was hurt he said:

«Bow». Misha got off the sledge and said to Vitya: «You hurt Sharik! Don't beat him!» Vitya said:» Why? Is it your dog?» It's nobody's If I want I can beat him.

«Sharik is our friend. He loves us. He waits for us. He is always glad to see us» -said Misha.

«What?! Sharik is a dog. It is an animal. It doesn't understand anything».

And what do you think?