Открытый урок в 6-м классе "Здоровье и забота о нем"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи обучения: закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры по  темам "Does Your Health Depend on You?", "Whatever the Weather”

Задачи развития: развивать познавательные процессы, память, воображение, внимание;
формировать умение задавать вопросы и отвечать на на вопросы;
развивать интеллектуальную сферу.

Задачи воспитания: воспитывать инициативность и активность в беседе;
воспитывать желание общаться на английском языке, петь песни, читать стихи, говорить пословицы и поговорки, получая при этом удовольствие, радость.

Материалы: Плакаты:

1.Тело человека.
2.Голова человека.
5.Таблички: surgeon, dentist, physician, veterinarian.
6.Medical Puzzle.

Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children!

Pupils: Good afteroon!

Teacher:How are you?

Pupils: Fine, thanks.

Teacher: Who is on duty today?

Ksyusha: I am.

Teacher: Who is your partner?

Ksyusha: Ira is.

Teacher: What is the day today?

Ksyusha: Today is Friday.

Teacher: What is the date today?

Ksyusha: Today is the 12th of March.

Teacher: Who is absent today?

Ksyusha: All are present.

Teacher: Thank you.

Let`s train our tongues!

(Учащиеся проговаривают скороговорки)

Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?

Double bouble gum bubbles double bubbles.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn`t fuzzy,
Was he?

Объявление цели и задач урока.

(Тема написана на доске)

The theme of our lesson is "Health and How To Keep It". Let`s begin our lesson!

The aim of our lesson is to repeat what parts a human body has, what illnesses any person has got, when we visit a doctor and what we should do to be healthy. Did you understand? (Учащиеся переводят)

Before treating a person a doctor must know what parts a human body consists of

Please, what parts of a human body can you name?

(На плакате, изображающем тело человека, и на плакате, изображающем  голову человека, учащиеся показывают и называют части человеческого  тела и части головы человека.)

Teacher: Well! Please, imagine that you are at the National History Museum in London where you can know the history of prehistoric people. In the picture in your books you saw a prehistoric woman. You have already read about her in your text-books. What did the prehistoric woman look like? Please, describe her. Do you like her? Is she attractive? (Один из учеников описывает доисторическую женщину по картинке в учебнике)

Teacher: Well, thank you. Imagine that you met a spaceman. Please, describe him.

(Один из учеников описывает внешность пришельца, изображённого на плакате)

Teacher: Yes, he has got the same parts of the body, but they are different a little. Do you know any poems about parts of a body?

Sasha: What Do We Do with...?

We smell with our nose,
We see with our eyes,
We eat with our mouth
Tasty puddings and pies.
With legs and feet we walk,
With lips and tongue we talk,
And with our ears
We can hear.

Lyuba: What Can`t You Do without...?

Without your tongue
You cannot Talk.
Without your feet
You cannot walk.
Without your eyes
You cannot see.
Without your your heart
You cannot be!

Ksyusha; Only One Heart.

I`ve got two legs . With which I walk.
I`ve got a tongue
With which I talk.
I`ve got two eyes
With which I see.
I`ve got one heart.
To live and be

Teacher: Let`s sing the song "Head And Shoulders"! What is this song about?

(Один из учеников излагает краткое содержание песни на русском языке).

Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

And eyes and ears,
And mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

Arms and legs,
And feet and hands,
Feet and hands.
Arms and legs,
And feet and hands,
Feet and hands.

And eyes and ears,
And mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

Teacher: Thank you.I think you know a human body well enough. And you are ready to treat people and animals, too. Am I right?

Pupils: Yes, we know it.

Teacher: Now tell me, please, what ilnesses you know.

Pupils: a toothache
a headache
a stomachache
a cold
the flu

Teacher: Have you ever had a headache?

Pupil: Yes, sometimes I have a headache.

Teacher: Have you ever had a cold?

Pupil: Yes, I had.

Teacher: When was it?

Pupil: It was two months ago.

Teacher: What do you do when you are ill?

Pupil: We go to a doctor.

Teacher: Yes, and you know the song "I Don`t Want". What is this song about?

(Один из учеников излагает содержание песни на русском языке)

I Don`t Want"

Every time I have a headache
Mama takes me to the doctor.
Every time I have a headache
Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a headache,
I have a headache,
I don`t want to go to bed.
I have a headache,
I have a headache,
I don`t want to go to bed.

Every time I have a stomachache
Mama takes me to the doctor.
Every time I have a stomachache
Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a stomachache,
I have a stomachache,
I don`t want to eat my lunch.
I have a stomachache,
I have a stomachache,
I don`t want to eat my lunch.

Every time I have a toothache
Mama takes me to the dentist.
Every time I have toothache
Mama takes me to the dentist.

I have a toothache,
I have a toothache,
I don`t want to clean my teeth.
I have a toothache,
I have a toothache,
I don`t want to clean my teeth.

Teacher: Thank you.

But now let`s guess the Medical Puzzle.

(На плакате даны только начальные буквы слов, учащиеся вписывают на чёрточках названия требуемых слов)

1.A n t i b i o t i c
1.You take these if you have an infection.

2.P l a s t e r
2.You can put this on a cut.

3.P a i n k i l l e r
3.These help kill pain.

4.E a r a c h e
4.A pain in your ear..

5.N u r s e
5.She looks after you in hospital.

6.D r i n k
6.You should ..... lot of water when you have temperature.

7.I n f l u e n z a

8.C o u g h m i x t u r e
8.What you take for a cough.

9.I l l n e s s e s
9.Measles and chickenpox are both ....

10.T e m p e r a t u r e
10.You feel hot when you have got ....

11.I n j e c t i o n
11.It protects you against tuberculosis .

12.S t o m a c h a c h e
12. You get this if you eat too much sweet.

Teacher: Well. Now imagine that you are doctors, please. What doctors do you know?

(Учащиеся называют: a surgeon, a dentist, a physician, a veterinarian)

Who wants to be a surgeon (a dentist, a physician, a veterinarian) ?

(Желающим раздаются таблички с надписями surgeon, dentist,

physician, veterinarian)

Now Ksyusha is a physician, Anya is a a dentist, Lera is a surgeon, Ira is a veterinarian.

Now who should visit the physician? Anya should.

Physician: Hello!

Anya: Hello!

Physician: What`s the matter? You don`t look happy.

Anya: I don`t feel well. I`ve got a headache and an earache. My ear hurts. And I can`t move my head.

Physician: How long have you been this?

Anya: Since yesterday.

Physician:What is your temperature?

Anya: It is 37.5.

(Врач прослушивает Аню)

Physician: You shouldn`t worry. You should stay in bed and keep warm yourself. I`ll prescribe some medicines for you. Take the medicine three times a day before meals.

Take some vitamins, too. You should drink herbal tea (with mint, for example). . Anya: Thank you very much. Good bye.

Physician: Good bye.

Teacher: Well, who should visit the dentist? Oh, Roma should.

Dentist: Hello!

Roma: Hello!

Dentist: What is the matter?

Roma: I`ve got an awful toothache. I used a hotwater bootle, I took different tablets, but nothing could help me.

Dentist: Open your mouth, please. Show me your teeth. What tooth hurts you? Oh, your teeth are so bad. Do you brush your teeth?

Roma: Oh, yes, I do.

Dentist: How often do you brush your teeth?

Roma: Sometimes often, sometimes seldom.

Dentist: You must brush your teeth more than three times a day. And you must visit the dentist twice a year. But now I`ll extract your tooth. It is too bad.

Roma: Oh! My God!

Teacher: Well, who should visit the surgeon? Sasha should.

Surgeon: Hello!

Sasha: Hello!

Surgeon: What`s the matter?

Sasha: Oh, I was going home in the evening yesterday. It was dark. I didn`t notice a stone on my way and fell down. I felt a terrible pain. I didn`t sleep all the night.

Surgeon: Show me your leg, please. Oh, I think you should go to hospital by ambulance. I hope we help you and you`ll get better.

Teacher: Well, who should visit the veterinarian? Anya should.

Anya: Hello!

Vet: Hello!

Anya: Oh, doctor, help us, please! My dog is very ill. She doesn`t eat anything, she doesn`t go for a walk.

Vet: I think your dog has an earache. You should drip some medicine into its ears. I`ll prescribe it. And you should keep its ears warm. I hope it will get better soon.

Anya: Thank you. Good bye.

Vet: Good bye.

Teacher: Ksyusha`s cat is ill. She should visit the veterinarian, too.

Ksyusha: How are you?

Vet: How are you? You don`t look too happy. May I help you? What`s the matter?

Ksyusha: Doctor, my cat cut her paw.

Vet: How did it happen?

Ksyusha: I don`t know.

Vet: You should wash her paw and use marganese. But if there are some problems with your cat`s paw come to me with your cat again

Ksyusha: Thank you. Good bye. .

Teacher: Lyuba, is your monkey ill? You should visit the veterinarian.

Lyuba: Oh, doctor, I think my monkey is dieing. She is so sick, her temperature is high.

Oh, doctor!

Vet: Don`t cry. I help you. Your monkey caught cold. Now we`ll go to the hospital and they`ll treat your monkey. But you should know our climate isn`t good for monkeys. We should have special conditions to keep a monkey.

Teacher: Thank you. I think you may be good doctors.

Now let`s go on.

Some people think a lot about their health. Others don`t. Let`s read about different attitude towards medicine. Open your books, page 64. What attitude towards health and doctors has Bob? Please, read and translate.

(Ученик читает и переводит)

Teacher: Thanks. What about David?

(Ученик читает и переводит)

Teacher: Thank you. And what does Steven say?

(Ученик читает и переводит)

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

This is a proverb, isn`t it? How does it sound in Russian?

“Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт.”

Please, write it down in your copybooks for proverbs.

What is your attitude towards medicine, doctors?

Do you go to doctors?

Does your mother take you to the doctor?

Do you follow the doctor`s advise?

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)

Do you remember the poem “Doctor Powderpill” by Kornei Chukovsky?

Не поняли, потому что ещё не знаете, что доктор Айболит по-английски звучит Doctor Powderpill.

Запишите, пожалуйста, в свои словари эти новые слова:

рowder – порошок, pill – пилюля

Let`s read some fragments from the poem “Doctor Powderpill”

(Ребята читают текст на выданных им листочках,

домашнее задание – перевести данные фрагменты)

What do you think? What influences our health?

Does the weather influence our health?

Pupils: Yes, it does.

Teacher: What do you think? Do the English speak about weather?

Pupils: Yes, they do. It is their favourite theme of speaking.

Teacher: Let`s speak about weather. All together! About the weather.

Pupils: Whether the weather is fine,
Or whether the weather is not,
Whether the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
We`ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

Teacher: That`s nice!

Before speaking about the weather let`s remember some grammar rules. Open the text-book page 80, exercise 3.

Impersonal Sentences.

Make sentences, please.

Page 82.

there is
there are
there will be

Page 82. First Conditional.

Do you remember these rules? Please, do exercises.

Page 83, exercise 2.

Page 85, exercise 2 (1).

(Учащиеся выполняют упражнения устно)

OK! Now let`s speak about weather in different seasons.

How many seasons do you know?

What are they?

What is your favourite season?

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)

What poems about seasons do you know?

Ira: Winter

It`s winter now, so bundle up tight!
Warm mittens and caps will be just right.
Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,
Time to ski and skate all around.
Winter, spring,summer, fall –
I like winter best of all.

Ksyusha: Fall.

Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it`s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown
And they all are falling down.
Winter, spring,summer, fall,
I like fall best of all.

Lyuba: When trees are green.

When trees are green and forests are green,
And grass is green and long,
It`s good to walk in the forest
And listen to little birds` song.
When trees are white and forests are white
Because they are covered with snow,
It`s good to be out-of-doors and play.
Oh, I love it so!

Teacher: Nice. Let`s return to our health.

What should we do to keep ourselves healthy?

Pupil:I think we must eat the right food.

Teacher: What does it mean to eat the right food?

Listen to the text and translate it. I`ll read all the text and then I`ll read it once more.

Food for Life.

People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds. Milk come from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.

From plants we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows on trees: apples, oranges, bananas.

Different food comes from different countries. Oranges and bananas grow in Africa and America.

Where does our food come from?

Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it.

Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice. They`ve got a lot of vitamins.

(Учащиеся рассказывают на русском языке, как они поняли английский текст)

In the end of the text there was the proverb.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

The another proverb.

Eat an apple before going to bed lease and you`ll make the doctor beg for his bread.

Please, write them down into your copybooks for proverbs, translate them at home and find Russian equivalents for them. And do you eat the right food? Your home task was to make a page about your food in your albums. Please, show me  Your albums and tell us about your food, about your usual food and about your favourite food. Please, who wants?

(Учащиеся показывают оформленную страницу и рассказывают о том, как они питаются)

Thank y ou. May be some of you should think a little about the right food. Who knows poems about food?

Oksana: Who Likes What?

Some of us like brown bread,
Some of us like white.
Some of us eat a lot of meat,
Some don`t think it`s right.
Some of us like apples,
Some drink juice at night.
Some of us eat many sweets,
Some don`t think it`s right.

Teacher: And what do you think is it right to eat many sweets?

Pupil: No, it isn`t. It harms our teeth.

Teacher: What is the name of the man who eats very much?

Anya: Robin.

Robin, Robin, what a man!
He eats as much as no one can.
He ate a lot of fish, he ate a lot of meat,
He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet,
He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs
And all the cookies Mother has.
He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake,
Then said:”I have a stomachache.”

Teacher: Is Robin right or wrong?

Pupil: Of course, he is wrong.

Teacher: Why?

Pupil: To eat too much is bad habbit. It harms health .

Teacher: Yes, you are right.

There is the proverb.

Diet cures more than the lancet.

Please, write it down and find its Russian equivalent. What else should you do to be health Pupil: We should keep ourselves clean. We should clean teeth, wash our face and  hands, keep our body clean, keep our clothes clean, we must take a shower.

Teacher: There is the proverb

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Please, write it down and find its Russian equivalent. What else helps our health?

Pupil: All kinds of sports help our health.

Teacher: Yes, OK. What kinds of sports do you know?

(Ученики называют различные виды спорта)

Who remembers any poem about sports?

Roma: Sports

Sport is fun for girls and boys.
It`s much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski, and skate,
And play snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.

Teacher: And what is your favourite sport?

(Учащиеся говорят о своём любимом виде спортa)

Thank you for the lesson. I see you think about your health, like sports, know about right food and I hope you will be healthy for a long time.

Your marks are……..