В кафе, Halloween

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи: введение страноведческого материала по теме “Праздники англоязычных стран” в форме “Урок – праздник”; контроль усвоения страноведческой темы; отработка навыков устной речи и чтения поэтических произведений; развитие навыков аудирования через видеоматериал и рассказ учителя.

Цели: дать учащимся знания страноведческого характера; активизировать их интерес к изучению английского языка; способствовать расширению культурного кругозора; знакомить с песенным и поэтическим наследием англоязычных стран; использовать межпредметные связи на фоне практического овладения английским языком.

Оборудование: плакат “Happy Halloween to All and to All a Good Fright!” , настенные украшения и гирлянды, тыквы из папье-маше, телевизор, видеомагнитофон, 2 видеофильма, магнитофон, аудиокассета.


I. Организационный момент

Teacher. Good morning! Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. Today we shall celebrate one of the most ancient holidays in the world – Halloween. But before we begin speaking about this holiday I want you to look at the blackboard and read the following words “Happy Halloween to All and to All a Good Fright!” An unusual wish, isn’t it? We wish each other Happy New Year but we never wish “a Good Fright”. Why is it so? I hope that you’ll know it during our lesson. We shall work in two teams and our guests will be our judges. At the end of the lesson they will tell us who is the best in our competition.

II. Основная часть

1. Рассказ о возникновении праздника

Teacher. Halloween is both British and American holiday. Few holidays tell us as much of the past as Halloween. Its origin dates back hundreds of years to the Druids. They thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. As they were afraid of the witches they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts near the doors of their houses for the witches. The custom of telling ghost stories on Halloween also comes from the Druids.

2. Рассказ о современном праздновании

Pupil 1. Halloween customs today follow many of ancient practices. When children wear costumes, false faces, or witches’ hats, bob for apples or carry jack-o-lanterns they are carrying on ancient traditions.

Pupil 2. The jack-o-lantern, most typical of Halloween symbols, began with the Irish. According to legend a man named Jack was expelled from Hell for playing tricks on the devil He was to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern to light his way. Modern jack-o-lanterns are made from big orange pumpkins.

Pupil 3. Sometimes big and sometimes small,
But always round and yellow.
When children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow.

Pupil 4. In the evening of October 31 boys and girls “dress up” in different old clothes and wear masks. On an empty pumpkin they cut out slits for two eyes, a nose and a mouth and put a lighted candle inside. The pumpkin then looks like a jeering face with burning eyes. The children go from house to house and knock at the doors, calling “trick or treat”.

Pupil 5. The schools are usually decorated for a week with orange and black paper, carved pumpkins here and there, and pictures of witches, cotton spider-webs and various items of the autumn season.

3. Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher. Look at the blackboard and you’ll see some words that will help us during the lesson. Repeat them after me:

Pumpkin witch broomstick
Ghost skeleton bat
Rat spider trick or treat
Bobbing the apples

4. Просмотр видеофрагмента “Halloween” из видеофильма “British Festivals”

5. Беседа по просмотренному фрагменту:

  1. What holiday is this film about?
  2. What is the girl going to be?
  3. What is the boy doing?
  4. Where does he put a pumpkin?
  5. What was the girl’s costume?
  6. What does the witch ride on?

6. Игра.

Teacher. All of you know the game “Two pianos” Now we shall play this game. You see the words on the blackboard. You must tell a poem, sing a song according to the list and our guests will judge you. But before that, please, answer my questions. What month is it now? What is the weather like today? Is it cold? Yes, we live in the North and the weather is snowy and stormy today. But in the southern regions they have a different October.

Pupil 6. The month is amber,
Gold and brown.
Blue ghosts of smoke
Float through the town.
Great V’s of geese
Honk overhead
And maples turn
A fiery red.

Pupil 7. Frost bites the lawn.
The stars are slits
In a black cat’s eye
Before she spits.

Pupil 8. At last, small witches,
Goblins, hags,
And pirates armed
With paper bags.
Their costumes hinged
On safety pins,
Go haunt a night
Of pumpkin grins.

Teacher. Let’s begin. The first word is “witch

Pupil 9. There was a witch.
The witch had an itch,
The itch was so itchy it
Gave her a twitch.
Another witch
Admired the twitch,
So she started twitching
Though she had no itch.
Now both of them twitch,
So it’s hard to tell which
Witch has the itch and
Which witch has the twitch.

Teacher. Which sound did you hear all the time? Right you are. The sound [t]

Дети читают стихотворение, написанное на плкате, вслед за учителем, переводят, затем по одному ученику от каждой команды читают это стихотворение.

Teacher. The next word is “bat”. Listen to the joke and try to understand it. “The little mouse said to her mother, looking at the bat: “Mummy, mummy, look, an angel!”
All of you know the song about the witches. Let’s sing it. (На мотив “Ten Little Indians”)

One little, two little, three little witches,
Four little, five little, six little witches,
Seven little, eight little, nine little witches,
Ten little witches in the sky.
Ten little, nine little, eight little witches,
Seven little, six little, five little witches,
Four little, three little, two little witches,
One little witch bye-bye!

Teacher. Witches prepared different снадобья and told magic spells:

Pupil 10. Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot
Add some bat wings and then what?
Mix and mix until you’ve got
A new monster ugly and hot.
Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot,
Turn a rat into a frog,
Turn a cat into a log,
Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling pot.

Teacher. But this witch has forgotten to put something into her pot. What’s this? You’ll know it when you decide this puzzle.


Pupil 11. On the walls of an old, old church
There’s an ugly, ugly owl
And a black, black bat
Waiting for a wrinkly, wrinkly witch.
Here she comes! Here she comes!

Teacher. Do you know how to recognize a witch when you see one? Listen to me and retell my story in Russian.

  1. A real witch is always to be wearing gloves when you meet her because instead of finger-nails she has thin curvy claws.
  2. A real witch is always bald and she wears a wig to hide her baldness.
  3. Look for nose-holes. Witches have slightly larger nose-holes than ordinary people and the rim of each nose-hole is pink and curvy.
  4. The eyes of a real witch are different from yours and mine. Of she is a witch, the black dot in the middle of each eye will keep changing colour, and you will see fire and you will see ice dancing right in the very centre of the coloured dot.
  5. Witches never have toes. They just have feet. The feet have square ends with no toes on them at all.
  6. Their spit is blue. It is like ink. They even use it to write with.

You can still never be absolutely sure whether a woman is a witch or not just by looking at her. But if she is wearing gloves, if she has large nose-holes, queer eyes and hair that looks as though it might be a wig, and if she has a bluish colour on her teeth – if she has all of these things, then you run like mad!

Teacher. Now we see the word “skeleton” . The skeleton consists of different bones, that’s why we’ll sing a traditional American song “Dry Bones”

Ezekiel cried, “Them dry bones!” (3 times)
Now hear the word of the Lord.
The foot bone connected to the leg bone.
The leg bone connected to the knee bone,
The knee bone connected to the hip bone,
The hip bone connected to the back bone,
The back bone connected to the shoulder bone,
The shoulder bone connected to the neck bone,
The neck bone connected to the jaw bone,
The jaw bone connected to the head bone,
Now hear the word of the Lord.
Them bones, them bones, gonna walk around, (3 times)
Now hear the word of the Lord.

Teacher. And now we’ll hear one more song, it is about a spider. (Ученик с помощью игрушки – управляемого паучка инсценирует песню:)

There’s a spider on the floor, on the floor, (2 times)
Who ask for any more
Than a spider on the floor.
There’s a spider on the floor, on the floor.
Now the spider’s on my leg, on my leg, (2 times)
Oh he’s really, really big!
This old spider on my leg
There’s a spider on my leg, on my leg.
Now the spider’s on my stomach, on my stomach, (2 times)
Oh he’s just a dumb old lummok!
This old spider on my stomach,
There’s a spider on my stomach, on my stomach.
Now the spider’s on my neck, on my neck, (2 times)
Oh I gonna be a wreck!
I’ve got a spider on my neck.
There’s a spider on my neck, on my neck.
Now the spider’s on my face, on my face, (2 times)
Oh what a big disgrace!
I’ve got a spider on my face!
There’s a spider on my face, on my face.
Now the spider’s on my head, on my head, (2 times)
Oh I wish that I were dead!
I’ve got a spider on my head!
There’s a spider on my head, on my head.
But he jumps off –
Now there’s a spider on the floor, on the floor, (2 times)
Who could ask for any more
Than a spider on the floor.
There’s a spider on the floor, on the floor.

7. Ролевая игра

Pupil 12. Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick
Or we’ll surely play a trick.
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.

Дети подходят к членам жюри, дарят им открытки, по заданиям членов жюри читают стихи, поют песни, в награду получают шоколадки.

8. Аудирование “Jump Story”

Teacher. One of the ancient traditions on Halloween was story telling. You can see some unknown words which you can hear during my story.

Jump story village gate graveyard
Bone frightened pillow teeny-tiny

Teacher. Now light the candles in your pumpkins, switch off the light and listen to my story. It is an English folk-tale “Teeny-tiny”. (Рассказ идет на фоне звуков завывающего ветра и испуганных криков с аудиокассеты “Horrors”)

“Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village. One day this teeny-tiny woman put on her teeny-tiny hat and went out of her teeny-tiny house for a teeny-tiny walk. While she walked she came up to a teeny-tiny gate. The teeny-tiny woman opened the teeny-tiny gate and went into a teeny-tiny yard. When the teeny-tiny woman came into the teeny-tiny graveyard, she saw a teeny-tiny bone on a teeny-tiny bench, and the teeny-tiny woman thought, “I’ll make some teeny-tiny soup for my teeny-tiny supper out of this teeny-tiny bone.” So the teeny-tiny woman put the teeny-tiny bone into her teeny-tiny pocket and went home to her teeny-tiny house.
When teeny-tiny woman came home she was teeny-tiny tired, so she put teeny-tiny bone into a teeny-tiny cupboard and went to sleep. Suddenly she heard a teeny-tiny voice from the teeny-tiny cupboard, which said, “Give me my bone!”. The teeny-tiny woman was teeny-tiny frightened. So she put her teeny-tiny bone under her teeny0tiny pillow and went to sleep again. Then again she heard the teeny-tiny voice which cried from the cupboard a teeny-tiny louder, “Give me my bone!” This made a teeny-tiny woman more frightened, and she put her teeny-tiny head under her teeny-tiny pillow. Then again she heard the teeny-tiny voice from the teeny-tiny cupboard which said a teeny-tiny louder, “Give me my bone!”
And the teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny more frightened, but she put her teeny-tiny head under her teeny-tiny pillow, and said in her loudest teeny-tiny voice: (at this point, a pause. Then a jump at the person next to the teacher and shout):


9. Игра

Pupil 13. Watch us bobbing for an apple,
For an apple apple apple
But no apple apple apple
Not an apple can I get.
Oh I cannot catch an apple,
Not one apple apple apple,
Though my sister got an apple,
All I got was soaking wet.

Проводится игра “Bobbing for Apples”. По несколько человек от каждой команды с заведенными за спину руками пытаются с помощью зубов достать из тазика с водой яблоки.

10. Отгадывание загадок

1. I flight at night because I don’t like light. (Bat)
2. I’m scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? (Ghost)
3. I’ve got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr. Who am I? (Cat)
4. I’m round on all sides. I’ve got a light inside. Who am I? (Jack-o-lantern)
5. I’ve got a black cat and a big pointed hat. Who am I? (Witch)
6. When people I meet I say “trick-or-treat”. Who am I? (Trick-or-treater)
7. I’m yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I? (Moon)

III. Заключительная часть

Teacher. Now I want you to see one film more. It is a film about Halloween in the USA in the state Montana. Please, pay attention to the costumes.

Пока жюри подводит итоги, учащиеся просматривают фрагмент видеофильма о праздновании Halloween в Америке, снятом учителем во время стажировки в США.

Teacher. Our lesson will be over soon. While we recited the poems, sang songs, listened to the stories and played we’ve mentioned all the words written on the blackboard. Your home task will be to decide the following crossword which is called “Halloween Word Hunt” (рис.3). I ask our judges to sum up the results. (Жюри подводит итоги). I hope that you’ve enjoyed this holiday. And in memory of this lesson I want to present you Halloween rings.