Средства массовой информации "Mass media"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели обучения:

Образовательная: обобщить знания учащегося по теме, дополнить их новыми сведениями.

Развивающая: формировать приемы умственной деятельности, учить мыслить логически.

Воспитательная: побуждать учащихся к самостоятельному чтению дополнительной литературы, использованию уже знакомой информации на русском языке, на английском языке.

Методы обучения: стимулирующий, побуждающий, частично-поисковый.

Методы преподавания: побуждающий говорить на английском языке.

Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний.

Вид урока: смешанный.

Практическая направленность урока: у учащихся остаются в тетрадях записи (лексика, синонимы, антонимы, творческая направленность – кроссворд, тесты)

Ход урока:

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. We are so pleased to see our guests today and we’ll try to make our lesson useful and interesting.

Today we are having our last lesson on “Mass media” and our aim is to generalize our knowledge on this question and to get to know with something new for us, concerning mass media.

We can hardly imagine our life without TV. It offers the viewers several programmes on different channels to satisfy all tastes. Before our talk about your preferences of the programmes Pet’s name and speak about the kinds of the programmes:

So, give the definitions of the programmes:

1. Chat show – is a programme in which famous people talk about themselves and answer questions about their lives, opinions etc.

2. Quiz show – is a programme in which people or teams complete against each other by answering questions.

3. Game show – is a programme in which people play games and answer questions in order to win prizes.

4. Cartoon – is a film, especially a story for children that is made by photographing a series of drawings, so that they seem to move.

5. Sitcom – is an amusing programme in which there is a different story each week about the same group of people.

6. Breakfast show – is a programme in which is broadcast early in the morning, which includes news and tells you what time it is; there are also usually songs and jokes and conversations with famous people.

7. Soap opera – is a television story about a group of people and their lives , which is broadcast regularly for many years.

8. The news – is a programme that is broadcast several times each day, which tells you about all the important events that are happening in the world.

9. Wildlife programme – is a television programme about wild animals and plants.

10. Documentary – is a programme that gives you facts and information about a serious subject, such as history, science or social programme.

Now imagine that you have your holidays and it is very cold outside. What programmes would you watch?

We have just studied the text – “TV is a one-eyed monster”. Let’s check our knowledge of the text. Give the English equivalents of the words and phrases:

– средства массовой информации

– обращаться к

– грамотный (умеющий читать и писать)

– неграмотный

– вредный

– чудовище

– свободное время

– зависимый от, увлеченный чем-то

– телевизор (разговорные слова)

– подверженный действию чего-то

– низкопробный, некачественный

– реклама (радио или телевизионная)

– заключение

– делать поспешные выводы

– выражать, проявлять ( чувства )

And now give the equivalents from English into Russian

– one of the mass media

– to appeal to

– in the contemporary world

– a good deal of spare time

– to be addicted to the telly

– o neglect one’s duties

– to demand absolute silence

– low quality of the programme

– to be exposed to…

– rubbishy commercials

– to be unwilling to do one’s work.

Now let’s two or three students speak this text. And you will help me to listen to the others. The students who answered better go out of the classroom and listen to the student there and put him (her) his mark.

Now let’s use our vocabulary in the sentences:

Translate sentences from Russian into English:

1. Какие сегодня мультфильмы? (по телевизору)

2. По телевидению идет слишком много рекламы.

3. Они передают слишком много рекламы.

4. К каким выводам Вы пришли во время встречи?

5. Они передают слишком много низкопробных программ.

6. Средства массовой информации раскритиковали решение президента.

7. Я не могу поверить в то, что некоторые люди в нашей стране по-прежнему являются неграмотными.

8. Их деятельность приносит вред нашей фирме.

9. Его идеи никогда мне не нравились.

10. Не требуется много времени, чтобы попасть в зависимость от алкоголя.

11. Эта программа будет транслироваться сегодня вечером.

Let’s play a little. You have 2 sheets of paper with the parts of the sentences.

Match the two parts of sentences.

1. Television brings events… (like the Olympic Games into millions of home).

2. The funeral was… (broadcast to the hole nation).

3. See today’s paper for… (a list of TV programmes in your area).

4. The final episode will… (be shown on Channel 4 tonight).

5. What genres seem… (to dominate prime-time viewing?)

6. Most of the educational programmes… (are really good and informative).

7. We tend to view more and… (listen less, as time goes on).

8. We have an opportunity… (to take part in lots of talk shows or quiz games on TV)

9. Television makes people argue and… (discuss things, think and talk more).

10. Television may be the cause of… (many disputes and conflicts in the family).

And next task will be to fill in the text with the following words.

Pick up coming plot

Turned off characters television

Soap opera channel watched

Charm acting hour

By heart

Don Bradley turned the ... to a different  ... and for an  ... or so   ... a lovely  ... that he knew  ... having seen it at least ten times. He didn’t have to follow the ... .

He knew the film so well that he couldn’t ... the story anywhere along the way. The ... of it was in the ... and the ....

The film came to its happy ...  and he ... the television.

So; now you have enough information about TV.

Agree or disagree:

1. Television kills conversation. Does it?

2. TV makes people think and talk more. Is that true?

3. Comedies can have more influence on viewers. Can it?

4. TV is terribly bad for people’s eyes.

5. People get addicted to certain television series.

6. Children don’t get enough fresh air.

Now give your opinion about TV, its advantages and disadvantages in your short dialogues; try to use all words and phrases you’ve learned.

Great! Thank you. I enjoyed your dialogues!

Your homework: Mass media is very important nowadays, you know. These are lists of papers with the other definitions. Read and translate them at home next time we’ll discuss them.

1. a newspaper – is a set of large folded sheets of paper containing news articles, pictures, which is printed and sold every day or every week.

2. Sunday paper – a paper that is sold every Sunday, and is usually bigger than papers sold on other days.

3. Local paper – is a newspaper that gives news mainly about the town or area where it is printed

4. Magazine – is a large, thin book with a paper cover, often printed on shiny paper, which contains stories, articles, photographs, and sometimes also news.

5. Journal – is a serious magazine on particular subject, containing articles by university teachers, scientists, doctors, etc.

6. The press – is a newspaper and the people who write for them.

7. The media – is all the organizations that are involved in providing information to the public, especially newspapers, television, and radio.

8. Tabloid – is a newspaper that doesn’t contain much serious news, but has stories about famous people, sport, etc.

9. The popular press – newspapers that are read by a lot of people and generally contain articles that are entertaining rather than serious, for example, stories about people on television and sport.

10. Comic – is a magazine, especially for children, that consists of funny or exciting stories which are told using a series of pictures.

11.Listings – lists of films, plays, and other events, with details of the times, dates, and places where they will happen