Путешествие в страну DoDidDone: внеклассное мероприятие "Merry Christmas"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В этом учебном году пятый класс приступил к изучению нового предмета – английского языка. Появился и долгожданный учебник “Happy English.ru” (авторы К. Кауфман и М. Кауфман). Учебник очень понравился, особенно работа с грамматическими структурами, путешествие по стране глаголов Do Did Done.

Годы работы в школе помогли мне сделать вывод: лишь увлеченный делом, ищущий может увлечь других. Одним из эффективных приемов является использование рифмовок на уроках. Особенно важную роль играет этот вид работы при изучении грамматики. Хочу предложить разработку урока-обобщения в 5-м классе по учебнику “Happy English.ru” (авторы К. Кауфман и М. Кауфман).

Задачи урока:

  • Обобщить употребление глагола to be в Present Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
  • Подготовить учащихся к контрольной работе.

Оборудование урока:

  • Карта страны DoDidDone;
  • Аудиокассета Happy English Dolya;
  • Карточки со словами (у каждого ученика);
  • Лото.


I. Приветствие

T: – Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you.

Ch: - Good morning, Tamara Grigoryevna. Glad to see you too.

II. Фонетическая разминка

Let’s sing your favorite song “I am Yura”. 53 Happy English (Galina Dolya Dubna 1992 г.)

I am Yura. Is he Sasha?
You are Shura. Is she Masha?
He is Sasha. I’m not Yura.
She ia Masha. You are not Shura.
Am I Yura? He is not Sasha.
Are he Shura? She is not Masha.

Дети поют песню под фонограмму.

III. Задача урока

We are going to magic grammar country “DoDidDone”. We’ll visit onе of its wonderful country. Look at this map and listen to my fairy-tale, please.

В графстве Present страны Do Did Done живут три короля.
Самостоятельны и умны.
Must, Can, Be и его сыновья.
Живут независимо всяк по себе,
Помощники им не нужны,
И лишь для короля to “Be”
Все три сына важны.
Старший Am всегда при “I”
Играет с ним и ест,
А если что не так – то враз
Поставит его под арест.

I am a dog,
I am a boy,
I am not a puppy,
I’m not a toy.

Make up your own sentences!

P1 - I am eight.

P2 - I am fine.

P3 – I’m not at home.


А если надо вам сказать
Что-либо о сестре, о кошке, друге,
Колпаке, собаке иль ведре.
Короче, все, что можем мы
О чем иль ком сказать
Поможет нам сыночек “Is”
И “He”, “She”, “It” под стать.

My sister is a pupil.
His friend is tall.
Your kitten is funny
Our puppy is like a ball.

P1 – He is Misha.

P2 – She is my friend.

P3 – My dog is clever.

А коль захочешь ты, дружок, поведать
О слонах, о братьях, сестрах, колпаках,
Собаках иль штанах.
Сыночка “Are” тогда зови,
Он явиться тотчас,
А с ним быть могут
“They”, “You”, “We” и
Пустятся тут в пляс.

Our sister are clever
We are intelligent too
Your trousers are tidy
And my jeans are neat too.

P1 – We are pupils.

P2 – They are friends.

P3 – You are clever.

P4 – They are not at home.

IV. Let’s play

P1 и  P2 Игра! Выбери предложения, в которых нет ошибок и дойди до финиша.

P1 – Are you cold?

P2 – Yes, I am.


V. Make up new sentences using your cards

(Карточки из раздела Cut Out готовятся каждым учеником).

Составьте утвердительные предложения.










Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными.












Задайте специальные вопросы к предложениям.





?   P4






Задайте вопросы к подлежащему.













VI. Поиграем в лото

У каждого ученика карточка с тремя предложениями. Водящий читает различные слова, ученики закрывают фишками услышанные слова выигрывает тот, кто первым закрыл все слова.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

Записываем домашнее задание, выставляем оценки за урок.

Обилие страноведческого материала в учебнике 5-го класса, интерес детей к теме, их участие и раскрепощённость позволяет активизировать лексику, грамматические структуры и на внеклассном мероприятии.

Внеклассное мероприятие “Christmas”

- Good afternoon, ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls;

Glad to see you at Our Christmas party.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mary Poppins. And what’s your name?

P1 - My name is …

P2 - My name is …

P3 – Can we sing a song for you Mary?

M: – Of course, you can.


– I’m Yura, he is Shura,

He is Sasha, she is Masha.


– Thank you very much, my dear.

Do you see Father Christmas here?

Ch: – No, we don’t.

M: – Let’s call him together.


– Father Christmas! Father Christmas!

Where are you?

M: – There is no Father Christmas!

Post Cock:

- Good afternoon, Mary! Good afternoon, children!

I’m post-cock. I’ve got a letter from F. Christmas.

Take it, please.


– Thank you very much. Let’s read the letter.

“Dear boys & girls! I wish you a Merry Christmas.

I can’t come to your party. I’m in Great Britain now.

Come to London. I’ve got many presents for you.

Your Father Christmas”.

(Mary is at the map).

Look at the map, please. Great Britain is on the British Isles. How can we get there?

We have no ship,

We have no plane,

We have no train.

Oh, I know! I’ve got the umbrella. Here it is. I need a painter. Have you a painter?

Ch:– Yes, we have. Yulya is a painter.

M: – Painter, help me, please.

Colour my umbrella green, blue, yellow and red.

Painter – All right. I’ll help you.

It will be magic, if you name the colours. What colour is it?

Ch: – It’s red (…)

Painter – Yes, it’s right.



– Thank you painter. Thank you, children. Now let’s begin our journey to Great Britain.

Close your eyes!

Sleep: One, two, three. Fly, umbrella, with the children & me.

Children, wake up.

We are at the Riddle Island.

We must guess some riddles.

Who knows riddles?


– It is small

And it is funny,

It likes bananas

As bears honey. (a Monkey)


– It likes green grass,

In winter – hay

It gives us milk

And Milky-way. (a Cow)


– It is funny.

It is gay,

It plays with Donald

It was created by Disney. (Mickey Mouse)


– I’m black, and white, and grey

With the children like to play,

I’m soft and sly, and thick

Very much I like to drink milk. (a Cat)


– My nose is round

My cap is grey

I’m small, and funny, and gay

With my six brothers I can play. (a Dwarf)


– It can be brown, white and black

It is brave, and strong, and funny

It lives in houses

And doesn’t like cats. (a Dog)


– I’m yellow and small

I like swimming best of all. (a Duck)


– In winter it’s white like snow,

In summer it’s grey,

It likes carrots

But it isn’t brave. (a Hare)


– I’m fat, and pink, and slow

I like to swim and don’t like go

I like vegetables and dirty

Oh, I’m so naughty. (a Pig)


– Thank you very much, children.

Let’s fly to London.

Close yours eyes!

Sleep: One, two, three

Fly, Umbrella, with the children and me.

Wake up children, open your eyes.

Where are we?


– We are in London, I think.

Look! It’s a fur-tree.

M: – Yes, you are right. We are in London. It’s the biggest New Year tree. But I forgot where it is.

P2 – It’s in Trafalgar Square.

M: – Who sends this fur-tree to English people every year?

P3 – People from Norway send it to Londoners.

M: – Let’s sing a song about Little Fur-tree.

(Children sing a song)

We know that English people have a lot of traditions.

By the way what do they usually have for their Christmas lunch?

Ch: – Turkey, potatoes, green vegetables, pudding and an apple pie.

M: – Yes, you are right. And what about another traditions.

Ch: – “First Footer”.

M: – Well, who can be the first Footer?

Ch: – A man or a boy.

M: – Yes, and what must he bring to each family?

Ch: – A coal, a coin and some bread.


– Good. A coal means – warm

a coin means - money

bread means – food.

These are wishes for every English Family.

Who knows the wishes?

Let’s dance and sing old English song “Mistletoe”.

Oh, look, Children, Father Christmas has come.

– Hello, children!!! In my sledge I go I know you like to ski and skate I don’t think I’m late I see you are having a lot of fun I have a present for everyone.

– Merry Christmas, Santa Claus.

– Father Christmas, these children know a lot of English songs, riddles, poems, funny games.

Can we show you one of them.

Now, children, be attentive and play.

We’ll buy with my granny a hen.

Ch: A hen?

The hen eats corn seed by seed

Кудах – тах – тах

We’ll buy with my granny a duck.

And the duck тю-тю-тю-тю
And the hen кудах – тах – тах

We’ll buy with my granny a turkey.

And a turkey фу-ты – ну-ты

and a duck

and a hen

We’ll buy with my granny a piglet.

And your piglet хрюки, хрюки

and the turkey

and the duck

and the hen

We’ll buy with my granny a kitten.

And your kitten мяу, мяу

and the piglet and the duck
and the turkey and the hen

We’ll buy with my granny a puppy.

And your puppy bow – wow – wow

and the kitten and the duck
and the piglet and the hen
and the turkey  

We’ll buy with my granny a cow.

And your cow муки – муки

and the puppy and the turkey
and the kitten and the duck
and the piglet and the hen

We’ll buy with my granny a horse.

And your horse ну-ки – ну-ки

and the cow and the turkey
and the puppy and the duck
and the kitten and the hen
and the piglet  

We’ll buy with my granny a TV set.

And your TV set: time and fact.

And the speaker ля-ля-ля-ля-ля-ля

and the horse and the piglet
and the cow and the turkey
and the puppy and the duck
and the kitten and the hen


– Very well, you are funny.

And what about poems!


– Now, children, I want to examine your fathers and mothers.

Now listen to me, please, and look at your child.

Try to guess what animal he/she shows.

1. – A small kitten is sitting and it is washing his face and “hands”. He likes milk.

2. – He is a brown bear. He is walking slowly. He big and strong.

3. - He is a white hare. He likes carrots. He likes to jump and hop.

4. - She is a yellow duck. She likes swimming. Look at her, she is going to her swimming-pool.

5. - She is a monkey. She likes to play, to Snow faces, to jump; she likes bananas.

6. - He is an ostrich, a big bird. He can run very fast. But he is not brave. He puts his head into sand when he is frightened.

Now, I understand why your children like to learn English.

M: – Now, children, I want you to talk about wonderful tradition – Christmas presents. Where do Russian children find their presents?

Ch: – Under the fur-tree (New Year tree)

M: – And English children?

Ch: – In their red stockings.


– What do you want for a N.Y. present?

I know you write letters to F. Christmas, and ask him a present.

But you know a song “On Christmas day”.


– Thank you very much children for your wishes, games and song. But I must go. I’ll give you Christmas presents, but first I want to sing a song with Mary.

Song: “From the North to the South we ride.

In a big snow cloud we hide, Roofs and chimneys, candle lights.

We ride beneath the stars so bright.

In the East and the West Christmas Day is the best”.

Now take your presents, dear children. And good bye.


– Children, you’ll have holidays and a lot of presents.

Now, let’s congratulate your parents.


– We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year (song).

Children, you know a lot about English traditions, you like to sing and dance.

But it’s time to come back to Bratsk,

Close your eyes,

Sleep: One, two, three.

Fly, umbrella, with the children and me.

Thank you very much for a party, good bye.