Разработка урока английского языка в 10-м классе "Travelling on Capital Cities of Australia"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Продолжительность урока 80 минут (1 пара).

Учебник ”Happy English 3” T. Klementieva, J. Shannon.

Цели урока:

1. Совершенствование лексических навыков по темам “Путешествие” и “Столичные города Австралии”.
2. Расширение кругозора учащихся.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательная: осуществлять общение в разных видах речевой деятельности (монолог, диалог, аудирование, чтение, письмо).
2. Развивающая: формировать коммуникативные и интеллектуальные способности. Развивать способность к сравнению, сопоставлению, догадке, распределению внимания. Развивать память, логическое мышление. Расширять кругозор учащихся, формировать глубокий и устойчивый интерес к предмету.
3. Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру общения, умение выслушивать собеседника, формировать потребность в коллективной работе, готовность участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации.
4. Учебная: развитие речевых умений. Контроль уровня развития речи.

Оборудование урока: аудиозапись, картинки по теме, раздаточные материалы (ребусы, карточки с заданиями, карточки с текстами), карта Австралии с выделенными пунсонами городов, о которых пойдет речь на уроке.

Оформление кабинета: стенная карта Австралии, иллюстрации городов, табло для записи очков, заработанных группами за выполненные задания, на доске написаны названия городов с транскрипцией.

Организация учащихся: Класс разбит на 6 групп, каждая из которых представляет туристическое агентство одного из городов Австралии.

Дополнительно: в число рассматриваемых городов не включены два столичных города Австралии Canberra, Sydney, т.к. изучению этих городов посвящен отдельный урок.

Гости урока и члены жюри - учителя иностранного языка лицея.

Ход урока

T: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today I’m glad to greet you at our meeting. As you know you are the members of travel agencies in one of these Australian cities. And of course everybody has an interesting information about your own city and you’ll tell us about it with great pleasure. And as you see we have many guests in our room and they will be our experts and choose a city they’d like to visit.

I. I think everybody likes travelling in different ways. And we’ll start from holiday snaps.

Каждой группе выдается рисунок 1.

рисунок 1

Can you tell how many things in the bottom pictures are different from the top pictures? Look closely for 1 minute! Good.

Ответы группа записывает в специальную карточку.

Затем члены жюри знакомятся с ответами групп, оценивают их и вносят результаты в табло на доске.

II.T: Do you like travelling? Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling.

Звучит аудиозапись.

Работа с текстом.

(см. English, 32/2000, p.7. Topics travelling).

Text “Travelling”.

I. Warm – up.

Listen to the text and write down missing words.

1. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays ___________ .

2. People travel to enjoy ___________ places.

3. Some people spend their time __________ museums and art galleries and _________ at exotic restaurants.

4. Holiday-makers take pictures of everything: the __________ of a city, old churches and _________.

5. All means of travel have their _________ and ___________.

6. People choose means of travel according to their plans and __________.

  1. Vocabulary.

Match the words in column A to the synonyms in B. (You may use the dictionary).


1. picturesque 1. debris

2. city-dwellers 2. man on holiday

3. destination 3. glass-case

4. ruins 4. townspeople

5. shop window 5. reminisce

6. holiday-makers 6. pictorial

7. remind 7. purpose

III. Practice.

Look at the list of events. Make up questions and find the correct answers.

1. millions of people, their, Why, spend,

2. like, do, Where, to have a rest, city-dwellers?

1. They like to spend their time looking at shop travelling, do, holidays? windows and dining at exotic restaurants.

2. It is to meet the people in their own homes.

3. And, who, the country, about, live, 3. They choose one according to their plans those, in, what? and destinations.

4. take, with, holiday-makers, do, Why, 4. It is to travel.

a camera, them?

5. do, their, choose, What way, means 5. It is interesting to discover different ways of

of travel, people? life, new things, to listen to different musi-

cal rhythms.

6. the best, geography, to study, is, way, 6. They like a quiet holiday with nothing to do,

What? but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.

7. the people, way, is, What, the best, 7. They take pictures of everything that inteto understand? rests them.

Answers: 1. 1.travelling 2.picturesque 3.visiting / dining 4.sights / castles 5.advantages / disadvantages 6.destinations

  1. 1 – 6, 2 – 4, 3 – 7, 4 – 1, 5 – 3, 6 – 2, 7 – 5.
  2. 1 – 5, 2 – 6, 3 – 1, 4 – 7, 5 – 3, 6 – 4, 7 – 2.

Эксперты оценивают правильность выполнения задания и заносят очки в табло.

III. Great! As far as we know people choose travelling according to their plans and destinations. People use different kinds of transport. What two kinds of trips are being advertised?

Работа с картинкой. Рисунок 2.

рисунок 2

(см. English 32/2000, p.16)

Answers: by plane and by ship.

Группа, первая давшая правильный ответ, получает очки.

IV. Marvellous! We’ll travel by plane or by ship. Now it’s time to tell us about your city as much information as you can. And our experts should choose the most interesting one for travelling. Listen to your friends very carefully and try to define the main idea (specific feature) of their city.

Далее каждая из групп защищает разработанные проекты.

Эксперты оценивают содержание проектов и уровень владения учащимися устной речью.

Проект 1.

Adelaide [ґжdleid FACE="Estrangelo Edessa,Brush Script MT">]

T: What is Adelaide famous for?

Answer: It is famous for its musical festivals.

T: I suggest you to guess one of the Australian jazz band. Which instrument does each of these musicians play?

Группе предлагаются фотографии музыкантов. Рисунок 3.

рисунок 3

(см. Digest 21/1996, p.16)

Answers: George – a guitarist Ricky – a pianist

Andy – a violinist Roger – a drummer

Lisa – a saxophonist Julie – a trumpeter

Очки за правильные ответы вписываются в табло.

Проект 2.

Excellent! Now it’s your turn – Perth. [p?: ?]

T: What is Perth famous for?

Answer: It is famous for a great sea – port.

T: Australia is mainly a producer of three things. What are they? Guess the rebuses.

Группе предлагается разгадать ребусы.

Очки за правильные ответы вписываются в табло.

Answers: wool, wheat, gold.

Проект 3.

Next city is Melbourne. [ґmelb?n]

FACE="Estrangelo Edessa,Brush Script MT">

T: What is the main thing in Melbourne?

Answer: it’s shopping.

T: Look at the names of eight things to eat.

Каждой группе выдается рисунок 4.

рисунок 4

(см. TRIO 2. Practice book p.25)

Answers: 1.shops 2.crisps 3.cakes 4.chips 5.cheese 6.chocolate 7.cherries 8.carrots

T: Find the names of the clothes. Write them. Which item is not in the puzzle?

Каждой группе выдается рисунок 5.

рисунок 5

(см. TRIO 2. Practice book p.41)

Answer: boots.

T: These things you can buy in Melbourne and I think you like them.

Очки за правильные ответы вносятся в табло.

Проект 4.

Representatives from Hobart [?h ?uba : t], you are welcome.

T: What would you like to visit in Hobart?

Answer: the Marine Park with dolphins and the zoo.

T: But three days ago as far as I know some animals escaped from the zoo. How many animals were still free the end of the second day? Guess the riddle.

Каждой группе выдается рисунок 6.

рисунок 6

(см. Let’s speak English 2(26)/1998, p.43)

Answer: 5 animals were still free on the 2nd day.

Очки за правильные ответы вносятся в табло.

Проект 5.

Great! Now it’s time for you – Darwin. [ґda : win]

T: What is Darwin known as?

Answer: Darwin is known as a “Bluewater Paradise”.

T: There are some activities there. Find the names of eight sports. Write them. Choose water activities in Darwin.

Каждой группе выдается рисунок 7.

рисунок 7

(см. TRIO 2. Practice book, p.56)

Answers: diving, swimming, fishing.

Очки за правильные ответы вносятся на табло.

Проект 6.

Bravo! One more Capital City is Brisbane. [ґbrizb?n]

T: What is Brisbane famous for?

Answer: It is famous for its parks and beaches.

T: This picture shows a busy afternoon in the park. All the people are invisible. Can you work out how many people there are in the park?

Каждой группе выдается рисунок 8.

рисунок 8

(см. Let’s speak English 2(26) / 1998, p.41)

Answer: There are 18 people in the park.

Очки за правильные ответы вносятся на табло.

V. Thank you for your presentation of golden beaches, gentle breezes, smiling dolphins and friendly people. Simply the best! Now our experts should choose any project they like greater.

Эксперты подводят итоги защиты проектов

и выбирают лучший проект.

VI.T: Travel is fun and exciting. But it’s not fun or exciting if you get ill. Now let’s read the text “Health tips for travellers” and choose the best answer.

(см. English 32/ 2000, p.3)

Health tips for travellers.

Travel is fun. Travel is exciting. But it’s not fun or exciting if you get ill. You may think, “Not me. I won’t fall ill on my holiday!” But, for many people, that is what happens.

Of course you do not want to spend your holiday ill in bed. If you have heart trouble, you don’t want to make it worse. So what can you do to stay in good health? There are three things you should remember when you travel: relax, sleep and eat well.

A holiday is supposed to be a time for relaxing. But to our regret very often it is not. Think about what to do when you are a tourist. There are so many places to visit: museums, shops, parks and churches. You may spend most days walking around these places. This can be very tiring. Your feet may hurt. You’ve got a terrible headache after a few hours. If this is the way you feel, you should take a rest. Do not ask your body to do too much. A tired body means a weak body. And a weak body gets ill easily. So sit down for a few hours in a nice spot. In good weather, look for a quiet park bench. Or you can stop at a cafй. You can learn a lot by watching people while you rest.

You should not forget about sleep. If you want to stay healthy you need to get a good night’s rest. You may have trouble sleeping at night when you travel. Your hotel room may be noisy or the bed may be uncomfortable. If this is true, don’t hesitate to change rooms or hotels. Or, you may not get enough sleep for another reason. In many cities the nightlife can be very exciting. You may want to stay out late at night. In this case you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day. That extra hour can make a big difference.

Finally, if you want to stay in good shape, you must eat well. That means eating the right kinds of food. Your body needs fresh fruit and vegetables, and some meat, milk or cheese. No doubt when you are in a new country, you will wish to try new food. But you need to be careful about how much you eat. Try to avoid eating lots of rich food.

So remember this: if you want to enjoy your holiday, take good care of yourself. Give your body some rest. Get enough sleep and eat good, healthy food.


1. This passage is about

A) what to eat when you travel.
B) relaxing when you travel.
C) how exciting travel is.
D) how to stay healthy when you.

2. A holiday is not fun if

A) you are reluctant to go.
B) you are suddenly taken ill.
C) you spend most days doing the sights.
D) have trouble sleeping at night.

3. You can fall ill more easily if

A) you are tired.
B) you stay out late at night.
C) you are sleepy.
D) you sleep an extra hour during the day.

4. Your body needs sleep

A) to enjoy the nightlife.
B) to keep fit.
C) not to spoil your appetite.
D) to be strong enough to go sightseeing.

5. When you travel you should eat

A) something different.
B) more frequently.
C) fresh fruit and vegetables.
D) lots of rich food.

Answers: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C

Очки за правильные ответы вносятся в табло.

VII. Now it’s time to listen to our experts.

Эксперты подводят итоги работы.

По итогам работы на уроке учащиеся получают две оценки: за презентацию проекта и за выполненные задания на уроке. Победителям вручаются открытки с символом Австралии – кенгуру – и дарственной надписью учителя.