Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку Spotlight on England. 5–6-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Классы: 5, 6

Ключевые слова: английский язык


  • Социокультурный аспект – познакомить учащихся с реалиями, понятиями, интересными фактами стран изучаемого языка.
  • Развивающий – развивать творческую активность, способность выступать перед аудиторией, мотивацию к изучению предмета.
  • Учебный – развивать умение выступать перед зрителями, продуктивные речевые умения, контроль знаний и умений в игровой форме.
  • Воспитательный – прививать интерес к иноязычной культуре, формировать умение работать в команде и оптимистический взгляд на жизнь.

ТСО – компьютер, экран, раздаточный материал, мольберты или доска.

Spotlight on England

Presentation of the contest, the teams, captains and jury.

Presenter: Today we are having a game show Spotlight on England at the week of the foreign languages. On Friday, 15 November we announce the results and honor our winners!

Meet the participants!

Warming up

Presenter: Just to warm up our teams will complete the sentence: “When I think of England I can see… (the queen, the Thames…)
You will have 1 minute to prepare. Good luck!

The 1st contest

Presenter: London is the capital, the main city but ENGLAND is more than London! And today we will travel from one English city to the other and play our game there (map of England with cities at the presentation) .We’ll start in London and finish in London. Look at the presentation and do our task about famous cities of England!

(на презентации)

A square – квадрат

A square – скучный человек

Don’t be a square! Try the City Square

Cities that students have to guess:

  • London
  • Birmingham
  • Bristol
  • Manchester
  • Leeds
  • Cambridge
  • Oxford
  • Liverpool

Presenter: And now some more questions to the teams about big cities of England.

  1. Всемирно известная «четверка» встретилась и начала свою музыкальную карьеру именно в…
  2. Возможно, этот сказочный кот и не из…, но прозвище за ним закрепилось прочно.
  3. Этот великий драматург, написавший пьесу о несчастных влюблённых, родился именно в…
  4. В… студентов на один квадратный метр в несколько раз больше, чем где-либо еще.

The 2nd contest

Presenter: Birmingham is the second biggest city after London, famous for its university, architecture and football team.

What is the task there? – People/The English (на слайде

What do you know about the English? What are they like?

1 They have a good sense of humour.

2 The English talk about the weather all the time.

+ 8 pictures (animal lovers, tea-lovers, polite, good gardeners, love family traditions, respect the queen, great football fans, love music)

The 3d contest

Это задание – интеллектуальная эстафета с элементами творчества и двигательной активностью: участвуют 7 человек от каждой команды, отгадав слово (допускается совместное обсуждение), представитель команды подбегает к мольберту или доске и рисует элемент от кораблика в последовательности, изображенной на схеме. Желательно, чтобы дети познакомились с этой игрой до мероприятия.

Presenter: Bristol is an old city on the bank of the river Thames. Here we can have a steamboat competition. Make up 7 words from the letters and draw a steamboat. The first to draw is the winner.

The words to guess:

pin Union Jack tartan mug hat shamrock toy scarf rose cow dragon

The 4th contest (Captain’s Contest)

Presenter: Oxford is a city of the famous university.

Captain’s Contest.

It’s time for our captains to show how smart they are.

  1. What is the biggest city of England?
  2. What is the national flag of England?
  3. What is the national flower of England?
  4. What is the national animal of England?
  5. What is English traditional food number 1?
  6. What is the most popular sport in England?
  7. What is the most popular music band in England?
  8. How many people live in England?
  9. How many languages can we hear in London?
  10. What is the name of the most famous clock- tower in London?
  11. What is the name of traditional English drink?
  12. What language was official in England in 1066?

The 5th contest

Этот конкурс можно проводить одновременно с игрой для зрителей “What’s this?”, выдав задание командам на листочках.

Presenter: Even more English: phrases, short and long forms of the words. Teams will have 3 minutes to make short or long forms of the words where it is possible.

  1. See you in the aft.
  2. Night-night!
  3. Do you want a cuppa?
  4. Buy, love!
  5. Maths
  6. IT
  7. PE
  8. The USA
  9. Refrigerator
  10. Bicycle
  11. Examination
  12. Laboratory

The 6 th contest

Presenter: The next destination is Stratford-upon-Avon, the city of the famous poet and playwright W. Shakespeare.

Literature is the topic of our next game.

Look at the pictures and guess the book.

  • J.K. Rowling “Harry Portter”
  • A.Milne “Winnie-the-Poor”
  • J. M. Bond “ Puddington”
  • L.Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

The 7th contest

Presenter: Finally, London again. We’ll have music break for the fans and the final task for the team. You want to visit England, don’t you? Say why you want this .Complete as many sentences as you can.

«I’m happy» by Pharrell Williams (song) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM

Say one sentence each . Don’t repeat the sentences of the opposite team.

  • I would like to go to England to ( study, watch the beautiful city, learn about the English…
  • I will be happy to meet the queen, visit an old castle…
  • I also want to take photos, buy souvenirs, eat English food, and go on rides…

Summing up

Presenter: Now our JURY will have a word.