Урок английского языка "Семейные узы". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 11

Презентация к уроку

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  • Образовательные: Развитие навыков устной речи, Совершенствовать навыки ознакомительного чтения, поискового чтения, аудирования, сравнение семейных уз Великобритании, России и других стран с использованием текущей и новой лексики. Проконтролировать умение выражать свою точку зрения: согласие, несогласие, подбирать аргументы в защиту своей точки зрения
  • Развивающие: развитие памяти, мышления, творческих способностей, навыков анализа. Заинтересовать детей в изучении английского языка как средства ознакомления с традициями англоязычных стран.
  • Воспитательные: умение работать в парах, повышение интереса к традициям и обычаям стран. Показать различное эмоциональное восприятие детьми семейных уз в Великобритании России и других странах.

Оборудование: презентация, аудиозапись.


  • Активизировать изученный лексико-грамматический материал;
  • Развивать умения монологической речи;
  • Проконтролировать умение работы в парах;

Ход урока

Начало урока. Объявляется тема урока (слайд 1)

How do you understand these words of wisdom?

The family is the nucleus of civilization.

William J. Durant, US historian

(слайд 2)

Now listen to other explanations (слайд 3-4)

Name the features of a family. (слайд 5-12)

What is the family for you? (слайд 13)

Let us listen to the song and it translation of Yana (слайд 14-16)

Family ties

Take a look at your family tree

Spreading back through history

Learn the names and hold them dear

Without them you would not be here

Family ties are the ties the bind

The strongest links you’ll ever find

Through dood and bad, it’s plain to see

The closest bond is family

Treasure all of your relations

From all of the generations

In the future, in the past

Family will last and last.

Семейные связи

Взгляните в прошлое своё.
Откуда родом вы? Возможно знать хотите это?
Ведь может царь в вашей крови?
Все связи с вашим прошлым знать
Да передать семье,
Познать традиции, пути
Поможет дерево семьи.
Цените каждого, кто смог,
Хоть раз развеселить,
Хоть раз с любовью обличить,
И ваше горе разделить.
Любовь - одна из составных
Того, что названо семьёю.
Вы берегите всех родных,
Держите крепкою рукою!

There are a lot of monuments devoted to the family and one of them is in our native town.I hope you have seen and visited it. Can you name the aim of it? Why does the government pay attention to the family? Do you agree with Leo Tolstoy? Discuss this in pairs. (слайд 17-18)

Let us introducule to the vocabary. (слайд 20-21)

Read the text on pp. 10-11. Which person/people...

1. explains that their behaviour can affect their family’s reputation?

2. say that people have high regard for the older generation in their countries?

3. doesn't have any siblings?

4. won’t choose their own husband/wife?

5. don’t live with both parents?

6. wishes they could see a member of their family more?

Listen and read the text again. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.

idea, seniors, customs, boring, walk, help, scheme,
become less, mother's, is the most important
thing, continue to be, ranking, comply with, no
brother or sisters, good reputation


Write the male/female equivalent.

  • 1 stepfather..............,
  • 2 brother-in-law .........,
  • 3 nephew ........,
  • 4 half-sister...........,
  • 5 mother-iri-law...........,
  • 6 grandson.........,
  • 7 great-grandfather.............,
  • 8 ex-husband
  • 9 widow............,
  • 10 twin sister..........,

Write five family names on a piece of paper.

Swap papers. Find out how your partner is related to each person.

Who’s Peter? He's my grandfather. He died before I was born

Fill in: engaged, married, divorced, separated;

single, get, widow, foster, stepmother, in-laws.

  1. Mrs Hams’ husband died four years ago and she hasn't married again. She’s a .............
  2. When his parents were both killed in a car accident, he was placed with parents.
  3. These are my husband's parents. They’re my ........ .
  4. When her mother died, her father got married to another woman. Her looked after her well.
  5. It is difficult to be a parent.
  6. my sister is to a wonderful man.
  7. her parents did not on well so they decided to get .


Answer the questions. Use your answers to tell your partner about your family.

  • Who’s in your immediate/extended family?
  • How do you get on with your family members?
  • What family cultural traditions are there in your country?
  • What is important in your family
  • What does family mean to you?

At home explain this Look around and you will see Everyone needs family.

Do you agree with

All happy families resemble each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy got it all wrong. It’s the unhappy marriages that are boringly similar to each other. It’s the happy ones that are so extraordinary and eccentric and unlike anyone else’s. Andrew Davies


Use your answers in Ex. 7 to write a short text about your family for the “Teens” magazine. (60-80 words)
