Открытый урок "My happiest days" (10-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Цель урока: развитие познавательной активности учащихся через использование ИКТ.


  • Развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
  • Совершенствовать грамматические навыки Second Conditional and I wish…
  • Формировать навыки парной и групповой работы
  • Практиковать учащихся в использовании лексики по теме в заданной ситуации с использованием ИКТ.
  • Развивать сотрудничество между учениками на международном форуме «iEARN».
  • Развивать навыки проектной работы с использованием ИКТ.

Оборудование: компьютеры

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Разбор диаграммы словообразования в примерах.
  3. Упражнение на интерактивной доске с использованием структур  I wish… и Second conditional по данной тематике.
  4. Работа в парах – «Диалог-расспрос» – о личном опыте учащихся.
  5. Работа по заданной ситуации в Internet.
  6. Защита проекта с использованием ИКТ.
  7. Сотрудничество на международном форуме и обсуждение темы «My happiest days»
  8. Групповая работа «We'd be much happier if…»
  9. Подведение итогов, оценка деятельности.

Ход урока

I hope our gests will have an enjoyable time with us / in our class.

I. Speak on the topic

There have been so many happiest days in our lives. Remembering them brings back the excitement and joy of the moment.

I am happy with my family. It is always wonderful to remember family moments.

I am happy with my friends to share my troubles or joy.

I am happy when I see that my students work hard and achieve success. When I give and get back. When I look at your faces and they shine.

I am happy when I see beautiful nature in the countryside, when I hear birds singing, flowers and so on.

I am happy when my dreams become true.

When I can share my thoughts and feelings, when my friends understand me, when I encourage my students to do something and later you see that they are happy.

Only find out these moments of happiness.

And I think we should appreciate little things in our lives and keep them in our mind.

Today we’ll learn to express our wishes and to speak about the happiest moments using some new words and phrases.

Look at the blackboard and say what we are going to do in class / at the lesson.

P1: My task is to practice speaking and grammar.

P2: My task is to develop English in pair-work and group-work.

P3: My task is to work online and get to know new knowledge.


II. World formation

Aim: to practice in grammar.

Grammar is a very important part of the language.

So we start with it!

Today we’ll look at the word formation.

Happy – it is an adjective. (Приложение 1)

Happilyit is an adverb.

Happinessit is a noun.

Unhappyit is an adverb.

Unhappilyit is an adverb.

Happiestit is a superlative adjective.

Happilyit is an adverb.

Now you are going to give your own examples.

Give your own examples, please.


III. English Grammar in use

Let’s do an exercise to practice how to use this Grammar pattern. (Приложение 2)

Just remember

We use were instead of was to make the unreal situation sound even stronger

Were – усиление нереальности.

Do you have any question?

Is it clear?

So it’s OK!

We can go father.


IV. Pair-work

Aim: to practice answering the questions

Some people say life is hard, but you have to be attentive, you have to keep your eyes open to see happy moments in it.                                                         

Look at these photos and say what you think.

Why are these people happy?

On the wedding day people are extremely happy to start a new family, to have new experience.  They expect their dreams to become true.

(Приложение 3)

They’ve had a good shopping day.

(Приложение 4)

A young couple is having fun taking picture of themselves.

(Приложение 5)

Having a close friend is also a good thing. You can share all your troubles and

(Приложение 6)

A happy teenager is a winner of the race.

(Приложение 7)

You did it very well. We could see how happy they are. Especially you were successful with intonation / grammar / vocabulary.

You can try again. You did it OK, but you should have sounded happier.

There were also some unimportant mistakes.


V. Work on the Internet – Situation.

Aim: to focus on shopping online.

The next task is very interesting and creative. You’ll be shopping online. (Приложение 8)

You’ll have to get presents for 3 persons who have won some money.

You have to use this amount of money to buy presents for them.

You’ll have a piece of paper to write down your suggestions and discuss in group what to chose, what is the best price, what price makes them feel happy.

Let’s have 3 groups.

First group:                   Second group:                      The third group:





What did you find for Charles / Robert / Pam?


Suggestion 1

Suggestion 2

Suggestion 3

Charles Hardy




Robert Smith




Pam Campbell




What difficulties did you have working on the Internet?


VI. Project.

Aim: to introduce new technology through the Internet.

Let’s see your project which was made at home.

Did you learn any new facts about your school?  (Приложение 9)

What interesting things did you learn?

Was it difficult to prepare the presentation?


VII. Collaboration on the Internet. (Приложение 10)                                                          

Aim: to express specific information.

We have been working on this project since the middle of January / last month.

We received 62 letters.

We’ve found out that common every day things can bring us happiness.

What can it be? It should be a noun.

Use a noun to describe a happy moment, not a sentence.

It can be ….       Fill into the table










VIII. Group-work

Aim: to discuss and sum-up all information.

At the lesson we’ve discussed different moments of happiness from your own experience according to the pictures and from the letters.

Now, let’s discuss in group what would make you feel happy at school?

The team which makes more suggestions will be a winner

Nastya, you will count the points and make the results.




First team



Second team



Third team



f.ex.: The first team is a winner - … points


IX. Conclusion on the results.

Let’s see how successful we’ve been during the lesson.

I’m glad that most answers were correct.

Every one was participating.

In pair-work – N and V did a great job!

Your ideas were interesting and attractive!

You and your friends worked together and showed good results and willingness for collaboration!

You can use a computer. You can work online which is very good and useful.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson. I did. Have a good day! Bye!