Урок английского языка в 4-м классе по теме "Travelling to Prostokvashino"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Практика аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи;
  • Отработка и закрепление лексики речевого этикета, практика чтения;
  • Повторение и закрепление времен английского языка: Present Simple, Present Progressive, Future Simple.

Оборудование: картина природы «весна в лесу», предметные картинки по темам: «Еда», «Одежда», «Животные», бинокль, игрушечный паровозик, фотоаппараты, магнитофон, кассеты, игрушки-фигурки зверей, оборудованный «магазин», «стол для чаепития», картинки по грамматике (Present Simple, Present Progressive, Future Simple), телеграмма, корзина для покупок.


I. Организационный момент

Сообщение целей, задач и плана работы на уроке.
Беседа Teacher <––> Class


Жил был на свете маленький слоник
Он по утрам говорил всем: «Good morning!».
Солнечный зайчик смеялся в ответ:
«Доброе утро, Good morning, привет! »


Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning,
Good morning.
We are glad to see you.

Teacher: I am glad to see you, children. Sit  down, everybody. How are you, Sasha? (Pupil 1)
Pupil 1: I am fine. Let’s start our lesson.
Teacher: Attention! Today, we are having unusual lesson. Is March winter or spring month? What season is it? What is the weather like in spring? Do you like spring? Why do you like spring?

Teacher <––> Pupil 1, Pupil 2, Pupil 3

Pupil 1: I like nature in spring
Pupil 2: like weather in spring
Teacher: Imagine that soon it will spring. What have you in spring?
Class (Pupil 1, Pupil 2): We have holidays.
Teacher: We have much work in spring. What do you parents do in spring? How do you help them?
Pupil 1, Pupil 2: I water the flowers. I plant tress.
Pupil 3, Pupil 4: I work in the garden with my father. I dig the ground with a spade.

II. Начало урока. Аудирование телеграммы

Teacher: Я получила загадочное приглашение от друзей посетить …., а что на листе разгадаем. Who wants to read the telegram?

Pupil 1 читает
Teacher: Do you want to go to the mysterious village?
Class:Yes, we do.
Teacher: We are going to travel. What should we put on?
Pupil 1––> Pupil 2 ––> Pupil 3: I shall put a blouse (a skirt, a dress…) on.
Teacher:What shall we put on our feet (head)? Shall we put galoshes (rubber boots)?
Pupil 1, Pupil 2:No we shan’t. It’s warm.
Teacher:Раз это наши друзья, поедем в гости с гостинцами. Давайте купим.

III. Практика диалогической речи «At the shop»

<Приложение 1>

Teacher: Let’s buy some present for our friends. Who wants to be a shop – assistant?
Pupil 1, Pupil 2: I do.
Pupil 1: Good morning! What can I do for you? (Can I help you?)
Pupil 2: Good morning! Please give me… (читает задание на карточке)
Pupil 1: Here you are. It's nice.
Pupil 2: Thank you
Pupil 1: You are welcome.

IV. Путешествие в поезде

Teacher: Let’s take a train  №15 and sing our song:

“The little red engine is puffing along
He comes to a great big hill
He says I must puff and never stop
I must puff, puff, puff
Till I reach the top
I think I can
I think I can
I think I can
I think I can
I think I can
And he puffs right over the hill.”

(Песня на кассете и в учебнике Т.Б. Клементьева, Б. Монк «Счастливый английский-5» “The little red Engine”, стр.149)

Teacher: Please, take your binoculars. Look at the windows. What can we see? I see a platform.
Class: We can see a village.
Teacher: Let’s have stop. We get out. Thank you, driver.
Driver: Good bye! Come again.

V. Экскурсия по весеннему лесу

Teacher: Let's go along the path. What can we see in the forest?
Pupil 1 ––> Pupil 2 ––> Pupil 3: I can see birches, mushrooms, berries. I can see blue sky and snow-drops, green grass. I can hear bird.

Конкурс стихотворений, загадок:

Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

Pupil 2:

Spring is time of wonders.
Look at the fields.
They are bright green.
The trees have green leaves.
The birds are on the trees.
Bells ring!
Birds sing!
Meet the Fairy of spring.

Pupil 3:

There is a little green house,
And in the little green house.
There is a little brown house,
And in the little brown house.
There is a little yellow house,
And in the little yellow house.
There is a little white house,
And in the little white house.
There is a little heart.  (a nut)


Hopper, hopper
In the grass,
Please, don’t hop
And let me pass
But it hops
Hops, hops, hops, hops
And never stops. (a grasshopper)

Инсценировка «Little cat and little mouse” (костюмы)

Cat (Pupil 1):

Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your house?

Mouse (Pupil 2):

Little cat, little cat
I have no flat
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.


Little mouse, little mouse
Come to my house.


Little cat, little cat
I cannot do that
You want to eat me.


Teacher ––> Class: (зарядка для глаз)

Look left, right,
Look up, look down,
Look around,
Look at your nose,
Look at that rose,
Close your eyes,
Open, wink and smile,
Your eyes are happy again.


Let’s have a rest. Let’s do physical jerks.
Boys and girls! Listen to me! Stand up!
Arms up, arms down. Up, down!
Fly as a bird, swim as a fish
Jump as a frog. Climb as a monkey
Hands on hips. Turn to the left. Turn to the right.
All right. Sit down, please.

Teacher: I can see a house.

VI. Описание внешнего вида дома

Pupil 1 ––> Pupil 2 ––> Pupil 3: The house is small. The house is made of wood. There are two windows in the house. There is a garden behind the house…

Teacher: Knock, knock. Nobody answers. Чей же это дом? Давайте угадаем и прочитаем объявления.

Задания на карточках по группам – <Приложение 2>

Group1 – №1 карточка (Matroskin)
Group2 – №2 карточка (Sharik)
Group3 – №3 карточка (a bird)

Teacher:В какую деревню мы приехали?
Class: Prostokvashino
Teacher: You are right. Хозяев нет дома. Но за то на встречу нам идет почтальон Печкин и у него в сумке для нас есть задания. Let’s help our friends. <Приложение 3>
Teacher: What is he doing?
Class: He(She) is cleaning the room.
Pupil 1: Yes, I am cleaning the room /No, I am not cleaning the room.
Pupil 2:…etc

VII. Встреча с героями сказки

Teacher: What can we see?

Pupil 1: I can see Sharik.
Pupil 2: I can see Matroskin
Pupil 3: I can see Uncle Fyodor.
Pupil 1, Pupil 2: Good morning! We have some present for you.
Uncle Fyodor: Thank you, our friend! What nice present! Come in! Let’s wash your hands.

VIII. За столом. At the table

– Would you like a cup of tea?
– Yes, thank you.
– Could you pass me the sweets, please?
– Here you are.
– Help yourself to sweets, please.
– Can I pour you some more tea?
– Yes, please.
– Would you like some more milk?
– No thanks. I like your tea.
– What do you like to eat?
– I like apple, bananas…

Teacher: Let’s remember the rule how to behave at the table.


Let us try be polite
In everything we do
Remember always say “Please”
And don’t forget “Thank you”.

IX. Экскурсия по деревне

1 группа с Шариком с фотоаппаратами.
2 группа с Матроскиным.
3 группа с дядей Федором.

Task: Take pictures of what you have seen.

Group 1 – фотографии лесных животных + рассказ.
Group 2 – домашние животные (принести молоко, яйца)+рассказ.
Group 3 – приносят с экскурсии ведро с рыбой+рассказ.

X. Conclusion

Teacher: Our traveling is over. East or West home is best. Home, sweet home. Home is the nicest place to be. Take your seat and sing our song « We are all friends together». <Приложение 4> (кассета Diana Webster, Anne Worrall «Longman English Together»)
Teacher: На дорогу наши друзья дали нам булочек, чтобы мы не проголодались.
Pupil 1, Pupil 2: Help yourself to scones, please. (Угостить гостей на уроке)
Teacher: I think we have nice lesson. Your work was very hard. I’ll give you only good and excellent marks.

XI.Исполнение песни  «Goodbye, Sharik (Matroskin, Pechkin, Feodor)»

Teacher ––> Class:

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.
Sometimes you say “Hello”!
Because the bell has gone,
And every day you say
“Good day, good day, good day”.
It’s time to say “Good bye”
Good bye, my children bye.


1. Goodbye, Sharik,
Goodbye, Sharik,
Goodbye, Sharik,
It’s time to say “Goodbye”.

2. Goodbye, Matroskin,
Goodbye, Matroskin,
Goodbye, Matroskin,
It’s time to say “Goodbye”.

3. Goodbye, Pechkin,
Goodbye, Pechkin,
Goodbye, Pechkin,
It’s time to say “Goodbye”.

4. Goodbye, Fyodor,
Goodbye, Fyodor,
Goodbye, Fyodor,
It’s time to say “Goodbye”.

Список литературы:

  1. УМК Т.Б. Клементьева, Б. Монк «Счастливый английский-5», Дрофа, 1997.
  2. Diana Webster, Anne Worrall «Longman English Together».
  3. В.А.Верхогляд «Английские стихи для детей», М: Айрис-пресс, 2004 г.
  4. А.В.Конышева  «Английский для малышей: Стихи, песни, игры, рифмовки, инсценировки, утренники», Санкт-Петербург: КАРО, 2008.
  5. УМК М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева «Enjoy English-4», Обнинск: Титул, 2008.
  6. С.В. Фурсенко «Грамматика в стихах», С-П.: Каро, 2005.