Сценарий для школьного театра по сказке Габдуллы Тукая «Шурале» на английском языке

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Классы: 7, 8

Звучит музыка из балета «Шурале», прил.1

Рассказчик 1:

Past Kazan into the country
There's a village called Kurlai.
In that village even hens cluck.
God alone could tell you why.

I recall in all directions
Lay the backwood's broad delight.
Grasslands there of glossy velvet
Dazzled everybody's sight.

And is the village large? О no!
It's just a hamlet in a ring.
All its daily drinking water
Comes from one, lone tiny spring.

Neither cold nor hot, its water
Mild and soft will ever please;
At times it rains, at times it snows,
And sometimes comes a gentle breeze.

Рассказчик 2:

You will have the tale, my reader.
Have some patience. Be so kind.
When I think about my village,
I quite often lose my mind.
In those woods, so thick and gloomy
There live demons - so they say:
Ghostly forms like albasti
And ub'r and even shuraleh!

(На экран проецируется вид леса, прил.2)

Рассказчик 1:

Once a fellow from the village (Слышится топот лошади, прил.3)
Harnessed up and took his horse.
In the moonlight, all alone,
Through the woods he steered his course.

Рубит себе дрова, песни поёт. (Звуки ночного леса, прил. 4). Вдруг из тёмной чащобы выходит к нему навстречу шурале (леший). Весь он покрыт чёрной шерстью, длинный хвост извивается, длинные пальцы шевелятся, длинные лохматые уши тоже шевелятся.

Былтыр: "What is it you want of me?"


"Please trust me.
I'm no robber in this wood.
I don't bar the road to people,
Though to some I bring no good."

"I am fond of tickling humans.
That's the practice I employ.
When I saw you in my thicket,
I could only jump for joy."

"Come to me; come closer, fellow!
Let me brighten your sad eyes.
Let us play a game of tickling.
Let us laugh till someone dies."


"I'll not argue»
"Gladly I shall play, but see
Let me make my own condition.
"I've no doubt that you'll agree."


"Your condition?"
"Well, make it now, without delay.
"I shall do whatever's needed.
But for God's sake, let us play!"


"Listen", "I'll tell you
What is needed right away.
Over there I want to move
That heavy trunk that blocks my way.'


"I shall help you",
The work is hard, but I'll agree.
First we'll load it on the carriage,
Then we'll trust in destiny."


"The work's begun.
I've split the end of the trunk already.
Now can you put your hand inside,
My forest ram, to hold it steady?"


"Have pity on me. Let me go,
Dear human. Please be kind and fair.
In the future I'll not worry
Your dear kinsmen. This I swear!

"Nor shall I allow the others
To molest your family.
All the other shuralehs will hear me:
"He's my brother! Let him be!

"Ah what awful pain I suffer!
Set me free I beg and pray.
Do you really find such joy
In torturing a Shuraleh?


"You are so ruthless. Set me free.
Where do you go? This is no game!
But if you are so hard of heart,
At least tell me your own good name."


"Well then, listen and remember.
I am called "A Year Ago".
Learn it carefully for the future.
As for me I ought to go!"


"A Year Ago! He squeezed 
My fingers with a log. What pain! 
Now who will rescue me from here? 
And who will save me from this bane?

Другие шурале:

"You're insane", "You're crazy. 
Why disturb the sleep of others, 
Howling, yelling, shouting so? 
What's the point of telling us 
That you were squeezed a year ago?"

Глупый шурале ничего не мог им растолковать, и все шурале убежали в лесную чащу. А он взвалил колоду на спину и ходит до сих пор по лесу и кричит:

«A Year Ago squeezed 
My fingers. A Year Ago!»

Источник информации: http://kitap.net.ru/shurale-r.php