Система упражнений и заданий по обучению различным видам чтения, предусмотренных в ЕГЭ и выходящих за его рамки

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Аннотация: с учетом существующих методических подходов к организации обучения чтению, в статье предлагается разработанная система упражнений, направленная на формирование и контроль умений коммуникативного чтения в его различных видах, содержащая в себе задания формата ЕГЭ по иностранному языку. Упражнения, направленные на формирование объектов овладения критического чтения, способствуют формированию продуктивных видов речевой деятельности, что обеспечивает успешное формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции, а значит и успешную сдачу итогового экзамена.

Ключевые слова: ЕГЭ, иностранный язык, чтение, система упражнений, текст.

Бесспорен тот факт, что важной задачей в процессе обучения чтения является не только правильно подобрать тексты (в соответствии с обозначенными выше принципами), но и правильная организация работы с ними, т.е. тот методический аппарат, который помогает интерпретировать тексты, критически переосмысливать прочитанное, формировать собственное отношение к проблеме, к той или иной точке зрения на нее, т.е. способствовать формированию объектов овладения в различных видах чтения.

Таким методическим аппаратом является система упражнений. Это такая совокупность упражнений, которая является необходимой для формирования умений и навыков в том или ином виде речевой деятельности, и которая выполняется в такой последовательности и в таком количестве, которые обеспечивают максимально высокий уровень овладения иностранным языком в заданных условиях.

C учетом проанализированной нормативной, методической и учебной литературы нами была разработана система упражнений, направленная на формирование навыков чтения в различных его видах. При этом были учтены такие характеристики системы упражнений, как:

- ориентация на решение конкретной задачи, которая соотносится с конечной целью обучения (в нашем случае – формирование умений коммуникативного чтения в его основных видах);

- включение тех действий и операций, которые подлежат формированию;

- соответствие содержание упражнений уровню обученности учащихся;

- наличие инструктивной и исполнительной частей;

- обеспечение формирование навыков и умений в соответствии с определенными этапами (в нашем случае – это дотекстовый, текстовый и послетекстовый);
- проблемный характер заданий, способствующий развитию мышления, памяти и интеллекта.

Также учитывался тот факт, что умения в чтении с различными целями (для понимания основного содержания, для извлечения необходимой (интересующей) информации, для полного детального понимания) являются комплексными специфическими умениями. Для их отработки нужно использование разных стратегий чтения и, соответственно, специальных упражнений. В состав всех специфических умений или некоторых из них входят более мелкие частные умения. Недостаточная сформированность этих отдельных частных умений может влиять на успешность понимания текста в целом.

Необходимо отметить, что, несмотря на то, что умения в таком виде чтения как чтение с критическим анализом (или критическое чтение) не является объектом проверки в ЕГЭ по иностранному языку, считаем необходимым включать в систему упражнений по подготовке к ЕГЭ и упражнения, направленные на формирование этого вида чтения с последующим итоговым выходом на такие продуктивные виды речевой деятельности, как говорение и письмо. Именно коммуникативный вид чтения интегрирует различные виды чтения и требует от обучаемых не только сформированности умений в основных видах чтения, но и определенного интеллектуального развития.

Упражнения были составлены для работы над текстами «The game that made history» и «Living outside the box». Тексты были взяты из учебного пособия «Activate B1» (авторов Carolyn Barraclough, Suzanne Gaynor, издательства «Longman», 2008). При его отборе были учтены принципы, рассмотренные в предыдущем разделе, а именно принципы функциональности, информативности, целесообразности, соответствия интересам обучаемых, соответствия целевым установкам в различных видах чтения. Была проведена соответствующая языковая и методическая адаптация с учетом уровня обученности учащихся.

В таблице 1 жирным шрифтом выделены задания к упражнениям, которые имеют формат экзаменационных заданий по чтению на ЕГЭ. Сами тексты упражнений вынесены за таблицей.

Таким образом, разработанная система упражнений направлена на последовательное формирование и контроль умений коммуникативного чтения в его различных видах. Содержит в себе  упражнения, где объекты овладения умений чтения проверяются как с помощью тестовых заданий формата ЕГЭ, так и с использованием продуктивных умений в устной или письменной речи.

Система упражнений была использована в рамках элективного курса в 10-11 классах, имеющего своей основной задачей, успешную подготовку учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по иностранному языку не только по разделу «Чтение», но и «Говорение», и «Письмо».

Таблица 1
Система упражнений и заданий по овладению навыками чтения в различных его видах


Объекты овладения/
Объекты контроля
( в ЕГЭ)

Дотектовый этап
(Pre-reading activities)

Текстовый этап
(Reading activitie)

Послетекстовый этап
(Post-reading activities)


умение понимать основное содержание текста

Exercise 1. Look at the pictures. Do you recognise any of these games? What is the most popular computer games for boys/ girls in your class?
Exercise 2. Look at the key words and word combinations of the text: game console, best-selling, excitement, thrills, challenges. Define the theme of the text. Exercise 3. What is your opinion about this issue in general?

Exercise 4. Find the sentence with the main information in the first paragraph.
Exercise 5. Read the following statement. “Will Wright wanted to escape from routine” Define whether it corresponds to facts given in the text.
Exercise 6. Make the plan of the text.
Exercise 7. Find in the text sentences which are not vital to the whole understanding of the text.
Exercise 8. Give another title for the text?

Exercise 9. Match the headings (A-D) with the paragraphs (1-6)
Exercise 10. What is your opinion about the information given in the text?
Exercise 11. Prepare a presentation. “My favourite free time activity”.

просмотровое чтение

умение извлекать необходимую / запрашиваемую информацию из текста

Exercise 1. Read the title and try to guess what the text is about.
Exercise 2. Guess what period of time is described in the text?

Exercise 3. Find in the text the main argument in favor of the title.
Exercise 4. Look at pictures given. Define to which paragraphs they correspond.
Exercise 5. Can this text be called a review? Give the reason.
Exercise 6. Read the text and find out whether the title fully represents the content.

Exercise 7. Complete the text below by choosing appropriate word (A-K) for each gap (1-8)

Exercise 8. Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false?

Изучающее чтение

- умение полно и точно понимать информацию в тексте

Exercise 1. Read the text and find out the words which mean:
- it allows users to send information or instructions to it;
- carried or moved with ease;
- the situation of being faced with; Exercise 2. Try to understand the underlined words. Check in the dictionary.
Exercise 3. Read the title and say what the text will be about.

Exercise 4. Read the text and divide it into parts. Give each a title.
Exercise 5. Find the key words in the sentences.
Exercise 6. Range the facts given in the text according to the extent of their importance.
Exercise 7. Find in the text those facts which can be used for the annotation.

Exercise 8. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think fits best according to the text.
Exercise 9. Give the detailed summary of the text.
Exercisen 10. Make up a plan of the text and retell the text according to your plan.

Критическое чтение - умение анализировать содержание и языковую форму текста;
- умение отличать факты от мнений;
-  умение подвергать прочитанное сомнению
Exercise 1. Prepare in groups two questions you think will be answered in the text. Exercise 2. Read the text in order to answer your questions. Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:
- Who is the text addressed to?
-Who are its probable readers?
-What genre is the text?
- Does the author establish an interactive, friendly relationship with the readers or is he/she distant, formal, and impersonal?
Exercise 4. Find examples of both fact and opinion in the article.
Exercise 5. Give your opinion about the influence of computer games on children and teenagers?
Exercise 6. Nowa-days, children and teenager play more and more computer games. Parents think computer games have little value and more harmful effects. What's opinion?

Exercise 9. Match the headings (A-D) with the paragraphs (1-6):
A  What’s bad about it?
B  What’s good about it?
C  Introduction
D Conclusion and recommendation
E  Why choose this to review?
F  Background and more detailed description

Exercise 7. Complete the text below by choosing appropriate word (A-G) for each gap (1-7)


«I once unplugged the TV for a month. It was summer, the season of long walks, barbecues, and reruns of old TV shows. But I knew if I really wanted to prove I could avoid evening television, I'd have to survive a New England winter without it. In the darkest, coldest months, I would no longer be able to escape. This winter, I had my test.

A year ago I moved into my own place. It was just a few minutes away from my former roommate — and her television. Friends offered me a spare TV, but I said no. Living alone was an opportunity to choose how I wanted to live. And I thought that being TV-free would help me do all those things I wanted to do 1)___________________, I wondered if I would feel lonely, but decided it would be better not to try to spend time with my "friends" on TV. In the first month or so, I got away from my favorite shows by visiting real friends. Eventually, I didn't know what TV shows were on when I could no longer join in conversations at my office about popular shows.

I kept telling people it was an experiment: "We'll see how it goes this winter," I'd say I considered buying a small TV to keep in the closet and bring out on special occasions. But for all I was missing, I could feel positive changes. I found myself reading lots of books. I had thought 2)________________________, but not too tired to watch TV. Now I had more time to read and sleep. I also started doing volunteer work almost every week instead of every few months. I called friends who usually heard from me only at the holidays. Sometimes I even enjoyed that rare thing called quiet.

The goal wasn't 3)_______________________. I can play DVDs on my laptop, so when a heavy snowstorm was on its way, I lined up in a video store with everybody else. Instead of channel-surfing and watching something I would later regret. I caught up on some great films.

Sometime during the winter I discovered I had crossed the line from experiment to lifestyle. Finally, I put up a painting on the only living room wall that could have a TV. A friend came over for the first time, took the tour, and then sat down on the couch  4)____________________. Looking around the room, she asked, "So, don't you have a TV?"

Whenever I explain my TV-free home, I tell people I'm not judging anyone else's TV-viewing choices. The response is often a confession For example, one co-worker said she can't help turning her TV on for background noise  5)____________________. Others express a feeling of togetherness, saying they hardly ever turn theirs on

I don't know 6)___________________. I might suddenly want to reconnect with pop culture and documentaries. And if I have children, I think I'd want them to learn, as I did from my parents, how to view with moderation and a critical eye. But if I do make space for a TV someday, I'm more confident now that I'll still find time and space for me.

A  how long my new lifestyle will last
B when her husband is out of town
C to give up all entertainment
D with a slightly puzzled look.
E to spend more time watching TV
F  but didn't have time for
G  that I was too tired to read after a long day at work » [74, c.10]

Exercise 8. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think fits best according to the text.

1. The game is very popular because
A its ingredients are thrills, challenges, excitement and action
B you can create your own heroes
C it is easy to play

2. What does the author remember about his childhood?
A His hobby was to play outside
B He spent free time with his friends
C Playing «The Sims» was his cup of tea

3. What does the author imply by asking “Have you ever enjoyed putting out the rubbish?”
A The game is very dull
B The game has much in common with other popular games
C «The Sim» needs the ability to wait

4. The designer of the game wanted to
A make profit
B to be an architect
C to be a moonwalker

5. The creation of the Sims’ was effected by
A the films like Harry Porter and Lord of the Rings
B a battle between good and evil
C the desire to create an unusual building

The game that made history

1 Action and excitement, thrills and challenges: surely these are the ingredients that keep everybody hooked on computer games? Wrong! One of the best-selling computer games has none of these ingredients. Have you ever enjoyed putting out the rubbish? What about sleeping or studying? It all sounds really dull, but that’s what you get in this game. In case you haven’t guessed yet, I’m taking about The Sims. In fact the publishers didn’t think it would sell very well, but they were wrong! The Sims has sold several million copies worldwide since it came out in 2000. Of course, part of the reason for this is that computer games have become more popular. Now they’re very versatile: you can play The Sims online or use a portable console to play anywhere, anytime. I’ve had a console for about a year now, and it’s definitely my favourite hobby!

2 To understand why I chose to review The Sims, you need to know a bit about the history of computer games. Most of my friends like traditional games which involve sports or battles. In these games the objective is clear: you win by scoring more points than your opponent. You need fast reactions and good concentration, too, as most games are very interactive and respond to lots of different input from the user. Games have changed a lot over the past few years. Now most action-packed film s, like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, exist as computer games. Why? Because good games usually need a hero and a battle between good and evil. However, none of these ideas influenced Will W right, the man who created The Sims. He wanted to create a “real” world.

3 As a boy, Will was a quiet, intelligent bookworm who wanted to be an astronaut. He still collects robots and pieces of space equipment! Will’s interest in unusual things eventually led him to games design. The Sims began when Will created a game to design a dream home with beautiful graphics. When players tested it, they were disappointed that there was no one to live in the homes, so Will created little people for this new world. The game testers loved it and so The Sims was born. There are loads of different Sims games, but the best version I’ve ever played is The Sims 2, because the artificial intelligence makes the characters even more real.

4 I would recommend this game for lots of different reasons. My sister and I love it because you can create characters who look like you and your friends. We’ve just made a Sim who looks like my teacher! In many ways Sims are just like real people. You can even programme their personalities, but their moods can change, so one Sim may respond differently each time you play.

5 My only criticism of The Sims is that you need a lot of patience. Sims are very hard to train - you have to wake them up and make them work and teach them to clean their homes. They don’t always do what you want.

6 I would like to sum m arise by adding that one of The Sims' best features is the ability to create your own ‘story’ world, with a huge range of characters. This might be why around 60 percent of Sims players are girls and women. In fact, The Sims is so popular that people say Will W right has completely changed computer gaming. If you haven’t already played this game, you should definitely try it!

Список литературы

  1. Мусаелян И.Ф. Комплекс упражнений, направленных на формирование языковой компетенции.// Гуманитарные науки. Вестник Финансового университета. – М. 2014. - № 2(14).
  2. Мильруд Р.П., Носонович Е.В. Критерии содержательной аутентичности учебного текста // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1999. - № 2.