Интеллектуальный турнир "Изобретения, которые потрясли мир"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Цель:  обобщить знания о истории развития транспорта, создать модель транспортного средства из предложенных материалов.

Задачи :

  • Образовательный  аспект: развитие лингвистического, филологического и общекультурного кругозора.
  • Развивающий аспект: развитие познавательных способностей: произвольного внимания, логической и слуховой памяти, аналитического мышления.
  • Воспитательный аспект: умение работать в команде, уважение чужого мнения.
  • Метапредметный аспект: развитие изобретательских умений, исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией: поиск и выделение нужной информации, обобщение и фиксация информации.

Формы организации: фронтальная, групповая

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, мультимедийная презентация, раздаточный материал.


Этапы Деятельность учителя Деятельность
Создание атмосферы иноязычнго общения. (Правило 3-х «да») Good morning dear friends!
We are sure you are ready to start.
  • Have you ever travelled anywhere?
  • Have you ever bought a ticket?
  • Did you enjoy your travelling?


Стадия вызова.
Объявление темы мероприятия
– Look at the board and get ready to answer the questions:
– What are we going to speak about today?
– What kinds of transport did you see in the film?

– You are right. We are going to speak about different types of transport, famous inventors and you will demonstrate your own models of vehicles.
You will work in groups, So, introduce your teams.
It will be an intelectual tournament and the members of the jury are L. N. Petrova, a teacher of deep knowledge in different subjects and Vitaly Polyakov, a member of the intellectual team of the 11th form.

– About transport

a plane, a hot air balloon, a train, a bicycle, etc.

Видеоролик о видах транспорта
Получение и осмысление информации, соотнесение с
уже имеющимися знаниями
Your first task is to watch a film about some kinds of transport and write the name of the inventor. You can get additional points if you write the country, and the date of the introduction of this kind of transport.
It is an amazing fact that some invetions were made similtaniuosly in Russia and in some other countries. Can you match the inventors and their inventions correctly? (cards)
Helicopter (Sikorsky)
Bicycle (Artamonov, MacMillan)
Train (Stephenson, the Cherepanovs)
Hot air ballon (the Montgolfier brothers)
Aeroplane (Mozhaysky, the Wright brothers)
Презентация  работы в группах (проекты) Your hometask was to make a model of a vehicle. Present your works. Your classmates will assess its ability to move, originality, the quality of the presentation. Our jury will give you some additional points for accuracy of your speech.  Презентация транспортных средств изготовленных заранее из бумаги, полиэтилена, круглого печенья, зубочисток и трубочек для коктейля, скотча.
Заполнение оценочных таблиц 
Развитие навыков работы с информацией Nowadays more and more new kinds of transport appear. Look at the board. You can see a modern means of transport that is popular in Europe. Have you ever seen or tried this machine?
Your task is to read the text quickly and fill in the table with necessary information.Our jury will assess your work.
Работа с текстом, заполнение таблиц Слайд презентации
Развитие кругозора учащихся, языковой догадки It’s time for our intellectual tournament. First, there are some video questions.
The first is from the team “Brain Busters”. Look at the board and write your answers on the sheet of paper.
The second question is from Artyom Yeryomin, the winner of the olympiad in physics.
The third one is from T.A.Kurilova, a teacher of physics.

I’ll give the floor to L.V.Kostousova, the couch of the intellectual teams. Get ready to answer her questions.

  • Which of the Fords worked with machines?
  • Find the odd one: “Apollo”, “Atlantis”, “Challenger”, “Columbia”, “Discovery”, “Endeavor”.
  • Find the odd word: Aircraft, hovercraft, hydrofoil, spacecraft.
Учащиеся слушают вопросы и пишут ответы на листочках Видео вопросы
  • The Rocket
  • Helicopter
  • White screw propeller will make the pilot blind

Henry Ford (портрет)

“Apollo”. All the others are space shuttles, which have been in space more than once.

Hydrofoil. The rest are vehicles.

  You can get three points if you answer the next questions.

– What vehicle is the song about? Who sang it? Where could we see this vehicle in Kungur?

– What is the longest railway line in the world?


– Many people enjoy riding a bicycle or a motorcycle. They take part in competitions using their kinds of transport. Name famous Kungur sportsmen.


the Beatles
at the sky fair

the Trans-Siberian Railway. It connects St Peresburg and Vladivostok.

Ignaty Lopatin
Daniil Semyonov
Alexender Tonkov
Lyubov Vasilkova

Подведение итогов. Рефлексия – And now let’s creat a cinquain about  the topic of our lesson.
I’ll remember you the rules of writing a cinquain.

Two adjectives
Three verbs
A sentence of four words
A word

– You can use the words from the list to creat your cinquains.
– Read your cinquains.
– You work really hard today.

– It’s high time to announce the results.

– Let’s greet the winners. And this is a prize for all the participants of the intellectual tournament.
– Good bye and good luck!

Учащиеся составляют синквейн о транспорте






Жюри подводит итоги.

Призы победителям и всем участникам турнира.

Правила написания синквейна

Приложение 1

Приложение 2