Открытый урок по произведению Оскара Уайльда "Кентервильское привидение"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции  на основе иноязычного материала.

Задачи урока:

  • расширять и углублять систему знаний и умений у учащихся;
  • развивать творческие способности у учащихся, критический подход, умение анализировать;
  • повысить интерес к предмету.

Средства: Презентация «Биография Оскара Уайльда», видео-презентация «Пословицы и поговорки», аудиозапись музыки к песне «Дом с привидениями», карточки, книга О. Уайльда «Кентервильское привидение», творческие работы учащихся.

Современные педагогические технологии, используемые на уроке:
1. КСО (коллективный способ обучения).
2. Игровые технологии.
3. Коммуникативные технологии.


1st leader: Good morning, dear guests, teachers and students. Is there anything better than reading of   interesting books? Is there anything more useful? Today we are going to prove that reading of books is the most important thing in studying English. We are going to speak about the «Canterville ghost» by Oscar Wilde.

2nd leader: Sorry, Vika. Before the students start speaking about the characters of the story, let’s find out if they know the biography of the author well.

1st leader: All right. Let’s divide them into 2 teams: one team is the boys, the other one is the girls.

2nd leader: Now look at the screen, please. There are questions for you. Each person will answer only one question.

Oscar Wilde’s biography:

  • There are 3 photos of English writers. Can you recognize Oscar Wilde?
  • When and where was he born?
  • What were his mother and his father?
  • Where did he study?
  • There are 2 photos on the screen:  Trinity College in Dublin and Trinity College in Cambridge. Where is his college?
  • When did Oscar Wilde write his first book?
  • Where did he travel?
  • Where did he meet his future wife?
  • How many sons did he have?
  • Whom did he write his fairy tales for?
  • Finish the names of the books: «A woman of … no importance», «The happy prince and … other tales», «The importance of … being earnest», «The picture of … Dorian Grey».
  • Is «The Canterville ghost» a detective story?

2nd leader: You answered all my questions. But I wonder if all boys and girls like the story «The Canterville ghost».


– Hello, Rita. What are you doing?
– Hi. I’m making up a plan to my composition.
– What composition?
– My favorite character from the story the «Canterville Ghost»
– You are like a child. Detective stories – that’s the right thing: fights, action.
– You don’t understand how wrong you are. First of all, it’s a good way to relax. Besides, you develop your imagination, try to understand the main heroes. Moreover, it is like a detective story: you never know the end of the story.
– You convinced me. Could you give me the book for a weekend?
– With pleasure.
– Bye.

Rita: Oh, my plan!

Vika: What’s happened?

Rita: It’s the ghost! He spoiled my plan.

Vika: My friends, let’s help Rita to correct the situation. You’ll work in pairs and make sentences from the words. (The students work with cards). Read your sentences aloud, please. You saved the plan. Is this ghost really so insidious? Listen to the song. (The song «The haunted house»)

But there is a man who is not afraid of the ghost. It is Mr. Otis. Let’s listen to the talk between Lord Canterville and Mr. Otis. Then you’ll describe characters.


L.C.: I must be honest with you, Mr. Otis. There is a ghost in my house. It visits anyone who lives   here.

Mr. O.: Are you sure?

L. C.: Oh, yes. My poor old aunt once felt 2 hands on her shoulders. She became ill and never got better. We hear strange noises in the halls.

Mr. O.: I am not afraid. I want to take the house with the ghost.

L.C.: You are a   brave man, Mr. Otis.

Mr. O.: I come from a modern country, there are no ghosts in America.  And I do not believe in ghosts.

L.C.: I hope you will be happy in the house. But you must remember that I warned you.

Vika: Did you like the characters? What can you say about them? (The students describe the characters). I see, you can describe the characters well.  But I know that some of you have drawn pictures of your favorite characters. Tell us about them, please. (The students describe pictures) Your pictures are beautiful. Besides, you know so many words which characterize these characters. Nevertheless, I would like to give you one more task. I will name an adjective, describing a character and you will give me a noun. Well done! Do you agree, Sveta?

Sveta: Yes, I do.

Vika: And what are you holding in your hands?

Sveta: That’s a task for the boys and girls. Nothing makes your speech so attractive as sayings and proverbs. These are sayings from my project. I would like the boys and girls to use them in some situations. You can work in pairs and help each other. Find the passages where the sayings can be used. (Students work with the books). Sayings: (to lose heart, to rap fingers, not to turn a hair, to see eye to eye, fed to the teeth).
You managed to cope with this difficult task. You are really clever.

Vika: I think we have proved that reading books we learn many words, develop imagination, solve problems. What else? Let’s sing our final song.

The final song:

Children like adventure stories
Interesting and cool.
Read more books to be more clever.
That’s the golden rule.