Открытый урок "New school, New Teacher, New Student"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развитие языковой компетенции учащихся.


  • Образовательная: формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе темы "Образование", развитие умения воспринимать на слух и понимать текст большого объема по теме и строить высказывание по тексту.
  • Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к своей школе, учителям, понимание своих задач как учеников современной школы.
  • Развивающая: развитие у учащихся навыков анализа, умения обобщать материал и делать выводы, вести дискуссию на иностранном языке, высказывать свое мнение и уважать мнение других.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, содержащий опорные слова для высказываний, карточки для выполнения задания по аудированию, доска, аудиозапись.

Ход урока

Warming - up

Comment on the following quotation:

"The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil".

R.W. Emerson (1802-1882), an American philosopher and poet.

Items to consider:

Do you agree or disagree with Emerson? Give reasons.

What can be understood by "respecting the pupil"? (e.g. treating him as a personality, treating him as an equal, respecting his point of view)

What other secrets of education can you name?

Use: To my mind/I strongly believe/I'm absolutely sure the secret of education lies in:

New School

Our school.

Lead - in.

Consider the following items:

Is the quotation true about our school?

What do you like about this school?

(Pls brainstorm their ideas, T. makes notes on the BB.)

Possible answers: Pupils are respected, the atmosphere is friendly, high level of teaching, interesting lessons, helpful teachers:)

So, let's sum up. Why do we like our school? (Pupils provide the summing-up)

Items for discussion

Let's try and answer the following questions regarding our school.

(Cards with the questions)

Is your school a motivational school?

Does it boost morale and achievement?

Does it raise confidence and self-belief?

Task: in groups of three discuss the items (2 min.) and present the opinion of the group.

Support cards:

Card 1. Modern facilities, modern equipment, helpful and cooperative teachers, friendly environment, fair system of assessment.

Card 2. To organise various activities, to encourage the best pupils, to award prizes and grants to the best pupils, to encourage competition to create a friendly environment

Card 3. To treat pupils with respect, to work on projects and presentations, to assess fairly, to motivate to study better, to encourage competition

Pupils work in groups and then present their ideas.

Task: Listen, express your agreement or disagreement, be ready to come up with possible additions.

Summing up. (Pupils provide the summing-up)

So, a good school should :

T's question: Does our school meet all the requirements?

Lead - in.

What are the most important tasks a modern teacher should be able to do?

(Pls give their ideas.)

  • e.g. establish a friendly relationship with students
  • understand their individual needs
  • encourage them to be creative
  • give them a lot of praise and support


Let's listen to the text about the role of a modern teacher at school.

Listen to the text and fill in the gaps. (2 times if necessary)


The idea remains that students are _______________ containers which a teacher fills with knowledge. However, this approach no longer works. The teacher's role is no longer simply to feed information to students. Facts are available in ___________, on CD ROMS and on the ____________. What students need are the ___________ to find this information. Cooperative learning encourages ____________, tolerance and helpfulness towards others. Students work in pairs, in threes and in ___________ of four. The teacher is the __________, not the master. Brett Melville, a pupil, says: 'In our class, we have to discuss issues and ___________ in detail.' Lynne Gedye, a teacher, says: 'The children's response was __________ .' Cooperative learning turns the classroom from a competitive arena into a place where learning facts and life skills is __________ and effective.

Questions to test comprehension:

  1. Is the teacher the only source of information for the students?
  2. What other sources of information are available nowadays?
  3. What does cooperative learning encourage in students?
  4. Who should cooperate at the lesson?
  5. What is the role of a teacher in cooperative learning?
  6. How do pupils react to cooperative learning?

Summing up. (Pupils provide the summing-up)

So, a new teacher is not only a coach, a source of information but:

(Pls brainstorm their ideas. e.g. an instructor, a helper, an organiser, a friend, a consultant)

New Pupil

Discussion Point.

What kind of person should a modern pupil be to achieve success?

Task: In groups of four think of the traits of character, special abilities and skills that a modern pupil should possess to achieve success. Comment on your ideas.

Key words (card)

To be creative, self-confident, motivated to study, interested, inspired, well-organised, hard-working, persistent, positive, ambitious.

To look for information, to be able to analyse and to make conclusions, to work effectively

Group work.

Pupils discuss their ideas in groups and then present them to the class.

Task: Listen to the presentation of the other group, express your agreement or disagreement, make comments.

Summing up. (Pupils provide the summing-up)

So, a modern student should :


Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. Thank you for being active and, what is much more important, thank you for being sincere in expressing your opinions. I hope that whatever has been said today will be useful and the idea of cooperative learning will be implemented into life at our lessons from now on.


Write a 100-word paragraph about a modern pupil. Use the card.

By Maria Samorodnitskaya, Gymnasium 1529, Moscow.