Земля и люди Великобритании. 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели урока:


  1. формирование речевых навыков и умений;
  2. развитие речевых способностей;
  3. развитие языковой памяти;
  4. развитие умения сравнивать и обобщать материал.


  1. расширение эрудиции, лингвистического и филологического кругозора;
  2. расширение культуры речевого общения;
  3. ознакомление с лингвострановедческой информацией;
  4. развитие умений решать коммуникативную задачу.


  1. воспитание культуры общения;
  2. поддержание интереса к обучению;
  3. воспитание уважения к культуре и истории другой страны.


  1. развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, чувств и эмоции;
  2. развитие умения использовать иностранный язык, как инструмент познавательной деятельности при изучении материала страноведческого характера;
  3. воспитание умения работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.

Тип занятия: обобщающее повторение.

Оснащение урока: магнитофон, аудиокассета, раздаточный материал, карта Великобритании, мультимедийная презентация, ноутбук, проектор, видеокассета с фильмом «Леон», книга (женский роман).

Ход урока

Организационный момент (приветствие и объяснение целей урока).

Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. We’ll spend today’s lesson revising material about the land and the people of Great Britain, conversational phrases and reported speech. Let start with our conversational phrases.

Речевая разминка (диалоги на основе ранее изученного материала).

Проверка домашнего задания. So the task is:


Тебе нравится, когда тепло?
Да, я люблю теплую погоду.
Тебе она действительно нравится?
Конечно, это моя любимая погода.

Как тебе нравится песня о Великобритании?
Очень нравится.
Тебе нравится ее мелодия?
Конечно, нравится. Мне нравится и слова и мелодия.

Как тебе нравится эта книга?
Боюсь, она мне не нравится.
Даже немного?
Совсем. Я не выношу такие книги.

What would you say if you took part in the following dialogues?

Do you like it when it snows?
Do you really like it?
How do you like the film? (Lion)
Do you like the colours?
How do you like the book?
Not a bit?
Not at all?

You were supposed to practice the dialogues on page 160 for your homework. So let’s act out the dialogues.

Грамматический материал:

Let's go over the grammar material. Open your exercise-books. Look at the blackboard, read what Sam and Ann say and write sentences to report their speech. Do try to pay attention to reported speech.

Nick says:

I like my Granny very much.
Don’t do it.
Come here.

Sam says:

I want to go to London.
Don’t translate the text about Northern Ireland.
My friend knows the 4 parts of the United Kingdom.

Ann says:

My mother doesn’t know Welsh.
Name the capitals of the 4 parts.
Don’t name the Thames as the longest river.

It’s high time to finish the work. Let’s check it.

Основной материал урока.

Let's speak about the United Kingdom. Look at the screen. We see flags and flowers. Let’s remember everything about them. (Приложение 1).

Tell us what you know about these flags. Will you come to the front?

Who can tell us about the British coat of arms?

And about the flowers?

  • Tell us about the flower emblem of England (the rose)
  • Can you tell us about the emblem of Ireland? (the shamrock)
  • What about Scotland’s emblem? (the thistle)
  • What can say about the emblem of Wales? (the daffodil)

Complete the sentences by using one of the phrases, written here and translate the sentences:

  • The United Kingdom is an island state.
  • The UK is the state which is situated in the British Isles.
  • You can see road signs in Welsh all over Wales.
  • The patron saint of England is St. George.
  • The UK consists of four countries.
  • There are many lonely hills in the south of the country.

Ask different types of questions to these sentences.

Find the words, which I describe:

  • A country ruled by a king or a queen;
  • Without companions, friends and family
  • A group of people living together under one government
  • Holy person
  • Symbol, mark used to represent smth

Agree or disagree:

  • The UK consists of 3 parts.
  • The 2 main islands are Great Britain and Ireland.
  • The 2 islands are separated by the Irish Sea.
  • Everyone who was born in Britain is English.
  • The flag of the UK is St.George’s Cross.

Answer the questions:

  • Where is the UK situated?
  • What country is situated in the British Isles near Northern Ireland?
  • What countries are situated in Great Britain?
  • What is the UK separated from the continent by?
  • What is the UK washed by?
  • What river is the British capital situated on?
  • What is the northern part of Scotland called?
  • What is the nearest point to Europe?
  • How many people live in the UK?
  • What languages do they speak?

Give, quickly the names of:

  • The main islands of the British Isles
  • The 4 nationalities
  • The mountains in England
  • The mountains in Scotland
  • The mountains in Wales
  • The sea, that separates Great Britain and Ireland
  • The longest river

Show me:

  • 4 countries of the UK
  • 4 capitals of these countries
  • The highest mountain in Great Britain
  • The hills, which separate England and Scotland
  • The highest mountain in Wales

And now let’s write test on the UK. Take the papers and listen to my texts. Put the number of the text into the table. (Аудирование.)

England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Great Britain
  1. It is the largest island of the British Isles. It combines 3 countries – Scotland, England, Wales. The capital is London. The people speak English, Scottish and Welsh.
  2. This is a part of Great Britain. It is small. The highest mountains are the Cambrian mountains. The highest peak is Snowdon. People speak Welsh and English. It is in the west of Great Britain.
  3. The largest city in this part of Great Britain is Glasgow, but the capital is Edinburgh. The highest mountains are the Grampians. The highest peak is Ben Nevis.
  4. This is the biggest part of Great Britain and the UK. It is the centre and south of Great Britain. People in this part speak English.
  5. This country is small. There are many green hills and low mountains there. It is near the Irish republic.

Give in your papers, please. (Answers: England – 4, Scotland – 3, Wales – 2, Northern Ireland – 5, Great Britain – 1).

Закрепление материала.

And now it’s time for fun. I prepare a crossword for you.

  1. The part of the UK, which is situated in the central and southern part of Great Britain.
  2. The island, which is situated near Great Britain.
  3. The capital of Scotland.
  4. The part of the UK, which is situated in the west of Great Britain.
  5. The part of the UK, which is situated in the north of Great Britain.
  6. The capital of Northern Ireland.
  7. The longest river.
  8. The capital of Wales.
  9. The river, on which London is situated.
  10. The mountain range with Ben Nevis.
  11. The big industrial city, known by the “Beatles”.
  12. The capital of the UK.

Answers: 1 – England, 2 – Ireland, 3 – Edinburgh, 4 – Wales, 5 – Scotland, 6 – Belfast, 7 – Severn, 8 – Cardiff, 9 – Thames, 10 – Grampians, 11 – Liverpool, 12 – London.

Домашнее задание.

It’s time to stop. Please write down your homework. For homework you are to read the text in your Readers on page 28. It’s “The bald eagle”. I think that everything is clear.

Подведение итогов и оценивание результатов работы.

In conclusion I want to thank you for the lesson and your cooperation. You know the material rather well. I give you good and excellent marks.

The bell has gone. Stand up, please. Good buy till our next lesson. You may get your things together.
