Разработка урока для студентов 1-го курса педагогического колледжа "The London Sightseeing Tour"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции студентов на страноведческом материале о Лондоне.


  1. Практическая: практиковать студентов в аудировании иностранной речи, говорении (монологической речи), чтении, письме.
  2. Образовательная: развивать у студентов интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка, расширять кругозор студентов.
  3. Воспитательная: создавать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению языка, воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
  4. Развивающая: развить у студентов память, внимание, логическое мышление, восприятие.

Форма занятия: урок-путешествие.

Участники: студенты 1 и 3 курсов отделения иностранных языков педагогического колледжа.

Время и место проведения: урок проводится на 1 курсе отделения иностранных языков студентами 3 курса (в роли гидов) в рамках недели иностранного языка в колледже.

Оснащение урока:

  • слайды с иллюстрациями достопримечательностей Лондона;
  • фонограмма;
  • мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning! It’s a great pleasure to meet you. We are going on the London sightseeing tour today. Everybody who comes to London for the first time wants to see its sights. Our guides will accompany us on this tour and show us the most famous attractions of the British capital.

II. Основная часть урока.

Guide 1: Welcome to the capital of the United Kingdom. Our tour starts in Trafalgar Square. (Звучит рассказ гида (студента 3 курса) о Трафальгарской площади. На проекторе – слайды с изображением площади.) It is one of the most famous squares in the world. Trafalgar Square is the point of the mass meetings and various events as well as celebrations throughout the year. Several millions of tourists visit this place to enjoy its magnificent design. Nelson’s Column is in the centre of it. This impressive monument was created in the memory of the Victory of Admiral Nelson over the Spanish fleet in 1805. To commemorate this victory it was decided to make this Square which was completed and opened to the public in 1832. Ten years later the monument to Admiral Nelson was erected. There are statues of four lions around the column. They symbolize courage and bravery. They were placed here in 1867. Different events take place in Trafalgar Square. The lightning of Christmas Tree Ceremony takes place on November 29. Then in December the Square turns into a venue for Christmas festivities. The Square is an ocean of light! The Square is the place of celebrating the New Year. The building on the left is the National Gallery. It was one of the biggest art collections in the World. In the centre of the Square there is a café, so you can eat the sandwich and enjoy the view.

Teacher: Act as tour guides. Agree or disagree with the statements of foreign tourists.

(На интерактивной доске появляются предложения. Студенты 1 курса подходят к доске, соглашаются или не соглашаются с утверждениями. При этом ответы сопровождаются определенными звуковыми сигналами «right» или «wrong».)

  • Trafalgar Square is the largest square in central London.
  • Nelson’ Column was created in the memory of the Victory of Admiral Nelson over the French fleet.
  • The battle took place in 1850.
  • The square was opened to public in 1823.
  • The monument to Admiral Nelson was erected in 1842.
  • The lightning of Christmas Tree Ceremony takes place on November 29.
  • On the left of the square there is a Portrait Gallery.

Guide 1: There are some more interesting facts about Trafalgar Square. (Звучит фонограмма.) Since 1947 the Christmas Tree in Trafalgar Square has been the traditional gift from the people of Norway. The tree is given as a symbol of gratitude for Britain’s support of Norway during World War II. The Lightning of Christmas Tree Ceremony is usually attended by the Mayor of Oslo, the Norwegian capital.

Teacher: Write a few sentences about the most interesting things you have learned about Trafalgar Square and the events that take place in the square:

  • In November.
  • In December.

Guide 2: We are on the north bank of the Thames. We are crossing Westminster Bridge. Now we are near Westminster Palace – the seat of the British legislature. (На проекторе появляются слайды Вестминстерского Дворца.) This is the place where laws are passed and discussed. As you see it is not just one building but a great mass of buildings. The Palace is really impressive with its three massive towers: the Victoria Tower, the Middle Tower and St. Stephen’s Tower, which is the most known tower in London because it houses the clock that people often call Big Ben. The House of Commons and the House of Lords have met at Westminster Palace since 1550. At one end of the House of Lords we see the Throne from which the Monarch reads the special speech when she opens the Parliament. The members of the Chamber sit on the red benches. This is the traditional colour of the House of Lords. The Lord Chancellor, the head of the House of Lords sits on the red woolsack near the Throne. The woolsack is the symbol of Britain’s wealth. The House of Commons is rather small. It is not so splendid as the House of Lords. The members of the Parliament sit on the green benches. When the members of the Parliament read their speeches, they should never step over the line. This tradition goes back to the medieval times when during the debates the members of the Parliament often fought with each other. Westminster Palace is 1000 years old. It was damaged by fire in the 19th century and rebuilt. An architect Charles Barry, who won a competition for the best design, redecorated the interior of the Palace.

Teacher: The guide is showing a group of tourists around Westminster Palace. These are the questions he asks. What are your answers? (Вопросы звучат в записи. В паузах студенты дают ответы на вопросы.)

  • Big Ben is a famous clock in London, isn’t it?
  • Why is it called Big Ben?
  • Where does the Parliament sit?
  • Is it an old building?
  • How long has the Parliament met there?
  • Can we watch the debates in the parliament?
  • Why does the Lord Chancellor sit on the woolsack?
  • Does the Speaker sit on the woolsack too?

Guide 2: Gather the information from the text about Westminster Palace, complete the following sentences choosing the right variant. How much have you learnt?

(На интерактивной доске появляются задания. Студенты 1 курса выбирают варианты ответов. Правильные и неправильные ответы сопровождаются определёнными звуковыми сигналами.)

  • Westminster Palace consists
  • of only one building
  • three buildings
  • a great mass of buildings *
  • The Tower which houses Big Ben is
  • the Victoria Tower
  • St. Stephen’s Tower *
  • the Middle Tower
  • The House of Commons and the House of Lords have met at Westminster
  • since 1550 *
  • since 1515
  • since 1505
  • The Head of the House of Lords is
  • the Lord Chancellor *
  • the queen
  • the Speaker

Guide 3: Just a short walk from the House of Parliament takes us to Westminster Abbey. (На проекторе появляются изображения Вестминстерского аббатства. Студент рассказывает об этой достопримечательности). It is the oldest and the most important church in England. Westminster Abbey is the official church of the British Monarch. The coronations of all British monarchs have taken place here since 1066 and many kings and queens are buried here. Besides, it is the most beautiful church in the country and it is 31 metres high.

Let’s enter the main hall of the Abbey – here you see the rows of chairs, the stained glass windows that are really impressive. The crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling were a gift from the people of Ireland in honour of the Abbey’s 900th anniversary. Look at the left. A portrait of Richard II hangs on the wall. It is the oldest portrait of an English monarch. The portrait was painted in the 14th century and shows the king in his royal robes with the royal symbols in his hands. At the end of the hall you see the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. It commemorates the British who died in various military conflicts.

Now we are going to the Sanctuary – the central part of the Abbey, there are monuments to heroes and important Britons. Turn right. We are at the Poet’s Corner. You see the monument to William Shakespeare that was made in 1740. This monument is surrounded by monuments to other great British writers: Robert Burns, Jane Austen, and the Bronte Sisters. And here is the Coronation Chair. All kings and queens sat on the chair when they were crowned .The chair has been used at all coronations since 1307. It is a very important symbol of Monarchy.

Teacher: How much have you ever learnt? Complete the sentences choosing the right variant from the right column. Make a short report on the topic «Westminster Abbey.» (На интерактивной доске появляются незавершенные предложения. С правой стороны предлагаются слова вразброс. Студенты 1 курса вставляют слова и выражения по смыслу в предложения.)

  • Westminster Abbey is near ___.
  • Since 1066 ___ has taken place here.
  • This beautiful church is ___.
  • On the occasion of the Abbey’s 900th anniversary ___ gave it ___.
  • The Sanctuary, which is ___ of the Abbey, houses ___.

30 metres high
the people of Ireland
the central part
monuments to famous Britons
the Houses of Parliament
the crystal Chandeliers

Guide 4: Our next stop is Buckingham Palace – official residence of the British monarch. (на проекторе появляются слайды с изображением Букингемского Дворца. Студент 3 курса рассказывает об этой достопримечательности.). The Palace is situated at the end of a wide avenue, the Mall. It is one of the greatest tourist attractions in London. The Palace was built in 1677 and received its name from the Duke of Buckingham who lived there. In 1762 king George III bought the Palace as a present for his wife. The first monarch who worked and lived in the Palace was Queen Victoria in the 19th century. Since then all British Monarchs have used Buckingham Palace as their working place. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen Elizabeth II. In reality it is a vast building with 400 rooms, a swimming pool, a tennis court, and a large garden with a lake. 550 persons work in the Palace. They help the Queen in her job as the Head of State. They also keep the Palace clean. The Palace is open to visitors during August and September when the Queen is on holiday. The tourists are only admitted to some parts of the Palace but we will be able to visit the most beautiful rooms in the Palace.

We are in the Grand Hall now. (Слайды с изображением большого зала на первом этаже дворца.) The great staircase is made of marble and leads to the Throne Room. It is one of the largest rooms in London. (Слайды с изображением тронного зала.) The Queen uses this room to met very important guests.

From here we go to the State Dining room. (Слайды с изображением Главной Столовой.) This hall is used for State Banquets.

The next room we will visit is the Drawing room. (Слайды с изображением гостиной.) In this room the Queen meets ambassadors, judges and clergy who come to visit her. Sometimes it is used as a concert hall for concerts and performances.

Teacher: Gather the information from the text about Buckingham Palace and agree or disagree with the following statements (На интерактивной доске студенты выбирают положительные или отрицательные ответы, которые сопровождаются звуковыми сигналами.):

  • The Palace was built by King George III.
  • It received its name from the Duke of Buckingham.
  • The palace is open for the tourists in July and August.
  • There are three hundred rooms in the building.
  • The tourists can visit all rooms and halls at the palace.
  • The Queen uses the Throne Room to meet very important guests.
  • The Queen uses the State Dining room to meet ambassadors, judges and clergy.

Guide 5: We are going to the Tower of London now. (На проекторе появляются слайды с изображением Лондонского Тауэра.) Its history is long and fascinating although sometimes tragic. It is the most famous fortress in the world. William the Conqueror started to build it in 1076. The internal court of the fortress is surrounded by high walls with 18 towers and 2 gates. Each tower has its own name. In 1483 King Edward V and his brother Richard were murdered in the Bloody Tower. The Devereux Tower was named after its most famous prisoner Robert Devereux. He was a minister in the 17th century and put in prison for treason.

The Tower was a royal residence from the 13th century until the 16th century. Then it became a prison for enemies of the Monarch. Many people were executed here. Now it is a museum. Do you see these men in colourful uniform? (На проекторе слайды с изображением стражников Тауэра.)

They are the Beefeaters, the guardians of the Tower. Their uniform was designed some centuries ago and has never changed since then.

For many centuries the Tower of London was known as the White Tower because in 1240 Henry III painted the fortress white. This name is still applied to the central part of the fortress.

The most interesting place in the Tower is the Jewel House. There you can see Crown Jewels.

Teacher: Complete the sentences choosing the right variant in the right column. Put the sentences in the chronological order. (На интерактивной доске появляются незавершенные предложения. С правой стороны – варианты продолжения предложений. Студенты 1 курса выбирают варианты и распределяют предложения в хронологическом порядке.)

  • In 1240 Henry III decided to paint ___.
  • To protect the city of London William the Conqueror started to ___ in ___.
  • In 1483 the murder happened at the Tower that gave the name to ___.
  • The Tower became ___ in the 16th century.
  • ___ was the most famous Tower prisoner in the 17th century, he was arrested for ___.

the Bloody Tower
a prison
Robert Devereux
the fortress white
build the fortress

Guide 6: London is a green city with lots of parks and gardens. The three best known parks are:

  • Hyde Park.
  • St. James’s Park.
  • Kensington Gardens.

(На проекторе появляются изображения Лондонских парков.)

Hyde Park is the largest park in London. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was a place where kings and queens walked and rode and duels were fought. The park was founded in 1536, now it is a popular place for recreation. In the park you can find playgrounds. The most popular place is the Lookout – an educational centre where children learn about nature, and lots of catering outlets, they offer everything from a simple sandwich to three – course meals. People come here to enjoy sports: football, cycling, roller-skating. There is a large lake called the Serpentine, you can rent a boat and enjoy rowing. The most popular attraction in the park is the Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Fountain. It was built in 2004 in the memory of late Princess Diana. The fountain is designed in the shape of a heart. It symbolizes Diana’s generosity and openness. The other tourist attraction in the park is Marble Arch. It was designed by John Nash in the style of a Roman triumphal arch and built in 1828. It was planned that this arch would be standing in front of Buckingham Palace but the king did not like the view and the arch was moved to this park.

If Hyde Park is the largest park in London, St. James’s Park is the oldest one. The park was founded in 1532 and for many years it was the place where many fetes of all kinds were held. Now its vast territory is covered with avenues of trees and lawns that are used by joggers. Visitors can enjoy the quiet atmosphere and some like to feed ducks. Tourists like to take pictures of the Queen Victoria Memorial – the main attraction in the park. This memorial includes the glittering figures of Victory and Courage. In 1704 the Orangery was opened in the park. Over the years it has acquired reputation for good plant collection.

Kensington Gardens are very popular for sunbathing and picnics in fine weather. Sport activities are forbidden here because of the historic significance of the park. The Gardens' main role is to be a place where people living or working in central London can take a rest and enjoy the silence. Kensington Gardens were the last park in London that was opened to the public. Until the 19th century only the Royal Family could walk here. The most interesting attractions are the Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Fountain, opened in 2000 and the bronze statue of Peter Pan. This statue portrays the main character of James Barry’s famous children’s book «Peter Pan». There is the Elfin Oak carved with figures of fairies and elves in the park. And you will see the Queen Victoria statue sculptured by her daughter, Princess Louise, to celebrate 50 years of her mother’s reign.

Teacher: Act as tour guides. Match the parks and the attractions you can see there. (Студенты работают на интерактивной доске, сопоставляя части предложений.)

  • In Hyde Park you can see...
  • St. James’s Park is famous for...
  • In Kensington Gardens tourists like to visit...
  • Marble Arch.
  • The Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Fountain.
  • The Orangery.
  • The Lookout.
  • The Queen Victoria Memorial.
  • The Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Playground.
  • The Elfin Oak.
  • The Queen Victoria statue.

III. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: Our sightseeing tour included all the most interesting places in the city. The informative and entertaining tour guides accompanied us on this tour. The tour was wonderful. We enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you very much for your participation at the lesson.