План урока по теме "Если у тебя грипп, что тебе следует…" с использованием ИКТ

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: формирование лексических навыков, развитие навыков и умений поискового чтения, аудирования и диалогической речи.

Развивающие цели: развивать навыки чтения с извлечением нужной информации, навыки спросить и дать совет, навыки понимания и извлечения нужной информации на слух, работы в группах, индивидуально.

Воспитательная цель: воспитание сострадания к заболевшим людям и оказания им помощи.

Языковой материал: лексика по теме "болезни", Present Perfect для выражения законченности действий, глагол should - дать совет.

Оборудование: учебник "New Millennium-6 " (автор Н.Н. Деревянко, др.) карточки с названиями болезней, карточки с неправильными глаголами, пустые бланки, магнитофон, запись советов американских ребят с советами, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока

1. Hello, everybody! Who is absent today? Yulya is absent. What's the matter with her?

2. Now it is winter. People often fall ill, because it is very cold. Before speaking about our problems in winter look at the blackboard and repeat after me:

a) Ache, toothache, stomachache, a headache

a sore throat, a cold




catch-caught -caught, catch a cold


b) Finish my sentence:

I have got a cold. He :.. . They have got a sore throat. She :. . We have got toothache. He :.. .You have a broken arm. She :.. .

3. Good. Look at the blackboard. What's the matter with the people? (слайды 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8)

4. You see people who are ill. Let's give them advice. Our new words will help you (page 88, textbook), (слайды7, 9, 10)

a) Repeat after me:

a bandage

a burn

a cut

a cough

a plaster






What's the matter with the girl? What should she do? etc.

b) Now let's play a memory game. Look, I have got the diagram (слайд 12)

raspberry jam


herbal tea a cold


hot milk with baking soda

tea with lemon

Read and remember; now I will wipe some of them and you will recollect them. Give advice to a person who has got a burn (слайд 14), a cut (слайд 10) and write it on the blackboard and into your exercises -books. OK. You are right.

5. There are some people who don't know what to do. Help them. (Слайды 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).


a) Now let's read Mrs. Herb's advice (ex.2a, p. 88-89). You have got 5 minutes to read and fill the tables on your desks (pril.1).

b) Your time is out. We'll divide our group into pupils As and Bs and we'll give each other advice. (ex.2b, p.89)

7. Физкультминутка. Под рифмовку "Hands up, hands down". . Well done.

8. a) In winter people usually have flu.

Fill the chart in your exercise-books and some pupils will do it by turn on the blackboard.

(слайд 15)

b) I think it is interesting for you to know what American children do when they have flu. Listen, please, finish the chart. (слайд 15)

9. Now let's check and say what is new for you.

10. Oh, our lesson is over. I'm pleased with your answers and I'm sure you'll know what to do when you are ill.

Your home assignment is to prepare a poster "What you should do, if you have FLU". (ex.4, p.89)

Приложение 1, приложение 2.