Урок английского языка с применением информационных технологий по теме "Welcome to my home!"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


By the end of the lesson my students will be able:

  • to pronounce new words correctly;
  • to clearize the names of the room;
  • to extract the main idea from the text in order to choose the right picture;
  • to extract specific information from the text in order to describe different rooms;
  • to extract specific and detailed information from listening;
  • to talk about the different rooms in the house;
  • to ask and answer questions in order to describe their homes.


  • Media projector
  • Power Point Presentation
  • handouts (worksheets with tasks)


  • ordinal numbers;
  • prepositions of place: in, at, on;
  • I / We have got:
  • lexis: bathroom, bedroom, living room, dining room, hall, kitchen, nice, comfortable, study, child's room.

Ход урока

Этап урока Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся Дидактические материалы
1. Орг.момент Сообщение темы и задач урока   Слайд № 1
2. Warming:

a poem

Учитель обращает внимание на правильное произношение при чтении стихотворения и просит прочитать стихотворение по ролям Учащиеся отрабатывают произношение слов в стихотворении и читают по ролям Слайд №2
ordinal numbers Учитель предлагает учащимся вспомнить образование порядковых числительных Образовывают порядковые числительные и отвечают на вопрос Слайд № 3
prepositions Учитель задаёт учащимся вопросы Отвечают на вопросы Слайд № 4
3. Основной этап

a) vocabulary

Учитель предлагает учащимся посмотреть на картинки и назвать комнаты по-английски Называют комнаты Слайд №5 - 12
b) listening for specific information Учитель предлагает учащимся прослушать chant и заполнить пропуски Слушают, заполняют Слайд № 13
c) summing up Учитель предлагает учащимся посмотреть на картинку дома и ответить на вопросы Смотрят на картинку, отвечают на вопросы Слайд № 14
d) reading for specific information Учитель предлагает учащимся прочитать описания комнат и подобрать картинку к каждому тексту Читают тексты, выбирают необходимую информацию, соединяют описания комнат с картинками, доказывают свое мнение Слайд № 15, 16
e) reading for gist Учитель предлагает учащимся прочитать описание комнаты и найти картинку. Читают текст, выделяют главное и выбирают нужную картинку Слайд № 17
f) listening for detail Учитель предлагает учащимся прослушать 3 описания дома и соединить высказывания с картинками. Слушают 3 высказывания и соединяют с картинками Слайд № 18
g) let's play Учитель предлагает учащимся описать воображаемую квартиру. Говорят по одному предложению, кто последний, тот и выиграл Слайд № 19
h) speaking Учитель предлагает учащимся ответить на вопросы, заполнить таблицу и рассказать о своих домах Учащиеся работают в парах и суммируют информацию и рассказывают о том, что узнали друг от друга Слайд № 20, 21
4. Итог Учитель подводит итог урока, выставляет оценки Вспоминают, чем занимались на уроке  
5. Объяснение домашнего задания Учитель объясняет домашнее задание Записывают в дневники Слайд № 22

Конспект урока

Time Teacher instructions Patterns of interaction

















Good morning.

Glad to see you.

Sit down, please.

As you know the topic of the unit is "House and Home". The theme of our lesson today is "Welcome to my home". We are going to revise vocabulary, ordinal numbers, and prepositions of place, to read and listen a lot and speak about your own homes. As usual, at the end of each unit we make a project. Do you like making projects? I also like it because it's your creative work.

Our lesson today will help you to make your projects about your dream home. I hope they'll be creative and very interesting.

Let's begin with revising.

From the last lesson you know how to make ordinal numbers. Let's remember. the + num + - th

four - the fourth

one - the first

ten - the tenth

five - the fifth

twelve - the twelfth

two - the second

nine - the ninth

six - the six

eleven - the eleventh

eight - the eighth

three - the third

seven - the seventh

OK, there is a number for each of you on your desks.

Answer my questions, please. Who is the first / the sixth / third / the fifth / the eleventh / the second / the fourth / the eighth / the tenth / the twelfth / the seventh?

Nice work. I see you know how to make ordinal numbers. Now answer my questions, please.

Where do you live?

What's your address?

Which floor do you live on? - don't forget to use ordinal numbers

Well. It's very interesting. Let's remember the names of the rooms. Look at the screen and name them.

Brilliant. Look at your desks, there are cards with the gaps. You will listen to the chant and your task is to fill in the gaps with the names of the rooms in your cards. You are going to listen twice.

I've got a living room.

A living room?

A living room. This is the living room in my flat.

I've got a kitchen.

A kitchen?

A kitchen. This is the kitchen in my flat.

I've got a hall.

A hall?

A hall. This is the hall in my flat.

I've got a bedroom.

A bedroom?

A bedroom. This is the bedroom in my flat.

Let's check

Your next task is to look at the house and name each room.

Answer my questions.

Where is each room?

Example: The _______ is in the attic

The _______ is on the first / ground floor.

Excellent! Now it's time to have a short break. Физкультминутка:

Stand up, please. Hands up, hands down. Shake them. Close your eyes. Open them. Up and down. Right and left. Sleep, please. Wake up, please, sit down.

I hope after the small physical relaxation, you'll work better. OK? Now read the following descriptions of the rooms and match them with the pictures. You have 3 minutes to do it.

Exchange your sheets of paper, please, check each other and put the marks.




Living room


Mistakes: Who has no mistakes / one mistake?

0 - "5" My congratulations to you!

1 - "4"

2 - "3"

3 and more - "2"

Now read the text and choose the right picture.

Look at the screen. It's very interesting to know where the children live. Listen to Jane, Dima and Anya describing their homes and match the pictures with the descriptions. One picture is left.

Speaker 1 - picture c

Speaker 2 - no picture

Speaker 3 - picture a

Well done. Now the last step of our lesson today. Work in pairs. Some of you have individual task on separate sheets of paper. Your task is to fill in the gaps.

Read the text and fill in the gaps using the following words.

living room, bedrooms, hall, kitchen, bathroom, comfortable, big, small, rooms, cottage

I live in a 1) ____________. It is nice. I have got four 2) ___________________. They are three 3) ___________________ and a 4) ____________________. I have also got a 5) _______________, a 6) _________________ and a 7) ___________________. The living room is 8) __________________ and 9) _________________. My bedroom is 10) __________________.

And the rest ask each other the following questions.

Where do you live?

How many rooms have you got?

Have you got a living room in your flat?

Is it comfortable?

Have you got a kitchen / a bathroom/ a hall?

Have you got a bedroom?

How many bedrooms have you got in your home?

Fill in the table


Your name

Your name

Total number of rooms





Living room

Tell us what you found out using the model:

We live in :. Our flats are ... We have got : bathrooms, : bedrooms, : halls, : kitchens and : living rooms in our flats.

Let's play. Describe an imaginary flat. Whose sentence will be the last, win.


Pupil 1: I live in a flat.

Pupil 2: It's nice and comfortable.

Pupil 3: I've got a living room in my flat.

Pupil 4: :

And now it is time to finish our lesson. Did you like it? We've done a lot of activities today. What new things have you learnt? What things did you like best? What activities were the best for you?

Что нового на уроке мы сегодня узнали? Что понравилось больше всего на уроке? Что лучше всего получилось сегодня на уроке?

Open your diaries and write down your homework.

Describe your home using ex. 2, p.39 as an example

Your marks

Thank you for your hard work. The lesson is over. Good - bye.

whole class

P1 - whole class

P1, P2, P3

Whole class

P1, P2, P3, etc

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class

individual work

whole class

whole class

T - Cl

individual work

pair work

individual work, then whole class

individual work, then P1, P2, P3

pair work

Pair 1, pair 2, etc.

whole class
