План-конспект урока английского языка в 3-м классе по теме "Рождество в Великобритании"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Цели урока:

  • Познакомить учащихся с обычаями и традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании.
  • Развитие навыка монологической речи.
  • Воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: диск с презентацией, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, видео, видеокассета с фрагментом видеофильма на английском языке, магнитофон с фонограммой песен.

К уроку прилагается фрагмент презентации (см. Приложение)

УМК: Английский язык. 4 класс. Верещагина И. Н. и др. , 2007

Приветствие и организационный момент.

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. What season is it now? Do you like winter? What holidays do we celebrate in winter? When do Russian people celebrate Christmas? And when do English people celebrate Christmas? So do Russian people celebrate Christmas before New Year or after New Year? And what about English people? What is the date today? (24th of December) What holiday is it today? (Christmas Eve)

Сообщение темы урока. Today we are going to speak about Christmas.

1. What is it Christmas? What does this word mean? Who is Christ? So at Christmas people celebrate the birth of God's son Christ, don't they? And is the birthday party a merry holiday? What do English people say to each other on this day? (Merry Christmas) And where can we read about Christ's birth? (in the Holly Bible). Lets' read about it.

Чтение отрывка из детской библии о рождении Иисуса Христа (на русском языке).

So at Christmas we remember Christ's birth. Let's see a film about it. (Просмотр отрывка видеофильма на английском языке)

Рождество в Великобритании.

Different people live in different countries. Different countries have different Christmas traditions. Today we are speaking about Christmas traditions in Great Britain. We have read a lot about Christmas and, your home task was to prepare small topics about Christmas in Great Britain. Now tell us about Christmas traditions in Great Britain.

Проверка домашнего задания. Дети рассказывают о различных рождественских атрибутах:

Christmas Day

Christmas Day - день Рождества

сelebrate - праздновать

watch pantomimes - смотреть рождественские представления для детей

grown-upss - взрослые

Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. It is the greatest holiday in Britain. British people celebrate this holiday with big dinners. Children have much fun. They play under Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings, watch pantomimes. The grown-ups don?t go to work on that day.

- Christmas tree

tinsel - блестки или мишура

placed - помещали, вешали

from top to bottom - сверху донизу

People began to celebrate Christmas many, many years ago. They decorate Christmas tree with tinsel, toys, shining balls and flags. They placed a large shining star at the top of the Christmas tree and many bright shining balls (red, blue, yellow, green, silver) from top to bottom.

Christmas Eve

everybody is very busy and in a hurry - все очень заняты и спешат

stay open late - открыты допоздна

miracles - чудеса

Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December. On this day everybody is very busy and in a hurry. Offices close at 1 o?clock , but the shops stay open late.

On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds. hey wait for Father Christmas and other miracles.

Yuletide and a Yule Log

Yuletide - святки (дни от середины декабря до 6 января)

much fun - большое веселье

Yule log - рождественское полено

burn - сжигать

fireplace - камин

Yuletide begins in the middle of December and ends on the 6th of January. All the children like this wonderfull time because it is the time of much fun.
A Yule Log is a piece of wood which people burn in the fireplace on Christmas Eve.

The Nativity Play

The Nativity Play tells us about Christ?s Birth. Children usually perform this play themselves. They perform it at school before Christmas.

Nativity Play - пьеса о рождении Иисуса Христа

Christ's Birth - рождение Христа

Waits and Carols

waits - рождественский хор

carols - рождественские гимны

sing or play carols - поют гимны или разыгрывают сценки на основе гимнов

singing or playing - пение или игра

Waits are a group of singers who sing carols. A carol is a Christmas song. People sing carrols, for example, in front of a Christmas tree. In small towns and villages waits often come and stand in front of the house and sing or play carols. They receive money for their singing or playing. They give the money to poor and old people.

We have learnt a carol, too. Let's sing a song "Holly Night"

Silent Night, holly night.
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon virgin
Mother and Child.
Holly infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Sleep in heavenly peace.

So we are going on to speak about Christmas traditions in Great Britain:


postmen - почтальоны

robin - малиновка

looked like - были похожи

cards - открытки

Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At Christmas they brought many Christmas cards. And people began to think about a robin as a Christmas bird. You can see it on almost every Christmas card.

Christmas cards

sends and receives - посылает и получает

robin - малиновка

holly - остролист (вечнозеленое растение с заостренными листьями и красными ягодками)

bunch - букетик, пучок

Merry Christmas! - Счастливого Рождества!

Every English family sends and receives many Christmas cards. Traditionally there is a robin on almost every card (and you know already that a robin is a Christmas bird). Sometimes there is a bunch of holly on the Christmas card. You can read on the card: "Merry Christmas!"

Christmas pudding

pudding - пудинг (сладкий пирог; рождественский пудинг обычно бывает с изюмом и цукатами)

highlight - зд. самое главное угощение

holly - остролист (вечнозеленое растение с заостренными листьями и красными ягодками)

coin - монета

It brings good luck - Она приносит удачу.

Christmas pudding was first made many, many years ago. Now it is the highlight of Christmas dinner. Children often put holly on the pudding. Traditionally a coin is placed into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.

Christmas turkey and Mince pies

turkey - индейка

round - круглые

sweet - сладкие

mince pies - сладкие пирожки

People also eat a turkey for Christmas dinner. A turkey is a traditional Christmas bird.
The dinner ends with mince pies. Mince pies are small round pies. Children like these sweet pies very much.


holly - остролист (вечнозеленое растение с заостренными листьями и красными ягодками)

evergreen - вечнозеленое

sharp - pointed leaves - заостренные листья

red berries - красные ягодки

to decorate - украшать

Holly is an evergreen plant with sharp-pointed leaves and red berries. People put holly on Christmas pudding. They also decorate their homes. It is a very old tradition. Many years ago people began to put holly in their homes during the dark cold winters. They liked to look at holly and think about spring and the sun.


evergreen - вечнозеленое

mistletoe - омела (вечнозеленое растение с маленькими белыми ягодками)

Christmas Eve - сочельник, канун Рождества (24 декабря)

bunch - букетик, пучок

kiss - целовать

Misteltoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch boys kiss girls.

Candles and crackers

candles and crackers - свечи и хлопушки

to light candles - зажигать свечи

When you pull a cracker - когда потянешь за хлопушку

It makes a bang - она с треском разрывается

People like to light candles. If there are children in the family, they often have Cristmas crackers. When you pull a cracker it makes a bang and inside there is usually a Christmas hat, a small toy and a piece of paper with a joke on it.

Christmas hats and flags

paint - раскрашивать, расписывать

coloured paper - цветная бумага

to wear - носить (шляпу и т. п.)

Before Christmas children make small flags. On these flags they paint British, American, French, German, Finnish and other flags. They hang Christmas flags on the Christmas tree or decorate the room with them.

Christmas hats are made of coloured paper. Children and grown-ups like to wear them at Christmas.

Christmas stockings

stockings - чулки

real - настоящий

beautifully - красиво

In the evening of the 24th of December children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas (Santa Claus) puts presents into them.

A Christmas stockings is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

Boxing Day

is wrapped in - заворачивается в

ribbons - ленты

Boxing Day - день рождественских подарков (26 декабря)

give and receive - давать и получать

Christmas boxes - рождественские подарки (обычно они бывают упакованы в коробки - boxes; отсюда и происходит название праздника

Traditionally people put their Christmas presents into boxes. A Christmas box is wrapped in bright coloured paper with ribbons.

That is why the day on which people give and receive Christmas boxes and Christmas cards is called Boxing Day.

Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the 26th of December. People don?t work on that day. They visit friends or go to the theatre.

Santa Claus

merry - веселый

North Pole - Северный полюс

You know already that Father Christmas (Santa Claus) comes into childrens? homes on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He is always merry. They say he comes from the North Pole. He brings presents for the children.

We have learnt a song about Santa Claus. Let' sing it.

Who's got the beard that's long and white?
Santa's got the beard that's long and white.
Who comes around on a special night?
Santa comes around on a special night.
Special night, beard that's white.
Must be Santa, must be Santa, must be Santa, Santa Claus.

Появляется Санта Клаус. Общается с детьми.

- Merry Christmas, children! (The same to you!)

Teacher: Children, Santa Claus knows that you learn English and you can already speak English. He wants to speak to you.

Santa Claus: How are you? What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Have you got a sister (brother)? What is her (his) name? How old is she (he)?

Teacher: Santa Claus! Our children have made a lot of Christmas cards. Look at them!

Santa Claus: Oh, what nice Christmas cards! I like them very much.

Teacher: Santa Claus! I think you are very tired. Please sit down here and have a rest. And our children sing a song for you. Let's sing a song "Merry Christmas"!

The children know a lot of English poems. Who wants to recite a poem for Santa Claus? (Дети рассказывают стихи)

New Year's Day, happy day! We are glad and very gay.
We all dance, and sing, and say: "Welcome, welcome, New Year?s Day!"

Robin, Robin, high in the tree,
Why are you singing so merrily?
Sometimes I wish that I could be
Happy and singing high in a tree.

We also know much about Christmas traditions in Great Britain. (Quiz).

Santa Claus! Do you like our children? Have you got any presents for them? (Санта Клаус угощает детей конфетами)

Children, Santa Claus is very busy today. You know today is Christmas Eve and he has a lot of things to do. He must go now. Let's wish him a Merry Christmas and say goodbye to him.

Подведение итогов и домашнее задание.

You have worked at the lesson very well. Thank you for your hard work. I think you have learnt a lot of interesting things about Christmas traditions in Great Britain. And your home task is to find Christmas words in this crossword. The lesson is over. Goodbye, children.

При подготовке к уроку были использованы материалы статьи В. С. Красильниковой, Т. Н. Чайниковой "Лингвострановедческий подход в определении содержания обучения англ. языку дошкольников и младших школьников" (см. журнал. "Иностранный язык в школе" № 1, 1993, с. 11)