Урок английского языка по УМК Кузовлева В.П. 9-й класс. Раздел 2 "Пусть звучит музыка" на тему: "The wonderful world of music" ("Удивительный мир музыки")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Тема: The wonderful world of music (Удивительный мир музыки).


– развивать навыки устной речи по теме “Музыка”;

– организовать обсуждение проблемных вопросов по теме “Музыка”;

– отрабатывать ранее введенную лексику в речи учащихся;

– совершенствовать навыки аудирования.

Оборудование урока: наборы слов; портреты композиторов; плакаты с изображением известных молодежных групп; аудио кассеты; магнитофон.

Ход урока

Начало урока. Приветствие.

Teacher: Good morning dear friends. I wish you good luck and the best marks.

Речевая подготовка. Аудирование. The wonderful world of music.

Музыкальный фон (звучит “Полонез Огинского”).

Teacher: Dear children today we continue to speak about music, about the wonderful world of  music.

A lot of people speak about music, and I’ll try to tell you a few words about music too.

Our life is full of music.

We hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and on TV, in the concert halls, at the seaside and even in the forest. Music accompanies people all the tine in the life. Music makes our life better. It can take us into another world where all problems disappear.

People have different attitudes towards music. Those who just listen to music are listeners and those who create music are composers and those who create music are composers. Listeners usually enjoy their favorite music everywhere.

Musicians play the main role in the world of sounds and tunes. They know how to combine long and short, strong and sounds into songs. We can’t live without music. We like to listen to music and we enjoy it. It can inspire and entertain at the same time. Music appeals to our hearts and conquers our feelings.



  1. What is your attitude towards music? Do you like it?
  2. Who are you listeners or musicians?
  3. Are you good listeners?

Let’s decide just now if you are good listeners.

Словарная работа.

T-CL, T-P1, P2, P3

On the black board you see the adjectives. They help us to express our view on music. Make up word combinations with the word MUSIC.

























Очень слабым учащимся заранее предлагается карточка, содержащая три задания.

1. Найди и запиши перевод слов.



    a song


    to enrich










2. Из упражнения №2 стр.57 выбери 5 понравившихся вопросов и запиши их перевод.

3. Постарайся ответить на вопрос “Почему ты любишь музыку”?

Беседа с классом о музыке в целом.

Teacher (T-P1, P2, P3): Now my dear friends try to answer my questions:

  1. What is your favourite music?
  2. Can you live without music?
  3. Where do you listen to music?
  4. Who is a fan of classical music in your class?
  5. What composers do you know?
  6. Do you buy cassettes, records or CDs?
  7. Who is your favourite singer?
  8. Have you got any favourite groups?
  9. Do you have an ear for music? Really?

Musical extracts.

Teacher: Can you guess what musical style it at first hearing? If you are real fans of music, prove

it please.
rock’n roll
pop music
classical music
country music

Teacher: You are the best musical fans. It’s wonderful! Super!

Учащиеся должны определить музыкальный стиль, прослушав запись.

Работа с учебником.

The textbook.

Teacher: The world of music is rich and varied, isn’t it? Open your books at page 59 ex.5. Find

the musical terms and give their definitions.

  1. Jazz
  2. Country music
  3. Rock’n roll
  4. Blues
  5. Rap

Keys: 1-b; 2-d; 3-c; 4-e; 5-a.

Презентация сообщений подготовленных дома.

The world of music.

Teacher: One Russian proverb says “Tastes differ”. Listen to the tapes. Find out your favorite  music, which is sweet to your heart. Tell us about your musical preferences.

pop music
classical music
popular groups

Звучат отрывки разных музыкальных направлений: джаз, классическая музыка, популярная музыка, песни в исполнении бардов и т.д. Учащиеся выбирают понравившиеся музыкальные отрывки и рассказывают классу о своих ощущениях музыки, любимых группах или исполнителях.

После прослушивания учащиеся и учитель задают вопросы рассказчику.

T-P1, CL-P1

  1. What about your brother? Does he like this groups too?
  2. Have you got CD-s with bards’ songs?
  3. Do you listen to music alone?
  4. Is classical music really wonderful?
  5. What is music for you?

Итогом данного вида речевой деятельности будет ответ ученика на вопрос о музыке и это будет ответом на последний вопрос.

Музыкальная пауза.

Let’s relax a little bit

Teacher (P1-CL): Music is an art. What do you imagine when hear such music?

Звучит музыка “Голоса природы” (шум дождя, дуновение ветра и шелест листьев). Учащиеся говорят о своих чувствах и эмоциях

Teacher (P1-CL): Such music is sweet. Natural sounds are lovely indeed. Nature helps us to relax and dream a little bit.

Заключение. Подведение итогов работы.

Teacher: Tastes on music differ. Music has a great power. Music can make us dream, cry, laugh

and enjoy the life. Music is the universal language of mankind. Is that veally so?

Red the text during 3 minutes and find interesting sentences to prove that music is really the universal language of mankind (чтение с охватом общего содержания).

Text: Music is the universal language of mankind

Many people of the world are interested in music. Old people are fond of classical music. They listen to symphonies and go to the concerts. They have their favorite composers and know a lot about them.

But when we grow up, we prefer modern music: pop, rock, folk country and jazz. Concert halls, radio and TV are at our disposal. Young people like disco music, because they can listen and dance to it. We have a lot of favorite singers and groups. So music has become an important event in the musical life of our time. Everyone chooses music to his taste. All people have their individual tastes. The world of music is rich and catchy, romantic and unforgettable.

Music is the universal language of mankind. It’s true. Musicians all over the world understand each other with the help of music. The words may not be known, but melody is clear to all people.

Composers and musicians are unique people. They can combine words and sounds together. And their music is heard all over the world.

Music has a great power. It can unite people and help them to understand each other. Music is the universal language of mankind.

Тексты распечатаны для каждого учащегося. После чтения учащиеся находят предложения в тексте в соответствии с заданием.

Teacher: Thank you very much my dear children. Your marks are good and excellent (комментарий оценок каждого ученика).

Teacher: Music is a poetry of soul. Music is beautiful indeed. Thanks a lot my dear children for everything you did. The lesson is over. Good-bye!